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The Emma-Watson.net Forum


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Everything posted by 130671

  1. Hey Will....believe me, for every pic that ends up here, there`s probably 15 that look like:whaa:and end up deleted quickly.
  2. Some more of our dog - as he`s pretty old now, he likes to sleep a lot, and he likes his privacy, as you can see in the last one
  3. It`s not that many guys who dare to show their ugly faces here... Here`s another of me... And since I was in the area anyway, I thought I`d take a few pictures of this place as well....I know it`s not exactly Hogwart`s, but it still looks cool...
  4. Hey Slash, then you`ll probably like this
  5. I don`t know about you, but when I see a picture of Emma, sooner or later a song comes to mind....and for me, that`s mostly "From the stars" by White Lies..... What about you?
  6. Watching a documentary on mesoamerican culture...I guess some education never hurts...
  7. Yes I would. Would you trade five years of your lifetime to meet her?
  8. Had to look up who Idina Menzel was....but don`t worry, the similarity isn`t that big:rolleyes:
  9. Surfing on this site, thinking about what to do next...
  10. So if I play this long enough, I`ll get my 50 posts.....
  11. *some more of myself This reminds me of Kirsten Dunst somehow....
  12. I hope this works... He`s actually my parent`s dog, so I don`t see him every day...he`s always beside himself with excitement when I come round for a visit. "]http://[/url]
  13. Trying to download "Dance the way I feel" and realize there`s not enough left on the debit card
  14. Hey Sammy, if that is really you, congratulations!
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