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Emma Watson and 50 Shades of Grey? Seriously?

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Ok, so this is it. For the moment. I bet.

why do u think an actress needs to sex up her career to just show they are talented or to take their career higher? she doesn't need it.

make fun of her coz that's all you have.

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It really amazes me that you think you know better than Emma herself.....


Arie, at the moment there is NO script and there are NO details (the other cast, director....) for the production. So what can Emma do? She cannot say "Yes, I do it!" - because it is not true. She cannot say: "I want to do it!" .- because you never get a part when you offer yourself in the media. So what can she say at this moment: Of course - NO


But lets wait for a finalised script, for the guy who plays Grey, for the director.... and then we will see. I do not think - and we should abadon this thought - that the production will be a PORN. Because "normal" Hollywood-production-firms do not produce PORN.


And Elena - I do not think, that Emma will have a great career, when she is not willing to play nude sceens. Tell me one great femal Hollywood-star of the last 20 years who was not nude (exept the white shark, E.T., and the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park)

Edited by Jonny Claus jr.
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Arie, at the moment there is NO script and there are NO details (the other cast, director....) for the production. So what can Emma do? She cannot say "Yes, I do it!" - because it is not true. She cannot say: "I want to do it!" .- because you never get a part when you offer yourself in the media. So what can she say at this moment: Of course - NO


But lets wait for a finalised script, for the guy who plays Grey, for the director.... and then we will see. I do not think - and we should abadon this thought - that the production will be a PORN. Because "normal" Hollywood-production-firms do not produce PORN.


I understand your point, I really do. But, if Emma is saying no... then that probably means no.


That may be true but you still have to face the facts, this book is basically porn. Its gross. There is no good storyline. Its pure smut. Emma would be smart to steer clear of it. No matter how you spin it, the chances of this being a high-quality film are slim to none.


But, beyond that. You complaign that Emma never shares enough with us. Well now she is sharing something... except it... move on.

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You complaign that Emma never shares enough with us. Well now she is sharing something... except it... move on.


Well, for me is "sharing something with the fans" something very different. But she put a lot of humour in her latest tweets. And we move on. To 2015 and the premiere of "50 Shades of Grey".



70.000.000 sold books is not bad



Universal pictures (owner of the movie rights) will definitly not produce PORN.

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I think she won't have much of a problem doing a nude or partially nude scene one day (didn't she say so herself once?), but 50 Shades just isn't good material for a serious movie.

You can either choose to do some completely meaningless tame movie...or go "all the way" and end up doing the p-thing. Neither is good for a career.

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The amound of books sold does not make it high quality. Have you read it?! Its such trash.


They may not produce porn. But, you can only change a story so much.....


It is not a question of quality - if you judge movies this way, 95% of the movies out in our cinemas should be never produced. If you run a production-firm you have to produce movies the majority of the audience want to see. That's business...... simple.


I confess, I read it. It's just a - book. Nothing you read twice, but good to see the differenses to classics like "Fanny Hill". (Fanny Hill was written in 1749, forbidden in USA in 1822, The ban was lifted in 1996 (!). In Australia the book is still on the index but of course you can buy 50 Shades - senseless!)

Edited by Jonny Claus jr.
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If she did do the movie, I wouldn't hate her for it. Like I said, that's the only way I would go see it.


But with a former child actress, who has a massive young adult following, I don't see Emma doing this. She even looked uncomfortable in the underwear scene in perks!

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But with a former child actress, who has a massive young adult following, I don't see Emma doing this. She even looked uncomfortable in the underwear scene in perks!


I agree. But, please, do not forget that Emma is getting older (23 next month) and her audience is getting older. Potter Fans "of the first hour" are now 18 - 20 -25 ????

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Her origional fans are getting older, yes. But she still has a HUGE young fan base because Harry Potter is still big. My little cousins LOVE her. Especially one of them who is 8. So yes, her origional fans are older. But, she still has a huge amound of young fans.

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Her origional fans are getting older, yes. But she still has a HUGE young fan base because Harry Potter is still big. My little cousins LOVE her. Especially one of them who is 8. So yes, her origional fans are older. But, she still has a huge amound of young fans.


Well,my son (9 years old) is also a fan of Hermione. But this would never bring me in the situation to show him "Perks" or "Bling Ring", He knows Emma as she was with 11 or 12, not with 23.

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That doesn't explain my second comment. If she is uncomfortable getting into her undies on screen, how is she supposed to have sex on screen?


And it's not vanilla sex, either....


Ok, I never produced movies with nudity myself, but I know, that there are "tricks of the trade". Special camera-angles, body-doubles (like Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman"), lens-softener....... No need that Emma is jumping around nude the whole movie and get spanked herself. I could image that the erotic of the movie would come more out of the outfits and the dialog (and I hope, you agree, there are some very erotic pictures of her out there, even if you see not more then her legs).  And if she is really uncomfortable with nudity, she is maybe wrong in the movie-business. Except, of course, she stay's in the "schoolgirl - and -  fairytale-caracter"-mode.


Exactly! But, what if your son saw a trailer for Emma in "50 Shades" and began to look stuff up on the computer or ask questions? It becomes a sticky situation...


I do not know, if you have children, but it is your responsibility as a parent to guide your child. All our computers have powerful childcare-software installed, a special progamm blocks sides like "Youtube". Ulrich knows that there is a clip-page called Youtube, but he asks me if he want to watch and I check, what he want to watch. Not bans, but parental accompaniment are the solution.He knows that there are other movies with Emma, but he got explained and understood, that he has to wait for watching them. And, please believe me, children at 9 years of age are asking tricky questions..... And you get nervous inside as a parent but you have to answer that questions honestly and correct.


And I do not think, that a "Shades" trailer would be dangerous. Because all trailer must be "safe" to watch for children.

Edited by Jonny Claus jr.
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Jennifer Garner julia roberts and many more of them . wow and they have oscars, really bad actresses i guess



he take off her shorts, her ankles wiggle out of them. she dissapears under the sheets

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Okay maybe using your 9 year old wasn't a good example. I hope most parents do keep strong filters on all the stuff. Let's say for example a boy or girl in the age range of like 12-14. That's also a big fan base for Emma. I think that most kids that age have freerer range of things on the internet. What happens when they hear Emma is in "Shades?". Maybe they start searching around. Maybe they find the book online and read it. Idk about you, but that makes me nervous. Of course you can't protect everyone forever. But, we are talking about a case of an actress with a large young fanbase. She has to choose carefully. That is all part of being a famous actress. You always have to take your fans into consideration. I just think there are so many better films for her to do.

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Okay, now that is a bit ridiculous.


My biggest concern is that Emma would have trouble doing sex scenes...but not the fact that her audience can't grow with her.


I am a huge Christina Aguilera fan. What happened to her when she started doing more adult music? Her young audience left her, and the audience she had stayed with her...her primary fanbase is in their mid 20's to early 30's.


If children liked child Emma, they don't have to like the movies past Deathly Hallows. It's not like a 9 year old would be allowed to see Perks or Marilyn, for example. Marilyn is rated R.

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Johnny seriously why are you are so nasty!  

EVERY time Emma says something you ALWAYS have a smart arse response back...I am really sick of it. I dont get how someone can call themselves a fan with the way you slam Emma down. She tweeted her response about starring in this movie- We got her response. Just please try to be respectful. Because really, it is getting old.


My best friend and I were laughing so hard at Emma's tweet today and saying Emma showed the media her feelings ;-) Good for her like others said about tweeting her comment. Go Emma! :)

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Ugh. Just...ugh.


These are three responses I have to people that think Emma should star in 50 Shades of Grey.


1. It is not a good trilogy of novels. Like it's been said before, it's smut...and not even well written smut. It's not going to be a good series of films, it's going to be a disaster, aimed at those who are obsessed with sex and the media. It's also going to be completely controversial, and someone like Emma Watson wouldn't want to be in the center of all that controversy.

2. Emma has shown that she is uncomfortable in sexual roles before. That doesn't mean that she is uncomfortable with her sexuality...but even Kristen Stewart is more comfortable doing something sexual on camera. Get her, instead of Emma, to play the role...or someone who is more comfortable getting naked on camera.

3. The only (the only!) reason you would want to see Emma in 50 Shades is because it's like seeing Emma Watson doing porn. 


Those are three very good reasons for Emma to back out of these movies...but by all means, continue arguing about it. She's already said she's not doing it, and I trust Emma's decision on her acting life, more than a handful of horny men. 

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Okay maybe using your 9 year old wasn't a good example. I hope most parents do keep strong filters on all the stuff. Let's say for example a boy or girl in the age range of like 12-14. That's also a big fan base for Emma. I think that most kids that age have freerer range of things on the internet. What happens when they hear Emma is in "Shades?". Maybe they start searching around. Maybe they find the book online and read it. Idk about you, but that makes me nervous. Of course you can't protect everyone forever. But, we are talking about a case of an actress with a large young fanbase. She has to choose carefully. That is all part of being a famous actress. You always have to take your fans into consideration. I just think there are so many better films for her to do.


I personally do not think that any actor in Hollywood is choosing the roles with any consideration, what the fanbase will say. Maybe the producers engaging actors with ther fanbase in mind (like Emma in 'Noah') for better business or doing research what the fanbase will say, but I do not think that Emma is wasting a minute on her fans when saying "yes" or "no" to a role. Because would that be so, she never would have done "Bling Ring" (a story about criminal offenses. What an educational film for her young fan base!)


You are right, you cannot protect your children until they are 18. So you have to prepeare them for the nasty world out there. With love, but also with honesty and caring parental strictness. Children have to make their own experiences and - up to now - I found out, that the way of "learning by guided doing" is often better as prohibitions and penalties. Example? I am a great fan of CSI Las Vegas, a TV-series, not made for children. My son knows that and he was begging for weeks that he can watch a episode with me. I agreed, looked for a "smoother one" and we started watching it together. After ten minutes he said: "That's boring, switch off the TV please!". I told him, that I said to him before that it is a adult-show and nothing for children. Since that day CSI is done for him. But he knows, it is there, but not for his age. And so it is with many other matters, too, I think.


If you do not talk with your children at the age of 12-14 about sexuality, the risks and the danger and all the other stuff (I do not mean BDSM, but contraception, AIDS.....), then you are negligent as a parent.


In Austria the rating system for movies is much more liberal then in the United States. We only have age limits ("0" - siutable for all, and then "6", "10", "12", "16".). Only very few movies are rated "16", most pictures "12". There was a rating "18" years ago for Hardcore-movies, but this rating disappeared, because such movies are no longer shown in "normal" cinemas. All Harry Potter Movies were rated "10" (expept the last two, "12"), but only on the paper. I have never seen so much children from 6 onwards in a movie like in "DH II". You have to deside as a parent, if you child is fit to watch these films.


And - finally "Shades". I think it will be a highly erotic, but not pornographical movie. It is Emma's decision to say "no", but on the basis of what is already visible she had no other choice.



If children liked child Emma, they don't have to like the movies past Deathly Hallows. It's not like a 9 year old would be allowed to see Perks or Marilyn, for example. Marilyn is rated R.


I do not know what "R" (restricted?) means in detail, but if Marilyn was "R", definitly not for erotic/sex-scenes.


In the last 25 years, only 9 actresses have won the Oscar for Best Actress with a performance that contained nudity.


Geraldine Page, Marlee Matlin, Cher, Jodie Foster (2), Jessica Tandy, Kathy Bates, Emma Thompson, Holly Hunter, Jessica Lange, Susan Sarandon, Frances McDormand, Hellen Hunt, Gwyneth Paltrow, Hilary Swank (2), Julia Roberts, Halle Barry, Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron, Reese Witherspoon, Helen Mirren, Marion Cotillard, Kate Winslet, Sandra Bullock, Natalie Portman, Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence.


These are the Oscar-winning ladies from 1985 up to today. And I bet, there are erotic scenes out there from each and every winner (well, maybe not the lovely Jessica Tandy, but who knows). And, Roberto, the discussion is not about "Do I have to get nude to win an Oscar?". It is about the question, if Emma can handle nudity (full or in part) and erotic scenes (She can and she will, believing her own words about that matter) and if it is nessessary for a career in the movies to be able to do so and play erotic scenes. Erotic performance in a movie has nothing to do with porn.


Ugh. Just...ugh.


These are three responses I have to people that think Emma should star in 50 Shades of Grey.


1. It is not a good trilogy of novels. Like it's been said before, it's smut...and not even well written smut. It's not going to be a good series of films, it's going to be a disaster, aimed at those who are obsessed with sex and the media. It's also going to be completely controversial, and someone like Emma Watson wouldn't want to be in the center of all that controversy.

2. Emma has shown that she is uncomfortable in sexual roles before. That doesn't mean that she is uncomfortable with her sexuality...but even Kristen Stewart is more comfortable doing something sexual on camera. Get her, instead of Emma, to play the role...or someone who is more comfortable getting naked on camera.

3. The only (the only!) reason you would want to see Emma in 50 Shades is because it's like seeing Emma Watson doing porn. 


Those are three very good reasons for Emma to back out of these movies...but by all means, continue arguing about it. She's already said she's not doing it, and I trust Emma's decision on her acting life, more than a handful of horny men. 


"Porn" is defined as film with accurate representation of sexual intercourse (of any kind) without artistic or technical camera concealment. I do not think that "Universal Pictures" has this in mind when producing "50 Shades". Sometimes I think, the imagination of the people who are fighting against "Shades" and the film "Shades is dirtier than the imagination of the people who want to see this movie.


And Emma Watson as a porn star? Come one, this is insulting your intelligence, Emma's honor and the honor of her fans.


Maybe we should not judge her like a common movie actress. She is so rich, she has no need to work ever again. So she can make decisions, we cannot understand. Maybe she is happy in the "schoolgirl - fairytale"-mode. Then it's ok.


Johnny seriously why are you are so nasty!  

EVERY time Emma says something you ALWAYS have a smart arse response back...I am really sick of it.


Answer is simple. Don't read it.

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