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Status Updates posted by Carlyn

  1. I'm fine thanks. I hope you are too.

  2. Hi Jon, I hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving. I also enjoy chatting with you.

  3. Hi Kim, a belated happy holidays to you too. I think you are a lovely girl and I love how smart you are. I like your new "mood", fearless, that's a good one too. Also your remarks about Boggarts.

  4. you say the nicest things Jon. Thankyou for being my friend too. I've learnt a lot from you and value you very much.

  5. thanks for remembering me in your wishes Arie. I think you are the sweetest cutest person ever.

  6. Hi Sarah, thanks for adding me to your friends list.

  7. hi kim, I really liked your poem "Cool", it was cool and so well written by someone so young.

  8. night Jon. And I will from now on support whatever game thread you make because it is my duty as a friend to do so.

  9. even though I don't like games.

  10. And you always have the best moods ever.

  11. Thanks Jon for taking it with good humour and courtesy. I regretted mentioning I don’t like games as it was ungracious of me to say so, especially as I was conveying a courtesy. ‘fervour and excitement’ , what cute phrasing and it would be funny to see someone with such enthusiasm.

  12. Actually I never assumed that the games thread would be a condition of our friendship even when I offered to support you on it. Thankyou for the compliment, that was sweet of you.

  13. Don’t sweat it, I’m not the least bit offended by your teasing nor do I think I ought to be. If anyone should feel awkward it should be me. I teased you in the first place by making the games offer because of the comments you made in chat. My intentions were to be both earnest yet teasing.

  14. " Peter, Peter, Pumpkin eater, had a wife and couldn't keep her" That's what I think every time I see your new username.

  15. Hi Karen, how are you? What kind of toys do they sell in a boston tourist centre? In an Australian tourist gift shop, no matter what part of Australia, there are always toy kangaroos and koalas.

  16. Hi Sarah, just saying hi. Hi.

  17. Hi Ardi thanks for adding me. I hope you are doing well in your course.

  18. I'm doing okay with my course, actually I have been busy this week that I haven't done anything for my studies. I hope you finished your 2000 word essay.

  19. wow that's a lot of essays to do. I have been busy volunteering at a school. For the last three days I have been helping a teacher move all her stuff into her new classroom.

  20. Hi Karen, great to hear back from you. Yes every gift shop has magnets and postcards.

  21. I like your cat avatar. I have a cat like that except she is much more browner and with a darker face. She has blue eyes too.

  22. That's nice. My cat's fur use to be a lot whiter but it grew dark as she aged. She is now four years old.

  23. Hi Kim, I like what you've written for "mood", determined is the best one I've read.

  24. I think it's great that you know you want and that you make plans to get it.

  25. Then we are kindred spirits in some respects. I know what you mean about the forum being addictive. I am going to be swearing off it too.

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