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Assassin's Creed

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I had made up my mind to go for the Platinum trophy (I play on PS3) for Brotherhood, but I gave up yesterday, when I noticed this one bronze trophy 'reach level 50 online'. Scr*w this, the loading time alone is like 5 mins for 10 mins of gaming-time ... And the online is not as good as I had hoped ... Sorry, no Platinum for Brotherhood.

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Agreed. Brotherhood is really the best Assassin's Creed game gameplay wise and it greatly moves forward the story.


I even yelled at the OMG-ending :P


I seriously hope III won't be in the stupid rumors' era's, such as Ancient Roma, USSR (Alexander II's era), King Arthur (seriously?), World War I (why not make a FPS, while we're at it?) ... but Feudal Japan in the 17th century with the Samourais ...

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I actually think that part 3 will be more Desmond's story, so less within the animus.


In my opinion, they balanced it very well with Desmond/Ezio in Brotherhood. Strong intro with Desmond and OMG-ending with him as well.

However, I wouldn't be much pleased if they reduced the animus-story ... Certainly if they're changing the whole historical setting and all ...

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If you are a Uplay member you might have got an e-mail with an unique code in it. It gives access to a Templair lair. It's pretty fun. The first part is a chase scene and after you have to do some platforming.


The Templar treasure is not worth it though. Only 4000 florins. I get around 20000 of them every 20 minutes so really...


Also managed to get Altair's sword(best sword in the game) by beating the guild challenges of the Assassin's. Which are quite easy to do.

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  • 5 months later...

Assassin's Creed Revelations comes out later this year on November 15th. Also, the trailer is out and can be seen here: http://assassinscreed.ubi.com/revelations/en-US/home/




Apparently you can equally play as Ezio, Altaïr, and Desmond. At least, that's what I heard. I might be wrong.


I'm beyond excited, but it sucks that it comes out on November 15th, since I'll have another semester in college at that time and I'll have to be focusing on that instead of playing the game nonstop. Which is what I'd like to do. :sob:

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Love the game series. Like Altair a bit more then Ezio but part 2 improved a lot of the issues of the first game. Pretty excited about Brotherhood but I rather had a full sequel...this still feels like some sort of intermediate game.

Met too, Altair is awesome.


Okay, have been playing a bit more of the story I can say that I definitely like Ezio a lot more in this game than in the other. He seems much more mature and actually is less of a lackey to everyone yet still charming and witty. Definitely an improvement. I also like how other characters get some more to them. Like Claudia Auditore.

Again I agree.


Oh and Shaun is less of a douche now...still a douche but a likable one.

haha I find him funny tbh. He's sarcastic.


Assassin's Creed Revelations comes out later this year on November 15th. Also, the trailer is out and can be seen




Apparently you can equally play as Ezio, Altaïr, and Desmond. At least, that's what I heard. I might be wrong.


I'm beyond excited, but it sucks that it comes out on November 15th, since I'll have another semester in college at that time and I'll have to be focusing on that instead of playing the game nonstop. Which is what I'd like to do. :sob:

Yeah I can't wait. It looks interesting. But yeah too long. >_<


From the scenery I like Assassin's Creed the best. Middle Ages ftw. But everything else is better in the other two games. You can do more.

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I find the storyline predictable. After the first one it's just like meh. Same plot, same missions. But it's still fun to do. I have them on my playstation now too! So, it's all good. I seen the trailer for the new one a couple of weeks ago it leaked out. They put it on a youtube advert about 3-4 days ago. It does look pretty good tbf though... but nothing new.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Recently reserved the Animus edition of Revelations. Really looking forward to that one. Altair coming back, new setting. Don't know if I'm that big on the hook blade. In the gameplay trailer of the E3 they already used it too much if you ask me. Ah well, we shall see. The action sequence was pretty cool though.

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I do really like assassin's creed but it's too easy. It's a decent game but for trophie rating for 2 and 3 i'd give it a 3. It's a decent game but I wished I'd rented it. I completed these in 2 days.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've never completed Assassin's Creed 1, sadly. I thought it was a really good game but I never felt like going back to play it. The sequel was great and seemed to improve on a lot of things, especially the repetition. I think the second one is by far the best. I got Brotherhood at Christmas but I've hardly played it for some reason. I played some multiplayer and liked it, plus the single player seemed good too, but I just can't be bothered playing it for some reason. I think I'm looking forward to the proper sequel (Assassin's Creed 3) with hopefully new locations and characters rather than these 'spin-offs'.

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Gameplay wise I think that Brotherhood is the best. Story wise I like AC 1 the best. Mostly because I don't really like Ezio. What bothered me in AC2 is that at one point I was hardly aware why I was killing certain targets. Something they did better in the first one I think. Although I'm looking forward to Revelations I hope we have more Altair in that one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So um...I got AC1 last week, because I already beat Pop-The Forgotten Sands. So, I thought Assassin's Creed would be something similar to PoP. Um...well it is but...I'm not grasping the concept of it. Why am I killing these people?


I got a mission to kill 9 people. They're all over the town I guess. I can't even find the first one. And what's the reasoning behind killing these 9 people? Did they break the creed? And why did I get demoted? I got demoted unwillingly at the beginning of the game and lost a bunch of stuff.


I guess I'm not...grasping the concept of the game just yet. I bought it, started playing it, and now I'm stuck on this first person. Does everybody else have the problem of not being able to follow the storyline? Or is it just the fact that I'm still a rookie at fighting games and can't figure it out?

Edited by Turbo
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You kill those people because you are ordered too. You as Desmond who is reliving Altair's memories don't know what the reason is why you have to kill those people. That will be explained later.


When you get into the city you first need to find the Assassin's bureau. Find a the marker on the map with the eagle on it and climb that tower to synchronize the viewpoint. Once done you will find the bureau on the map. Go there to get some clues how to find your target. The thing is though. The actual assassination is like a separate memory and will only occur when you have found all the clues you need.

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Okay, so I guess I'm still in the "Prince of Persia" mindset. Each objective in PoP was pretty straightforward. In Assassin's Creed, I'm guessing it's different? I'm guessing each objective has "sub-objectives" leading up to the real thing. So, why did I get demoted and...almost killed at the beginning of the game?

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Well, you broke the creed.

- Stay your Blade from the Flesh of an Innocent


You killed an innocent man


- Hide in Plain Sight

You made your presence known to Robert De Sable

- Never Compromise the Brotherhood


Due to your actions Robert attacked Masyaf killing innocents and members of the order.


Breaking the Creed warrants the death sentence but the grand master decided otherwise.


PoP is pretty linear of a game. Assassin's Creed is normally considered an open world game. You decide in what order you do things as long as you reach your goals.

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