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Lady Deadpool

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Everything posted by Lady Deadpool

  1. God i love this landscape. Where was it taken?
  2. Lady Deadpool


    Kinda frustrated, I want to smash my guitar against a wall.
  3. Glad you have that opinion Jon!! He's my all time favourite hero/human being in general. You get the right meaning of Iliad, because the true hero was Hector, not Achilles! I totally agree with that! However I think that we should include them to a whole new team of heroes, like mortal heroes. Against mortal villains. Because as a great personality Gandhi was he wouldn't stand a chance against a villain with super powers like Voldemort or idk Loki.
  4. Yes! He's serious and noble and dangerous and proud. And extremely hot, yeah
  5. haha Idek, I can't get enough! Daniel Gillies said that he'd like some more flashbacks and more Original secrets there are to be found out and for TVD to be more on "the adult kind of side"? -sth like that-
  6. haha! Well I feel conflicted when it comes to what i feel about Klaus/Caroline. A part of me actually wants them together, he treats her differently, she brings out the good in him.. But on the other hand we had an evil villain, an inhuman villain you know, and villains -no matter what their past might have been- should be evil they should not cause sympathy :/ So idk. That scene had me bawling my eyes out. I really can't wait for season 4! I read somewhere that it's gonna be the "season of the originals"! I need some more flashbacks, and I definitely need some more Elijah!
  7. I tend to get a little crazy as far as some TV shows are concerned so I avoid commenting but I can't resist right now. My thoughts while watching the season finale: What I'm wondering about though is
  8. Yaaay my wolfy's growing up :') Happy birthday! I hope you're having a great time! haha I'm loving this!
  9. ^Luffy and Goku eh? No one stands a chance Goshh i really need to think that, my list of heroes would be endless xD Heroes Yoda Obi-Wan and Luke for sure. Luffy (One Piece) and Natsu (Fairy Tail) would definitely be in. Superman and Wonder woman are my all time favourite heroes. Green Lantern. Dumbledore. Gandalf and Aragorn. Probably most of the X-men. HERCULES! Just because. Villains Palpatin. General Zod. Doomsday (from Superman). Sauron. Voldemort and his death eaters for sure. Thanos. I can't think of anyone else atm, I might feel like adding some more later. ---- What
  10. Yeah bummer. That story is definitely NOT finished which is sad. But the ratings were so low and we all know it's all about money and ratings with all networks/shows. I also read on twitter about petitions to make them bring the show back but I don't thing it's likely to happen. Imo petitions don't work, I don't even know with how many signatures they'd be happy as to bring it back :/ I guess we'll see.
  11. It was! Tbh I expected a kinda more epic fight and more time with the Originals, and I actually mean Elijah lol, but true can't wait for season 4! Singing in the rain. I love it, it always cheers me up.
  12. Thinking ugh. It's been a long night.
  13. Same ugh. I was literally trying to hold my tears in every scene, but then this song came up in the scene in the car underwater and I start bawling my eyes out T.T
  14. Awwhh handsome :3 That's exactly the facial expression I imagine you have every time we chat lol
  15. I really want you to be a part of my life, I don't want us to just talk like once a week.
  16. I always both love and hate that moment so much. Eating an apple and watching the Little Mermaid.
  17. I heard that Tom Hiddleston has signed a contract to play Loki in five more Marvel movies. Is this for real? Cause I'm fangirling a lot right now
  18. 7 It's from her outfit at the Costume Institute Gala
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