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Status Updates posted by Kim.

  1. Generally the same. Stagnation.

    I realized I can't let anything get me down; my life has to keep on moving.

    How has it been for you at home? And are you actively searching for uni, or not right now?

  2. Kim.

    Aww, thanks! ;)

  3. Kim.


    My life has been so busy. I have a job interview in 12 hrs.

    And yeah lol. Applying to uni as well. So, crazy schedule.

  4. Kim.

    How're yooou?

  5. Kim.

    BoMa O_o.

  6. Omg choir is great. I love it.

    My group is an interesting bunch, and we crack music jokes. And they're just cool.

    And music is *relatively* easy. I realized that I can match by pitch what I hear, so it makes cite reading less difficult, even though I can read music.

    It is seriously a good "high" at night. xP

  7. Simple answer: church? But home after that? Lol.

  8. Well, right now, in bed sleeping lol.

    Uhm, busy doing my college/uni apps. Redoing my resume (c.v.), job hunting, and spending a lot of time with church and church family. Had an interesting day, plenty of Bible study, I got treated to a small dinner, and had an intro to theology class, and choir. xD

  9. *it is now a quarter after 2am lol

  10. Not too bad. Woke up a half hr ago thinking about pancakes, which would not be a bad thing to cook if it wasn't for the fast that it is not a quarter after 2am. -___-

  11. Hey, =o. How's it goin'?

  12. Thanks! yeah, I was sick of the old one. And I changed my signature; BoMa surprised me with a holiday gift in her graphic thread and she's amazing! I've been waiting for a new graphic but didn't want to make one myself. lol. ;P

  13. Thanks Kimmeh. xo.

  14. Happy New Year. I hope this year is a better year for you than last. ;)

  15. It was good. Thanks. Same to you :)

  16. Omg, it's your birthday! Happy birthday!

    Merry Christmas!

  17. Pumkinhead. Merry Christmas. Be jolly! but not boisterous! :)

    I hope you've had a good day. Xo.

  18. Kim.

    I'm jealous you got a Christmas wish on your profile. Super merry christmas gfff. I hope your day has been splendidity well. :)

  19. Merry Christmas to the NZer.

    :) I hope you have a good time.

  20. I'm glad you had a good time!

    Uhm, free this weekend? It's almost Saturday by you isn't it? My weekend looks like it's going to be packed.

    Plans for Christmas=home and going over sister's maaaybe....you?

  21. hey.

    How was your birthday?

    I feel like I never have the time for the Forum anymore lol. =\ we need some talk time.

  22. Kim.

    I know it was, which is why I left the signature there for so long lol. :) still need to upload the new one though. Been so busy.

  23. Kim.

    Heyyyy, I'm goooood. How's da potato chip? :)

    OMG I just looked at your showcase! That is an absolutely wonderful picture!!! And I've been wanting to change my siggy since forever. Thank youuu! <3.

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