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Lady Deadpool

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Status Updates posted by Lady Deadpool

  1. Dina. Konstantina dhlada, sunonomate! :P

  2. yaaay! Aaa, prwteuousianos xaxa. Niceee :D

  3. Yo welcomeee. Den exw sunanthsei pote Ellhna sto forum haha.

  4. Nooo the russians do :( We would do but the west church made us use the other date maaany years ago o.o I don't actually remember the reason haha.

    Dude finally we're getting some cold here. And by cold i mean 10C haha.

  5. hahahhahah whaaaat do you mean? It's the same Christmas with youuurs. I think Russians celebrate it some days later. A thing we should do too but anyways.

  6. same here. I'm so lazy and bored. Can't wait for Christmas so i can visit my friends in Athens and finally have some nice time lol

  7. Nooooo, youuu <3

    what upp?

  8. ohhh nooooo cancelling shopping! that sucks haha! But ouch heeey both kids and adults freeze you know! Tchhhh

  9. omg yaaay at the cold weather; it's awesome. Wow when there's so much snow and ide aren't they supposed to close the schools/unis? We never had this here :[

  10. Was Snape a virgin?..

    1. Stoga


      good question :P

      how about asking JKR about it? hahaha

    2. Lady Deadpool

      Lady Deadpool

      haha yeah she'd definately know xD

    3. padfoot


      This made me laugh!! <3

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  11. Awhhh you're such a sweetheart <3

    haha i surely will once i receive that special creme i ordered. It's for dyed hair and it's necessary to apply before and after you shower and especially before you straight them. Beauty shops didnt have them so i had to order it haha. How are youuu?

  12. Here. I owned you. Don't comment on it, i dont have a singing voice lol. I did it quickkk and couldn't think of another song haha.


  13. meh meh meh. You whiner!

  14. Since i don't have to explaaaain everytime. Everytime we say football we add "not american, the REAL football". It's boring. lol.

  15. Dude i don't care where are you from. You've been annoying me for days in the old forum, don't do this here too. Find other friends. Don't comment me again.

  16. No thanks. I am not a nice person.

  17. itsh love poets. I'm a Poe fan :P

    But yeah i think a poem by the romantic Lord Byron would be nice.

  18. Aww ouch :s wll don't misss classes again i guess. And if you surpass the limits, you can talk with them. Uhm bring a note from the doctos, saaay uhm you were sick and that will justify your missing.

    Aww omg that sounds so much fun. haha @the american guy. Aaaalways flirting. xD

    And british love poems? Mmm idk, try John Keats or my personal favorite: Lord Byron. But i duno many br...

  19. omg HAHAHAHAHA your phone called other people? Jesuss, girl you need an exorchist ;O

  20. aaaaa haha unlucky day aye? Omg give your dad your mobile and tell him to buy you a new one :P

  21. woah a full day you had xD

    My day was ok, nothing special (: Hope tomorrow will be a better one!

    Awhh haha who can forget Mago's song! haha

  22. You didn't ask me anything ;(

  23. Uhmmmm sure sureeee. Send :P

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