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Lady Deadpool

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Status Updates posted by Lady Deadpool

  1. On you profile duhhh

  2. Once again thank you so much darling, it was so nice of you :') I love that siggy so much i have no words fhdgnirjg :3

  3. ouch expired products O.O awwhhh then soup and fruits sound delicious haha!

  4. Ouch man that's..ouch! Why do you even play it? o.O

  5. Over coffee he says. You talented person you. Awhh i have to think of an original plot with Fairies? D: that's not even possible :P haha i'll do my best ;O

  6. poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke. Jeweeemyy *pinches cheeks* *glomps* poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke


  8. Pssssht! You're not allowed to be absent for so long ;(

  9. Puh i didn't mean on the face ;O

  10. Puhh I REGRET NOTHING! I can't stop looking at it! The background though.

  11. Puhh it's just the FB comments! His fault, he talks in English, the fool tsk tsk :P

  12. Puhh just because of the FB comments :P

  13. Pulling your leg..is this an expression? o.O awwwwwwwwwwww the beer hahaha got it! Well that comes under the guilcohol category i first posted, so technically i had found it with my first guess!! HAH!! i'm super awesome and i request a prize.

  14. Pwease :[ i got bananas for you and uhm..tanks or atomic bombs or snipers or whatever you like

  15. Really? I didn't :/ Maybe it was my net? I didn't notice. Around 5-10 mins?

  16. Remember, remember the 5th of November.

  17. Rez hi hi hi back at you. Nothing much really, just got home, today's been hectic :c But tomorrow will be fun! How've you been? Long time no chat c:

  18. Same here, sleep weeeeell. Uhmm i have plans for tomorrow night..but i'll be on before i leave so okay! Byebye

  19. same here. I'm so lazy and bored. Can't wait for Christmas so i can visit my friends in Athens and finally have some nice time lol

  20. Shame on him! *slaps* him. Of course you're my fwiend!

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