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Emma Watson and 50 Shades of Grey? Seriously?

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It has to be what dook said because theres no sense that something has been confirmed by emma and mr captain is over and over again with the same.

Pole dancing?what you say?i dont see emma saying: how can i do pole dancing?emma didnt say anything about not do pole dancing nor jo.if you believe everything you hear its your problem

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Dook, thank you for your responses...Johnny you deserve that response-I find your comments at most to be arrogant and disrespectful towards Emma. Ask yourself this, how would Emma feel listening to your tripe and nastiness? Again dont see you as a fan.

Agree-Emma came to twitter because everyone in the media would print it which she knew. She, like many of us are tired of those rumors of this movie.

As for the pole dancing-truly are beating a dead horse with whining about it. Who the freak cares if she said she did or didnt do pole dancing? W/e!!!

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Sometimes I think, people here reading "Jonny" and switching off their brain the next second.


Can I explain to you my point of view (again) and can I hope that you read and THINK befor beeing unpolite?




So: MY opinion is, that at the  current state of the project "Shades" Emma had no choice but (indignantly) reject all rumours. Why is this so?


1, The production firm has confirmed, that by now only a screenwriter was hired to adapt the book for screen.

2. Said production firm denied any speculations about the cast and the director so far. No official talks took place so far.

3. When the script is finished, they will look for a director and with the director for the propper cast.


So Emma could not say "yes, I will do it" because it would not be true. As far as we know she was not asked officially yet.

She could not say "I am interested", because due to the rules of the business it would minimise her chances to get the part - besides the fact, that she chooses roles by script and director (remember: script is in progress and no director hired at the moment).

She could only say no, because this is the correct answer. She did not read the book (her own words), the script, she does not know who directs.....


But what would happen if the director is one of her "ambitious plans"-list? And this guy comes up to her with a brilliant script and a handsome actor for Grey? (We do not know the script at the moment, so please no judgement about that). Would she say: "No?" - I don't think so. She would carefully consider this part in a highly erotical, but not pornografical movie (it is produced for the "normal" market and not for shabby cinemas in Soho, London) and she could change her girli-image forever. And remember: 70.000.000 copies of the book sold and counting - the movie will be a blockbuster around the world, and no one of the production team will care about the question, if there are some hipocrits out there, condamming consensual practices of sex they cannot handle.....


So, as I said, time is the mother of truth. Of course Emma can say "no", but do you not think that she is much to often saying "no" - as an young actress, wanting to get a career in Hollywood and the international film-business? Of course, she is rich, no need to work anymore, but do you think that this, let's say restrained behaviour, will make producers happy over the years? Running again and again miles to her just to get a "no"?  (What would you do, cbmac, if you go five times to a shop and do not get what you want - you would change the shop, right?)


As a fan (yes, I am) I want to see her in movies as often as possible. I cannot understand why other fans do not.

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The chances that this book will result in a totally artsy and interesting script is rather small though. Therefore I would be bummed out (as most people would I think) should Emma sign up for it, after she has clearly implied her lack of interest in having anything to do with the movie. It's just unlikely.

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As a fan (yes, I am) I want to see her in movies as often as possible. I cannot understand why other fans do not.


Wait, so you want her to accept as many role as she can regardless of the quality?


Would you rather Emma be in a bunch of okay movies or one really good movie every year?


I don't know about you, but I'd pick quality over quantity.




So, as I said, time is the mother of truth. Of course Emma can say "no", but do you not think that she is much to often saying "no" - as an young actress, wanting to get a career in Hollywood and the international film-business? Of course, she is rich, no need to work anymore, but do you think that this, let's say restrained behaviour, will make producers happy over the years? Running again and again miles to her just to get a "no"?  (What would you do, cbmac, if you go five times to a shop and do not get what you want - you would change the shop, right?)


She can set up her roles without having everyone coming to her and asking. She can seek out those directors, just like she did with Coppola and Del Toro.


Saying no to everyone won't hurt her if she's setting up her own roles by herself.



And as far as the book's popularity goes, we all know Emma is just dying to get involved in another blockbuster franchise, right?

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Wait, so you want her to accept as many role as she can regardless of the quality?


 I want to see her in many successful movies over the years. Quality is an issue, but if you set your standard too high, you will loose. There are a lot of productions out there and there are a lot of other young, ambitious actresses, seeking a career. I cannot understand why she pulled out from "Your voice in my head". David Yates yes or no. It would have been HER chance for a good movie.....


Would you rather Emma be in a bunch of okay movies or one really good movie every year?


What is "okay" and what is "good". I bet, you have a different definition for that criteria (as everyone has) then I. I want her to pick roles which help her to learn and to grow. Why not Emma in a funny comedy and then in a drama? Why not a Bond girl? As I said - if you put your standards too high, you will loose.


I don't know about you, but I'd pick quality over quantity.


More then 2-3 movies a year are not possible. So, let's say, two movies a year would be ok. For her career and for her fans.


She can set up her roles without having everyone coming to her and asking.


Yes, she can. Just founding Emma Watson-Productions Inc. or Hermione Films, LA. And she can do every role with every director, she wants. Do not forget: Copola and del Toro choose her also due to her large fanbase, making a production with her AT THE MOMENT a "self-runner" and success.


Emma is just dying to get involved in another blockbuster franchise


Well, when she said that, she was just out of Harry Potter, a franchise over eight (8) movies, lasting more then 10 years. A franchise, stealing her her youth and the best time of her life (in the sence, we, the "normal people" knowing this time of our life). OF COURSE she will try to be in blockbusters in the future; except she says: "Ok, I am rich, I love these little movies like "Perks" with that friendly atmosphere on set, pushing me not to my limits!". It is her decision. But I think she is ambitious and wants something more in life then beeing Hermione or Sam.

Edited by Jonny Claus jr.
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So if she only works on projects with certain directors and those projects end up only turning out no more than one movie every year, she loses?


What would she lose? Her fans? People will just stop liking her because they're seeing her every year, as opposed to every few months?


You're assuming the only people who will be her fans in the coming years will be Harry Potter fans, but those aren't her only fans.


Every successful movie she makes will bring her brand new fans who were never into Harry Potter. 



As for blockbusters, she didn't say she would avoid them because they "stole her youth". She avoids them because right now she's fighting an uphill battle, trying to escape a character that a blockbuster got her into.


Entering another successful blockbuster would destroy her old character, but create a brand new one. It would solve nothing.

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So if she only works on projects with certain directors and those projects end up only turning out no more than one movie every year, she loses?


Yes. If she say's: "I only work with director A, B, C" she looses the chance to be in interesting projekts of directors D and E.


You're assuming the only people who will be her fans in the coming years will be Harry Potter fans, but those aren't her only fans.


Her fanbase will shrink definitly over the years.  Many of her fans are first hand fans of the caracter "Hermione".


Every successful movie she makes will bring her brand new fans who were never into Harry Potter.


Maybe. But what is a successful movie - like Perks, shown in "selected cinemas" only?????


She avoids them because right now she's fighting an uphill battle


She is not fighting. Fighting means, taking new challanges and difficult roles. Beauty & Beast is not challanging. I is a "feelgood-part" again.

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Yeah, she's interested in working with specific people. Just because she passes on things that are interesting doesn't mean the projects that she does pick are going to be any less interesting.



As far as her fans... there's really no way to know how they will react to her new roles. If they watch Perks and The Bling Ring and are still interested, I see no reason why they would stop after that. But hey, who knows.



Perks was received well critically and was able to get around to a relatively large amount of theatres (I was able to see it at my local theatre, and it stayed around for a while.). It grossed more than double its budget.


For an indie film that cost $13 million to make? Yeah, I'd call that a success.



If you think Guillermo Del Toro makes feel good movies, check out Pan's Labyrinth. It has very similar themes to Beauty and is the furthest thing from "feel good".

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Well, if it is like "Snow white and the huntsman", then good night. My 9 year old son watched the movie by mistake (he thought it would be like the Disney-version), but he said to me afterwards: "What a boring shit....". I know, it is up to date at the moment to convert old fairytales into creepy "adult"-movies, but do you think that this is a challange for Emma? Even Kristen Stewart seemed depressed and bored through the whole movie.....


And she was even the "Beauty" in that movie.



NB: A challange, as I define it, would be (for example):


- a drama about a young mother, loosing her child or dying with cancer

- a young woman with drug-problems

- a movie about trafficking

- a movie about a woman with some sort of disorder


- a comedy "british style" like Four weddings, Notting Hill, Love actually

Edited by Jonny Claus jr.
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No, seriously, go watch Pan's Labyrinth. It's one of his best.


When it came out, it made a bunch of top ten lists, and was a lot of critic's favorite movie of that year.

Edited by Roberto
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