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Everything posted by Arie

  1. Going to NYC tomorrow for the weekend! YAY
  2. Paige is so creepy. But I don't think she will be the betrAyer. Too obvious. I also agree Dina about Jenna. A lot of different sites also said she was talking about Nate. She had no clue who was there. Of course it could have been anyone then. And where was Jenna going? Have you guys seen the pictures and promo for the finale? OMG. There is a 2 second clip were the betrAyer starts turning around. I'm so excited!!!
  3. ^nice!!! Charcoal 7 for all Mankind skinny jeans Blue lace top Red Palmetto Toms Tiffany and Co necklace The ring I have been wearing since I was in 8th grade
  4. Good one!! I forget all about Halle Berry. Her pixie cut is definetly one of the best. Her face is amazing for it.
  5. I definetly think there are some girls who look much better with a pixies cut than long hair. Any girls who can rock it, should go for it!! I love the look, but you have to have the right face for it. Attitude too, you have to have confidence to rock this look. Emma is great pixie cut, but in my mind no one pulls it off better than Michelle Williams.
  6. Arie


    Happy... About a lot of things.
  7. I couldn't be happier about my new laptop! Plus I bought with all my own money, that feels good.
  8. Thanks! I am obsessed! I have them out just so i can look at them since I can't wear the yet ----- I am really happy about this coming week.
  9. Arie


    You should start!! I have been dancing since I was 3. I started with Ballet and didn't branch out till I was about 10. When I was 10 I started to get mor interested in contemporary. Then in high school I really hated my ballet instructor and how she treated us. So I started to take some hip hop. I have taken other classes throughout the years too of ballroom and such. I don't get to dance as much today but it's still a huge part of me. For a while I was teaching some beginners ballet to the little ones and that was so fun! Sometimes I go into my studio and I'll do a few classes of a bunch of
  10. I saw that earlier today as well! I hope we find out more information soon. Can't believe she is wearing such a heavy sweater in August!! Lol
  11. Yeah it's kind of sad but also in a weird way comforting. Sad, because nothing has gotten better for teens. Comforting, because you know you aren't the only person dealing with these issues. I think that's why this book is so great. So teens know they aren't alone. Often that is one of the biggest issues. I agree that all the issues seemed very relevant. The group was great, so many different personalities. I definetly relate to Charlie. I often feel like I am more of an observer at times. I think that is just my personality. Oh an my dad is a lot like his dad. So that part was interesting for
  12. Oh for sure it does! And I really enjoyed those topics that were addressed! I think it's great for teens. So weird to be referring to teens as I am technically not one anymore . I really enjoyed the book! I just thought some parts were weird. I also loved Sam. I liked all 3 of their little group a lot. I also feel a lot like a wallflower myself at times. It was interesting for me to read about it.
  13. I recently read the book. It was much different than I thought it would be! I am very excited now to see how Emma will be in the role of Sam. I can't really picture it. I think the movie will be good. Parts of the book were a bit weird. I am interested to see how it is adapted.
  14. Happy birthday Ellen!!!!M! I hope you had a blast!!!
  15. Arie

    Sale Sites

    I was wondering if anyone else used any sale sites. I am a member of a bunch of different ones. Sometimes you have to get invited to them so I thought it would be cool if we all shared the ones we used! I currently am a member of RueLaLa, HauteLook, Gilt (but i don't like this one), and I just found a new one called NoMoreRack. What do you guys use? Do you use them?
  16. My fall schedule is amazing!! My spring semester sucks though (we do full year registration). I don't have many general requirements left which is awesome! My schedule is also only Tuesday's and Thursday's!!! Yay. Also I have less classes because most of our classes are 4 credits, so a full load is sometimes only 3 classes. Also all my studios are 3 hours. Fall: Intro to 3 Dimensional Art and Design (8:00-11:20 AM) Advance Rastor Image Development (1:00-4:20 PM) Physics (online) Spring: Advance Vector Image Development (8:00-11:50 AM) Statistics (1:00-2:50 PM) Intro to Poetry (4:00-
  17. I can't wait for fall so I can wear my new boots!! Yay!!
  18. Ashley, you look beutiful!!! Some random recent ones of me. First one is from one of the 6 weddings I have been to this summer. The second is me goofing off at camp on day. The last one is me at the camp show.
  19. Arie

    I'm back!

    Doing that right now!!!
  20. Arie

    I'm back!

    ASHLEY!!! I am so happy you are back!!! I have missed you so much!! I want to hear all about everything!!! I am so relieved and happy and ah to hear you are doing great!!!
  21. Jeremy, not at all. I wasnt wearing any makeup. Randomly someone was like oh I need to take a picture of you! But I think it turned out nice. Very close lol. And thanks! You always look so comfortable I'm the pics you post, I just want to come cuddle! Lindy, thanks so much pretty girl!
  22. Arie


    I have membership to a gym but I don't really use it. I much prefer smaller yoga studios.i don't like machines I like classes, sometimes I go to Zumba. But I prefer yoga and yoga sucks at the gyms I have been too. Sometimes my dance studio does workout classes as well so I much prefer to go there, I don't really like the atmosphere of a gym. At least not the ones in America, I suppose they are different everywhere.
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