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Dumbledores Woman

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Status Updates posted by Dumbledores Woman

  1. Indeed life is busy! I need to come here more often. Aw I hope you enjoy the wedding! :)

  2. Hey, what's that face for Mr Pumpkinhead?

    How are you doing? Haven't seen you around in a while, but then I don't post a great deal myself any more...

    And I see from comments below that I missed your birthday. Oopsie. A belated Happy Birthday to you, hope you had a good day!


  3. Jon! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too! Hopefully I will find time to be more active around the forum in the new year, I miss chatting to you too. And in all honesty I had kinda forgotten about the story... so hopefully I will get time for that too! :P Thank you, enjoy your holidays :)

  4. Not gonna lie, I read your comment and literally thought 'oh s****, the fanfiction!' haha - so as you can guess, it may be a while :P Thank you for remembering and waiting so patiently though. :) I am well thanks, not been too active of late as these are busy times. I hope everything's good with you! :)

  5. Well that makes two of us! :P

  6. Hey, yeah I've signed up but I've heard nothing :( I take it you haven't either?

  7. Yeah, I really need to get round to that. haha. I know what you mean though, it's not always easy to be active when there's a lack of interesting discussion.

  8. You're welcome, I meant it. Yeah working a LOT haha, you?

  9. Hey stranger! I'm not so bad thanks, just pining for the presence of a certain Pumpkin-like forum member... How are you doing? :)

  10. Hey! I'm good thank you, how are you doing? :)

  11. YAY! Welcome back :P I now may have to find a spell that makes you stick to the computer so you can NEVER LEAVE AGAIN! haha :)

  12. Viiddaaaaa!!!!!!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! :P

    I hope you're okay, I may have to join Jon with the search and rescue thing. Please come back! :'( :)

  13. Well you 'might' (see what I did there ;)) be twiddling those thumbs for a long time!

    Naahh, I'll try and get back on track soon. I'm nearly free of exams! Neeearly!


  14. hahaha be my guest! You might get it done quicker than I am... :P

  15. haha, don't worry, I appreciate we're all a bit busy. I just noticed a certain lack of posting in the shipper forum recently, not just from you :)

  16. Get yo' ass in the shipping threads, Mr Pumpkinhead, or those ships are gonna hunt you doowwwwn! :D

  17. OOOHHH! LOL! Yeah, I'm with you Jon, I'm with you... hahahaha XD

  18. excuse me if I'm being thick, but whaaaaa? :S LOL

  19. :o Thank you so much. :')

    Stalking pays off ;)

  20. hahaha thank you so much! How did you know? :S Were you stalking me Mr Pumpkinhead? :P aww thank you, and same to you about the kind and awesome bit! :D

  21. Hehee

    Have a good dayyy! Don't distract yourself too much :o

  22. Oi! I don't need any more distractions! haha

    I do love that song though. And the video is awesome! :D

  23. I know, I know.:P Shame on me and my poor knowledge of time differences! hahaa

    Oh that sounds familiar... I am sooo easily distracted.

  24. haha I just thought 'woow that's a late breakfast' and then remembered you're on the other side of the woooorld. Well, nearly. Ish. Haha

    Yeah I'm good thank you, trying to drag myself away from the internet so I can get some work done... not happening lol

  25. Heeeeey yourself! :D

    Hope you're doing goood :)

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