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Midnight Toker

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Everything posted by Midnight Toker

  1. I posted the suicide to show a HUMAN side to HOMOSEXUALITY. But, I guess that got lost. :\ Gays are people. Gays can be 12 year old boys who are lost and bullied. God doesn't want you to "disagree" or "hate" these children or people. It's a human being. God is LOVE. If you read, I never said I blamed GOD. I blame the HUMANS who take GOD'S WORD and pass HATE onto their CHILDREN. Bullying is WRONG. Hence why I speak at schools to stop not only bullying of the LGBT community but of others as well. If you read the GLSEN and GLADD sites, they are hoping to stop ALL bullying. They don't just f
  2. World of Warcraft.. leveling up my Warrior and Rogue.
  3. Sweet deal! What tats you getting? I might be getting my sleeve done (finally) tomorrow. Post pics alright? (I think you said what you are getting but I didn't read cause I'm slow as hell) New me:
  4. Guys, Ned Flanders is funny. It's not meant to insult anyone. I didn't get mad when they made wiccans all look nuts. It's TV. They do it for the lulz and to troll. XD Anyway.. Pagans: 1) We all have pet black cats. 2) Salem, MA is our Mecca. 3) We are evil Satan worshipers. 4) We sacrifice animals. 5) All Wiccans are insane. 6) All Wiccans are Goth teenage girls. 7) Wicca is a phase. 8) Wiccans are all sex crazed. 9) All Wiccans are female. 10) Pagans hate all other religions.
  5. I'm sorry for the double post (perhaps a mod could incorporate this into my other post?) but this might make people think twice about "disagreeing" with homosexuality: "Jamey took his own life on Saturday, he was being bullied for being Gay for years. Jamey was found dead outside his home Sunday morning, but Amherst police would not release any details on how he killed himself. Students had been posting hate comments with gay references on his Formspring account, “JAMIE IS STUPID, GAY, FAT ANND UGLY. HE MUST DIE!†one post said. Another read, “I wouldn’t care if you died. No one woul
  6. ! She looks pretty awesome if I do say so myself. And I do... XD!
  7. When did this come out? The one I see at the store has Gaga on the cover (not that I'm complaining I got that copy) but I need Emma too! XD
  8. http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_4710000/newsid_4710500/4710580.stm http://eulogysite.com/Articles/Eulogy-Site/Animals_Show_Us_How_to_Love-79.html http://kidscientist.com/33/why-are-humans-animals/ http://www.skeptictank.org/animals.htm Affection is love. Humans show the same thing that parrots do. The word "love" is nothing more than chemicals and genetic instinct. Humans are animals. We are primates. What makes you think we are any better than other animals? I have more sites if you so desire them. I also have about 10 years experience working with animals to back up my knowledge.
  9. One thing is to experiance God or a God and another is to take a book that was written 1000s of years ago literally. I have felt God. Or a God. I think my God and Goddess are the same as your God. They are all one God. One entity. I think it foolish to hate and discriminate people based on who they love. I don't feel that God would be that petty not to except all of his children. Whether they be black, white, gay, straight, bisexual, Asian, Latino, tall, short, fat, thin, Transsexual, Transgendered, etc... I don't understand the close-minded mind set. And people don't get "caught" up in
  10. Finally she snagged a cute boyfriend! haha Yes, this thought crossed my mind. I gotta admit.
  11. Wow. The one of her with her head bowed down in that hat is excellent!! I love the shadows.. and.. oh I could go on and on about how artistic it is! Amazing photography. She looks amazing as well.. as always.
  12. I was wondering this myself. I remember on the old forums we had a poll to see how many members of what gender we had. It turned out we had more girls. I'm going to say it's just because a lot of guys don't talk much I guess? I dunno. Or a lot are lurkers for the photos or something. But I think mainly I agree with the bottom statements:
  13. haha, they sure are. Even "respected" journalism is going to the paparazzi. Sad isn't it?
  14. OMG PUPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! *adorable overload achieved* ok, I'm alright. lol I wonder what breed that is. Looks pure ... but I can't put my finger on it. At first I thought Golden Lab puppy but it's far too small for that and the facial features aren't right. Ah, that's gonna bug me. With my luck, it's gonna be a mix breed. She is 5'6" I believe.
  15. I'm watching television, on the internet and trying to hang out with my gf but her mother continues to call.
  16. It's cause they are stylish and refreshing. Mine is awesome tho.
  17. Adventure Time Regular Show The Onion My Little Pony Voice Acting Punk Rock (as per usual lmao) Sweet!!!!!! One of my favorite bands. Favorite song so far?
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