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Midnight Toker

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Everything posted by Midnight Toker

  1. Ah ha! You remember me now! Win
  2. I used to be Tilted Halo? Sam? Member? Is that like a film degree? I had a few friends just graduate with something similar. One of them is now working as a film editor. Very nice photo btw
  3. No problem. I am a fountain of useless information.
  4. Trying to keep up with things. Talking to my gf, in chat, and waking up. @_@ I hope my night goes well.
  5. I'm following you already... oh right, we kept in touch on my old Facebook!
  6. @Ashley: Do you remember me? Cause I remember you. Congrats on University ! I hope it all goes well for you. What are you majoring in? Glad you agree Did you like My Little Pony too? I'm trying to find more people into it. It's a good show but people don't wanna watch it cause it's a "kid's show". D:
  7. Tara, Tara, Tara, my fellow Cuban ! Of course I remember you my internet wife, I'm sorry I was off at the internet wars but I am back now. *looks down* Yeah, I'm a changed man for those internet wars. Hope you'll take me back. *hug* XD Dax... *HUGE HUG*
  8. I'm currently watching Black Butler which so far is good. I'm into older anime though. Ranma 1/2, Fushigi Yuugi, Ceres, MARS, Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, Bubblegum Crisis, and that is all I can think of off the top of my noggin. I highly recommend Hetalia for anyone on here. Each episode is 5 minutes long. You can watch the first 2 seasons on Netflix if you have it or you can watch it online. =3 Just google it up. It's about the countries and how they each have a personality. It's a great history lesson (about WWII) and you don't even notice because it's just so entertaining and funny. It al
  9. I've been alright. Struggling with some things but I suppose that's life? I can't believe what month of the year we are in. This whole year has been health issues and doctors. The only good thing, I feel about this year, was coming out and just being myself. It felt amazing. I can't even begin to tell you how awesome it was. Almost everyone in my family is alright with it except for my sister which is odd. I mean, my grandmother is alright with it.
  10. I hope so. Maybe as she gets older? I dunno.
  11. It's around 90 degrees which is nice for 7am. I can't wait for the 103 weather later though.. D: Dude, that's freaking random. lmao XD
  12. That I know of, I have all half-siblings. All of them are younger than me and they are all sisters. Oldest is 21, goes to college up state. Second is 19, goes to college in Michigan. The youngest is 16 and she completely cut me out of her life because I'm transgendered. Who would have figured. ;; She was also the one the that I was the closet to so yeah.. it hurts.
  13. Oh damn.. Here comes a long list.. if anyone cares! haha! Get tattoo sleeves Get a full sex change ; Meet Lady Gaga Meet Joss Wheldon Meet Seth Green Meet Emma Watson Send in a PostSecret Go to Europe Get married Go to Japan Pierce something below my neck Publish a novel Live in NYC Write a screen play Create a Cartoon Show Audition for voice acting Do a Man VS Food challenge
  14. Yes, yes and more yes! (I broke the 4th wall muahahaha!)
  15. Sweet! Thanks! I don't post much but when I do, I gotta warn you, I go a little nuts. haha, I went on Captain America spree last time.
  16. I'm told I'm short and dwarf like at my lovely 5'5" height. I'm hoping that with exercise and another 6 months of testosterone treatment I should grow an inch or two. *sigh* At least I hope so. I have a feeling I'm going to look like an elf when I lose the weight.
  17. Exactly! Finally someone who agrees with me. I hated that part. I was watching it and I was like "srsly?" That didn't happen in the comics. But whatever. I'm not gonna get my boxers in a twist over that. I wouldn't watch the Avengers if Captain America wasn't in it! He's my favorite super hero. I have yet to see Iron Man 2. *hangs head in shame* I really must. The only issues I had with Captain America was the beginning, the weakness of the Red Skull (I mean c'mon!), and the fact that Bucky's death wasn't pumped enough. I think Captain America is, despite it's issues, my favorite of the
  18. They would never sell the rights to Mario because Mario is Nintendo's mascot. If this ever happened, that would mean Nintendo itself is being sold to another company. I highly doubt that would happen. I think the would would have to end before that would happen. Mario (and Princess Peach) made their debut in 1981 starring along side Donkey Kong in the game with the same title.
  19. So it's really worth it? I'm a huge fan of the game as well playing it over and over again on the N64 and the GameCube. I wish they would re-do link the past. Wouldn't that be something?
  20. I played and adore Sands of Time and The Two Thrones. I was not a fan of Warrior Within. It was a good game under all the bile they put into it to appeal to the masses but I think Penny Arcade said it best: "You needed a bio hazard suit to play the game". I did not like the new game and the new prince. I found it boring and plain. Unpopular opinion I'm sure of it. :x
  21. It really does. I haven't slept a full night in weeks. I sleep in weird naps. o.O; Now I'm on Tumblr trying to decide what to do with my layout.
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