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Emma Watson and 50 Shades of Grey? Seriously?

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Emma's name keeps poping up for the desired lead in 50 Shades of Grey. It's said to be a coveted role and that she is tops on the list as fan favorite for Anastasia Steele. I just don't see it. I haven't read the book and don't think I will. It's just not my cup of tea if you know what I mean. Now it's being reported that Angelina Jolie will direct and that Ryan Gosling will be the lead male as Christian Grey and again Emma's name appears as the desired actress for the lead female. I don't know if she'd consider the part. I mean it was reported that she was going for the lead in "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" but didn't get it but none is sure if this really happened or not. I did read that book and I loved it but to me that book is like the polar opposite of what I hear "50 Shades of Grey" is ment to be. From what I hear this girl is allowing a man to dominate her in every way and I just don't like the sounds of that. A lot of people say it condones abuse towards women and I can't for the life of me see what the appeal is. Maybe I should just read it to see for myself but It's also apparently not well written and I hate to waste my time reading a bad book. Anyway enough of that, I just wondered what other Emma fans thought of this. :) Also if any of you read the book and think it's worth my time reading it. Thanks.

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four words...the author is a TWILIGHT FAN FICTION WRITER...enough said...LOL...sorry...my friends are split-I have 6 that read it...3/6 liked it the other 3 said why did I read this garbage. I read parts of it and not impressed with it. From what I have been hearing it was Ian Solmhander (CAN WE SAY HOOOOOOOOOOOOOT ;)) that is the lead consideration. I cant see Emma playing that part but I tell you that would def get notice as a lead. I think they will go after an unknown actress like they did with Dragon Tattoo.

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I hope she'd never do this role. That book is awful in every way, and terribly anti-feminist, in my opinion (and yes I've read... well, not all of it, but sections of it, and ugh). :| Also it's a 3-book/movie franchise which she said she was staying away from. :)

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Quote out of Wikipedia:

Fifty Shades of Grey is a 2011 erotic novel by British author E. L. James. Set largely in Seattle, it is the first instalment in a trilogy that traces the deepening relationship between a college graduate, Anastasia Steele, and a young business magnate, Christian Grey. It is notable for its explicitly erotic scenes featuring elements of sexual practices involving bondage, discipline, sadism, and masochism (BDSM).


I agree, I can't see her in that role, too. Her image is still the "good girl" (in every sence) and taking that part would mean a servere change in her image...... :rolleyes:

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Since April 2012 there are media-report about "possible actresses" for that movie... Emma is sometimes also listed.... New York Daily News had a big report about the casting...... So I think it is a little bit more then a rumor, created in this forum.....

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I'm not saying this forum. I think many of the movie rumours about Emma start as one of those polls started on entertainment sites. Like "who would you like to see as the next Dr. Who companion?" which had Emma as the favorite. I think it was pretty obvious it was just a fans choice sort of thing, but some sites were saying she was in the running.


Oh, and that New York Daily News article? Emma is listed as one of their "humble suggestions". Everything I have seen about this is nothing more than that, someone suggesting who they would like to see in the film.

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Hmm, dook, it's again a discussion about nothing.... I do not think, that she can take such a part, it's simply diagonally opposite her personality and she will not have the acting capacity to deliver such a "erotic" leading lady.....


Note to myself: keep out of such usless discussions.... B)

Edited by Jonny Carinthia
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I'm not saying this forum. I think many of the movie rumours about Emma start as one of those polls started on entertainment sites. Like "who would you like to see as the next Dr. Who companion?" which had Emma as the favorite. I think it was pretty obvious it was just a fans choice sort of thing, but some sites were saying she was in the running.


Oh, and that New York Daily News article? Emma is listed as one of their "humble suggestions". Everything I have seen about this is nothing more than that, someone suggesting who they would like to see in the film.



That's exactly what happened dook...I guess we will have to wait and see what happens...another friend of mine read it and I was like ok WHY LOL-she said she loves the love story and the characters. As for the NY Daily New article, unless the source is Emma herself, then I believe it. LOL There are SO many actresses in consideration for this role...like I said I bet anything they will go with someone "unknown"...Amanda Seyfried's name as well as Ashley Benson's names keep popping up repeatedly. Amanda is not really unknown but Ashley Benson is (she was on Days of Our Lives-American soap opera and is now on Pretty Little Liars-another soap).

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Okay so I broke down and actually read a summary of the first book and then I found the additional two and read them for free. I still can't find what the draw is. I mean I've read much better fanfiction so my guess is the taboo material that has to be the draw. The only way I can see these books being made into a film is if they combine all three because that is the only way it can even have a semblance of a story line. All three stories go absolutely no where. The relationship between the two characters does evolve but at such a slow pace that if it were any slower it would be going backwards. Also I don't know how they can make this an R film to keep an audiance. The screenwriters working on this would have to have amazing talent to be able to make it into something substantial and the only way to be able to draw in an audiance is by using Actors who already have a strong fan base. I can't see them being able to offer Emma enough money to do this and the only way I could see her doing this is if they tone down the novel enough to make it an R film and at the same time rewrite it in a way to give it not only some substance but to actually make it entertaining because even though it is full of "sex"...which I guess is the draw to most who actually like the books... it is very boring because of what it lacks. Even if Emma were in talks I can't see her doing it unless like I said above and the screenwriters write it in a much better way than it is represented in the novels. So I'm not giving this anymore of my time considering I don't think Emma will do it even if she is in contention, which is probably all just a rumor anyway. So peace. :)

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Okay. I haven't read the book and I don't wish to, but from what I've heard it's really hard to imagine Emma in a role like this. Glad it was just a rumour :P

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Like I said rumors...rumors suck...it's amazing how they get started in the first place. The media is as bad as a high school!!!!! ;) I have not read it and just dont want to. Like I said my friends are split on it-some love the love story behind it. I read 5 pages and had to stop because it IMO was so poorly written-even after reading 5 pages LOL I would have been really shocked (as would I am guessing majority of her fans) if Emma took that role.

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Like I said rumors...rumors suck...it's amazing how they get started in the first place. The media is as bad as a high school!!!!! ;)


The media is worse. It goes from someone musing over who they would like to see in a role, all the way to supposedly reputable news sources reporting that Emma is talks for the role, and is a top choice of the producers. What was that Emma said about fact checking taking 5 minutes? :rolleyes: I guess the media figure if they read something on the internet enough times, it must be true.

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And the media always wants to be the one who broke the story and reported it first, even if it's a 200 word blurb they can recall later and point at and say "LOOK WE SAID THIS FIRST :tongue0020: " So I think some of them take "risks" and report on something that maybekindasorta could be true (which, yes, it is likely that several young actresses would be vying for the role given the popularity of the books, and it definitely would be a way for an actress like Emma to add a different look to her repertoire... albeit not something that would necessarily be an asset to her) so IF it does turn out to be true, they can have those bragging rights. And if it turns out not to be true, it can be removed from history with a click of a button. ;)

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She could stop all that rumor with a simple, short tweet. A word fom Emma herself and the case would be clear.... So, I think sometimes, theses "rumors" are definitly part of the game for stars, beeing recogniced by the media (and fans, look at this thread)..... <_<

Edited by Jonny Carinthia
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She could stop all that rumor with a simple, short tweet. A word fom Emma herself and the case would be clear.... So, I think sometimes, theses "rumors" are definitly part of the game for stars, beeing recogniced by the media (and fans, look at this thread)..... <_<


Well, duh. But it's also very possible that Emma just didn't care to address unfounded rumours. Like she addressed pink dog stuff because there were photos of her with a pink dog, but in this case the ENTIRE bit of casting ANYONE for this part is up for speculation... there's literally been no announcement. And if she had to tweet about everyone speculating what she'd be in we could be here all day reading useless information like that. :P

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There are rumours about Emma all the time, and she'd probably get tired of saying no that's not true, no, that's not true. I think the difference with the pink dog is that the story was affecting someone else, and something they had done for a good cause.

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Well, let's be the advocatus diaboli: as I said, I think, it's a way to stay in the media. After ten pages of google about Emma and Shades of grey I suspect, that these sorts or "rumor" are a important part of PR (not only for her). The fact, that she never talks about anything is not new; we have cope with that.......

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