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The Emma-Watson.net Forum

Mr. Pumpkinhead

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Everything posted by Mr. Pumpkinhead

  1. Good thing Rupert and Emma didn't have braces or they may have locked up! Bet they were both wishing they did now that I mentioned it.
  2. Happy 26th Birthday Carlyn! I'm pretty sure it's September 27th now in Oz. I just wanted to provide this little reminder however the day is going. and not only that but... I got you your favorite pastries for your birthday, but unfortunately a little friend got to them first. >.< Therefore we'll have to party with the Dumpster Diving Cake instead. >.< (it was on sale) I hope your birthday is the best!
  3. Argh! Scallywag! Ye Scurvey Dog! I say we make the wench walk the plank! Do I hear an Aye Aye me maties?
  4. Arrhhh... as gazing through me telescope... What's this I see? It be me heartie Rupert on bended knee a'fore Emma, the saucy Paris Wench. Quartermaster cbmac! To be sure this is a good omen. Go to me Quarters and bring me finest Grog! Aye ye Gentlemen and Gentleladies of good fortune, raise thee Jolly Roger for tonight we celebrate the engagement of our dear matey and proudly sail the Ship O' Emmagrint! *yes I got into the liquor cabinet tonight*
  5. Come on Ardi! Step it up and fill in! YOU CAN DO IT!
  6. Thank you Kimberley! Winter is coming so.. hey why not? Thanks Dalmore, I didn't know it was a Heisenberg hat. I like the name. Thank you Jade! Great smile btw in your latest picture! I don't like to smile in the pictures I put up, but I love to see other's smiles. *shrugs* Thanks Lindy. I figured it was important to know what great grampy looks like, so when they try to take him away to the old folks home you know which old man to rescue.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQsObL2y_xY&feature=g-vrec My favorite fictional couple ever! Tiny Ball of Light I don't know if the Tiny Ball of Light was made in any way to poke fun at the shipping community. Maybe that's just paranoia, but if it was, it's even better how the whole shipping community took to it and loved it! We can laugh at ourselves a bit, and still love the Ron/Hermione relationSHIP!
  8. @ Jade: You're extremely photogenic! Seems like you never take a bad picture. My friend Carlyn and I were talking about trilby hats yesterday. I didn't know what they were. When she showed me them I told her I owned one, but now I'm not so sure... is this a trilby hat? Me tipping my cap to the forum! Me looking rather like an unkempt Amish person. Probably one of my last pictures before my hair starts turning grey.
  9. "Have it your way ---- fat ass"
  10. Forumcat: The legend behind the man OR Jedimindtricks to make you read my Autobiography
  11. ROFL over "The Cat From Shrek" idk because the others were so funny too, but that one really got me. Haha Tom! So true, So true. "Like Water for Chocolate" AND "Water for Elephants" For years I called both books/movies... alt translation: "Like Chocolate for Elephants" for some reason I always combined the two. >.<
  12. I am a life-long New York Mets fan. It's been a tough year, but expectations were not high and I feel like we've overachieved considering what was expected of us. Hopefully we can finish the season at .500. I'd like to see the Pirates or Nationals win the NL Championship I'd like to see the Orioles or Athletics or Whitesox win the AL Championship I pull for the underdogs near post season time if the Mets are not in it. Wouldn't mind the Cardinals or Reds or Giants in NL Wouldn't mind the Rangers or Tigers in the AL NO to the Yankees and Angels NO to the Braves and Dodgers
  13. False you are a social media (ie Facebook, Twitter, etc.) junkie
  14. I wish I could be a pirate and commandeer Fawkes' ship!
  15. When Harry Met Sally Alt. title: When Sally Met Harry Lost in Translation Alt. title: ТрудноÑти перевода Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Alt. title: The last temptation of Christ okay... I'm not doing so well with this one.. this is tough.. so I'll leave it to the experts from here on.
  16. YAY! Good job Arie! *highfives* .... "Sure kid, you can ride it. Just wipe it down when you're done."
  17. I decided it needed a new chain.
  18. ummmm... yeah... *twiddles thumbs* sooooo, about those rings.... *side note* this is quietly becoming one of my favorite threads. I love it!
  19. @ Joanne, sorry I missed your picture before. >.< I hope this doesn't bother you, but your look reminds me so much of the 1980s for some reason.... minus the big hair of the 80's. I loved the 1980's btw. @ Arie: You have many great pictures Arie! You are right though in that is a wonderful picture of you that your friend took! @ Donna: hmmm... I'm a bit surprised Dax even noticed the tile floors or shelves. Because I'm SURE that's what he was focusing on. @ Jade: love the leather jacket! You seem to be able to pull off a variety of looks really well. I guess when you lo
  20. The Republican National Convention
  21. David Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon Donald, Mickey, Pluto
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