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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. Gee, I wonder who that might be? Really one of my favourite shows ever with two of my favourite actors(Nathan Fillion and Summer Glau). And Fox sucks...they terminated(pun intended) The Sarah Connor Chronicles too...
  2. As far as I can remember Legolas is never named in The Hobbit. But IIRC Bilbo will eventually find himself to be in Mirkwood where Legolas comes from so it could be they throw him in. I loved the films and I also read the books. Both have it's slow parts and all three films have parts which I enjoy very much. They could not have picked a better location to film this and the casting is great.
  3. Maestro


    Try remove the dash to get to the other forum.
  4. I agree. Yeah, loved the bit at the end. Also loved Alan: I used to play a magician's assistent you know. I never realised though that Rowling was pronounced like Bowling... Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3PLjAxe07M&feature=sub
  5. Just thought to let the Daniel fans know that tonight there will be Christmas special of QI with Daniel Radcliffe in the panel on BBC 1. QI is a brilliant show to watch even without Daniel but anyway And if you can't get BBC one there are some PEOPLE who upload it to youtube the next day. So...yeah, check it out.
  6. Appearing of course. It's not that any layman would know the difference between really dying and appearing to die if done well. The ones who do know are not afraid because they have studied it
  7. I think so yes. In the books they say nothing about a boggart attacking you physically. It's all about fear. I mean, the dead Weasley family members are not hurting Mrs. Weasley physically. And although Neville is terrified of Snape, Snape as a teacher would never harm Neville. Although you have to wonder if a boggart Dementor would be able to apply the kiss...
  8. I don't think so. A boggart still is a boggart even if he changes into another creature. He takes the form of said creature, he does not become one. Most people aren't afraid of just one thing, even if they can't take the form of an emotion they will take a form that is possible for them to simulate what you fear most. A stage and an audience. Or a ravine if you are afraid of heights. If they can't they will probably go for a more "standard" type of fear.
  9. Do you mean a wasp or a yellow jacket?
  10. Assuming the boggart is a creature it probably has a natural enemy(well okay, we are talking Harry Potter here, probably unnatural) it would probably change in that.
  11. http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/2062/highlanderthesource.jpg
  12. If you are a Uplay member you might have got an e-mail with an unique code in it. It gives access to a Templair lair. It's pretty fun. The first part is a chase scene and after you have to do some platforming. The Templar treasure is not worth it though. Only 4000 florins. I get around 20000 of them every 20 minutes so really... Also managed to get Altair's sword(best sword in the game) by beating the guild challenges of the Assassin's. Which are quite easy to do.
  13. I really didn't like the sixth book. I thought it was one of the dullest pieces of writing I've ever read. And I read procedures about pharmaceuticals for a living.
  14. Hermione Little Dave dazza_stoke Deux R_HR_Forever Laura toneofsurprise Maestro
  15. Oh no, not at all. The reason why I didn't watch it yet is because ever since book 6 came out I kinda stopped being a fan(I did read the seventh book though) of Harry Potter. I haven't seen the sixth movie at all nor am I intending too. Although book 7 is way better than book 6. Especially because of those sweet Harry/Hermione moments.
  16. I actually think that part 3 will be more Desmond's story, so less within the animus.
  17. I haven't seen the movie(maybe later before I go to London next summer) but that was just beautiful *sniff* Almost made me forget about what will eventually happen.
  18. Agreed. Brotherhood is really the best Assassin's Creed game gameplay wise and it greatly moves forward the story.
  19. Does this count? I love the song too but I just really enjoy the video this university made. Makes me want to grab my camera and do something similar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXD4_EI-UdM
  20. The Moderating Team is glad to announce the creation of the RPG Forum. The forum will be run by Hermione and can be found HERE.
  21. I read something about cooling systems in the stadiums.
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