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Everything posted by cbmac12

  1. Apparently Emma was asked how will you spend your money after this film? Answer: race cars (ahem Rupert influence) , yacht, expensive mansions LOL- she was laughing when she said all this of course but still hehe...
  2. Agree 100% wholeheartedly Like I said I loved every moment especially between R/Hr-their chemistry just SIZZLED on screen- even people who you knew were just movie goers loved their relationship They would always cheer or make sweet sounds when R/Hr were together. They also got the most laughs- "let's vote", Hermione's anger at Ron and his return (it was really very sweet because you know the audience knew she loved him but was still poed LOL), and "midnight" and "always the tone of surprise"...for me this was the ultimate shipper movie (and we still have PART 2!!!!!! to have the PENULTIMATE
  3. I would be here all day LOL... my first impression was this : WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVED every moment- being a Ron/Hermione shipper, I was VERY pleased and EXCITED to see their relationship develop further. Loved everything about this movie...Seeing it again today at IMAX
  4. LOL!!! Classic pic above- yes Harry your timing SUCKS! LOL Awwww Vida! I am so sorry ya felt that way!! I guess for me I saw it from a different POV- I thought Hermione's anger towards Ron was perfect-plus when you listen to her speaking to him, she seems to put aside her anger wanting to hear him speak but when he does, that's when she says "dont think that changes anything"- which I thought/felt at that moment was PERFECT- she was right sadly-he returns, she is shocked to see the Horcrux gone, nothing changed because when it was said and done Ron DID leave her after she begged him to stay!
  5. Oh Luciana, the cafe scene- I was actually shocked when I saw that and was like WAIT WHAT!!! Did he just finally get to touch her!!! YES!! Aww vida- what about the fight? I thought the fight was perfect...Rupert and Emma's acting there was unreal...the hurt on her face and the hurt on his face-you can so tell how much they love each other but because of that locket, it tore them apart (thank God briefly)...as for Silver Doe- yea I have to say Harry was rather cold to him...but I also felt like they were back to normal when "the lil ball of light" razzing started LOL Vida what did ya thi
  6. Awww thanks Luciana Yeah I just have this suspicion that something is up-moreso than ever... vida!! LOL!!!! Sisters- that is because he slipped up in his rehearsed answer-they cant fool anyone ANYMORE They are BUSTED!!!!!!!!! hehe
  7. THIS was Ron/Hermione- this whole movie- I couldnt have asked for more or even better moments- I think knowing what we will have to look forward to in Part 2 as the official couple makes me squee even harder LOL... seeing it again tom at IMAX!!
  8. Ok so I had a page and my post I accidently deleted LOL.. anyway R/E OWNED this movie... as a R/Hr shipper my reaction: Hermione in Malfoy Manor and Ron's Locket: BOTH PERFORMANCES WERE OUTSTANDING, AMAZING, UNREAL...best I have seeen from both. MM: Emma's screams will forever stay with me. The look between R/Hr as Bellatrix is about to kill her speechless. Hermione tbh looked like she was saying (with her eyes) "goodbye my love" and then Ron saving her-best best best-HERO RON (Hermione's hero!!!) "LIKE HELL"...Hermione in Ron's arms-him and her NEVER let go of each other for the rest of t
  9. LOL!!! Ok my computer had died I mean died- didnt know what was wrong-first we thought it was the operating system and then found out WHOLE system- grrr... anyway I have been getting stuff reloaded, fixed, etc... First off. R/E OWNED DH is right- their chemistry GUHHHHHHHH..... those moments were just words fail me...also, did anyone else feel the piano scene was more R/E than R/Hr??? I dont know why but that was my initial reaction-something about the fact that R/E suddenly realizes they are R/Hr and then go into R/Hr mode...SO cute... Second... "it's written all over Rupert's face".... "
  10. LOL!!! I was laughing so hard at that but mostly because it was just so cute! "This is from the Grint, come on,this is from the Grint" Awww But yeah the girl has an awesome sense of humor-def kept Reigis quiet! LOL Loved Kelly playing along too.. "bought you an ice cream van as a gesture" and Emma's "as a wedding present" This was the best R/K interview in a while... although Emma saying "no she has to marry Ron and have lot of beautiful red hair babies" was just as awesome Ahh Regis ya dont get it when it comes to Ron and Hermione! LOL
  11. Yep there are pics and all Emma was in the EW magazine (at the end of the bullseye) and she was on the edge of the bullseye w. her pic that said "if you give up acting, we give up movies" SO CUTE they would say that I have to agree- I want to see Emma do more acting- the girl can ACT especially after seeing her in Deathly Hallows!!!!! GO EMMA Cant wait for My Week w. Mariyln, even if it is a small part! Good way to get your feet wet so to speak, post Potter
  12. THIS is why R/Hr belong together----> nice lil scene b/w Hermione and "Harry" hehe...you all gotta know which scene I am talking about It is made of ALL LOVE... R/E chemistry just kill me now
  13. Can these 2 be even hotter!!!!!!!!! OMG- I love seeing the contact they need to have w. each other. I am betting 2 people will be spending some time together tonight-she has to return to school and him to Japan Awww I feel sad for them! But they will be together again come re-shoot time! YEAH!!!
  14. Seriously, the GRINTS I cant stop looking at their pics-something is going on Can we sing it LOL
  15. Jon that was beautifully said guy!! As for the kiss w. Dan/Emma- Emma sent Rupert out when they did the kiss LOL!!!! Rupert says so on a YT video he is interviewed for. He was supposed to stay so they could kiss in front of him and get his reaction there but apparently he was laughing too hard so Emma sent him away--yeah that was why Emma sent him away hehe
  16. Alex,they are SO saying the dance is awkward and that just by the look on Emma's face says that she is missing Ron and CLEARLY in love w. Ron This was from someone at imdb that saw it somehow who said it-must be the early watcher from this year. But I for one aint worried- bring on RON AND HERMIONE *WEASLEYS Also re-shooting the epilogue in December!! Maybe they may fix some of the looks now!
  17. Emma has said the kiss w. Dan was awkward but in a more professional manner-like yuck we have to do this deal... while w. Rupert- DAYDREAM/RUPERTLAND and going on and on and on about it Emma is so freakin awesome and transparent the way she is unintentionally comparing the 2 kisses YES those pics above are ALL love
  18. Yeah that doesnt surprise me - honestly Emma has even said it is just sweet and that CLEARLY it is Hermione who wants RON. Someone at imbd said the clear viable relationship is obviously R/Hr THIS made my shipper heart happy...I have also noticed that before when they used to advertise on Family Channel for Goblet of Fire-they woudl ALWAYS show the scene of Harry watching Hermione come down the stairs-they only show action scenes from GoF now... also the commercials have been showing trailers for DH and TWO of the scenes have been Ron/Hermione racing to each other after the wedding attack and
  19. vida I am right now in R/E coma LOL...I cant even begin to speak right now-there are even more tidbits... coming out of coma for a second here Rupert: "Emma's amazing"....Emma:"it's written all over Rupert's face that he really loves her and he regrets terribly leaving"... also Emma literally gushes about her man's performance when he returns-she even puts her hand over her heart
  20. "Emma, who is obviously rather fond of her two male leads (and who can blame her), was asked about her thoughts on the way Rupert and Dan have developed as actors. Emma told us that Rupert is very self-contained, and that when he filmed his reaction to Fred's death in DH Part Two it was so well done that she had to keep reminding herself to keep acting, instead of saying 'You're amazing', which is a sentiment I'm sure we can all identify with"
  21. Hey Alex- actually we were discussing this at R/E forum- we are ALL in agreement on this-- Emma is trying to get kiss out of her head *with Dan--they joke about it, laugh about it, are professional about it. This means that the kiss was just that-the job-you are an actor, you go and do it and done. With Rupert, because of said feelings (I believe more than ever now that SOMETHING IS UP)you will say the things they have been saying-but let's not forget them saying they are both great kissers, Rupert a gentleman, she pounced on him.... plus I leave yall with this: From Emma who works for Ruper
  22. Really after seeing all this R/Epicness- your mood is listed as calm and collected Luciana? Kidding.... I was all like Emma girl for saying that about your Rupert...ok I dont know if it is the crazy shipper in me or what but has anyone else noticed that R/E have been mentioning the other like I dont know every freakin chance they get Whether it be their characters "Ron's in love w. Emma" hehe OH RUPERT... or each other???? All I can say is this--- Emma doesnt have her arm around his shoulder like last time-stays around his waist, as does his hand...BEST FREAKING PREMIERE ever!!!
  23. Shoot I missed your post!!! Let me see... http://www.snitchseeker.com/gallery/albums/userpics/84186/normal_HP7-1-FP-0676c.jpg last pic down uhhhhhhhh....
  24. HAVE YALL SEEN LATEST VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WATCH... WATCH first 30 seconds or so....
  25. That LOOK GUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did yall see the new pic of R/Hr at Malfoy Manor???????? THIS IS WHY I SHIP RON/HERMIONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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