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Status Updates posted by galadriel12

  1. Awww, what a pity you don't bake. I would have wished a R/Hr cake for my b-day. ;-)

  2. Jon!!! The Dumbledore-cake ... Did you really make it? Awesome!!

  3. Happy Birthday, Katharine. Belated but with all my heart I wish you all the best. *hugs*

  4. Hi, Jon. Nice to hear from you. I haven't been here much either lately. I always hope I'll find more time, maybe next year ;) I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year too. Hopefully, we'll see each other on the forums again soon.

  5. Hi Jon, long time no see. I'm fine, hope you're doing well too. RL eats up most of my time, but every once in a while, I just have to check in here. :)

  6. Good to have you back. I'm looking forward to your "review". I loved the movie. I have my gripes, but overall I think it was a fantastic way to end the series. I'm planning on seeing it again, maybe I can catch a showing of the non-dubbed Original Version.

  7. Hi Jon, where are you.You can't possibly be MIA when the big moment is only days away. Hope everything's fine on your side of the big pond I'm excited for Wednesday when I'll be watching THE KISS. I mean DH2. :)

  8. Hi Jon, I like relaxing summers. Eventful is too stressful for this old lady. LoL. Long weekend ahead which is always good. Wheather isn't too bad either. How are you doing? Hope everything is okay and you enjoy sprintime and early summer too.

  9. Thanks, Andrew. Yes, I had an awesome day. Now all I need is July, 13th to come quickly. (It's when DH2 premieres in Germany) :D

  10. Thank you so much, Jon. I feel a bit bad now, because I think I missed your birthday. *shame* But I feel honored to be the first person you wished a Happy bday on this forum. May many more for the two of us and all the others come.

  11. Hi Jon, yes my b-day is coming up. Again. *sigh* LoL Everything is fine so far, a bit of a frustrating situation at work but nothing that couldn't be resolved. Would love to spend more time on the forums, but don't have all that much time lately. Hopefully, it'll get better. News are slow too so it's quiet generally. But things will heat up soon. Two months to go. :)

  12. Thanks, Jon. A very Happy New Year to you too. And I am sure, at least when it comes to Ron and Hermione we're all going to have the best of years. :)

  13. Hi Jon. It's true, we're not celebrating Thanksgiving here in Germany, so no holiday season for me. But I took off from work this week so that's not too bad either. I wish you a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving with lots of delicious turkey. Nom nom.

    I loved DH1 (with a few minor gripes) and will comment on the forum eventually, but atm I'm still trying to catch up w...

  14. Hi Pat, enjoy the weekend? I do. :)

  15. Hi Kristen, I'm off from work for today. Has been exhausting and I don't have as much time for the internet as I would like to have. But I enjoyed the latest Harry/Ron clip from DH very much.

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