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The Emma-Watson.net Forum


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Status Updates posted by 130671

  1. What lol ? about the bathroom? ;D

  2. damn it kicked me out

  3. uh-oh....what am i gonna do in the bathroom? :o

  4. Where did u go so fast? =O

  5. How are things going for you ?

  6. Well if its only 1 or 2 inches.... :)



  8. Aww ty...*hugs back*

  9. :(

    Well it's one of those bad days...at least for me...so I don't get much done...not even answering pm's...

  10. Congrats!

    I really should answer your last message....I don't even have a good excuse for being so late! :|

  11. So I hope you had a real fun evening!

  12. haha...hello loooly....*hugz*

  13. oh there you are lol


  14. well now you have Tom and lil Chris there....I'll be off to bed soon

  15. Hey ,I really hope you will eventually become a big name in the biz....although I guess India itself is like a whole world already in regards to that :)

  16. So you're just looking in on us while talking on msn all the time....puh! D:

  17. Oh well...the trials & tribulations of stardom...!

  18. uhmm not sure what u mean?

  19. So what have u been up to? Studying or work as a model?

  20. Hi!

    I know what it feels like but trust me - your kind of work is more rewarding in the end!

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