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About Frozenfan

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  1. wow you're allowed to like her! what movie was it?! she lives in LA at the moment with her boyfriend, she doesn't come out much thats about all I know!
  2. Beauty and the beast, Little Women, early Harry Potter films were all great, I guess the others were not my type of movie, btw her instagram is now dormant, she's not updating it! <sad face>
  3. I'm not very successful at those things thats why i'm here!, If we build it they will come!!
  4. Hey its good! kind of retro now, Emma has always been nice
  5. Wow i'm 41, feel so immature!
  6. I am new round here, i've been a fan of Emma a really long time, I guess I should of been here sooner!
  7. Wow I feel this is so old, but welcome anyway!
  8. Compared to my life she is really lucky, I think its true of a lot of actresses, they get to go round the world, go out with who ever they want and live out their fantasies in movies.
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