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The Dude

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Everything posted by The Dude

  1. I see your Mel Brooks and raise you a Blazing Saddles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V1c1yCQI5A Blazing Saddles is so funny. This movie could never be made today.
  2. Emma running off set endears her and makes her more human. If she'd just shrugged it off as "the consumate pro" we'd all fear that she'd become part of the Hollywood machine. Not to excuse their behavior but Emma did walk into a frat party. That's no fault of her's. But on such a movie, it's to be expected. I'm sure the atomosphere on set was very much a frat part with all those dudes knowing each other and having acted together. I mean, the main cast is bad enough but then you've got guys like Aziz Ansari, Mindy Kahling might as well be an honorary dude, et. al. But to say that Emma needs
  3. @Emma_Rules I was looking at the .gif in you signature. I wondered when I watched the movie "Since when is Dexy's Midnight Runners good music?" Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the song. A guilty pleasure maybe. But I don't think it's ever been confused with good music. I can't here that song now without thinking about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7RiYPibdKs
  4. WatsonLover, I'm a little concerned by this question. I've put you under 24 hour surveillance. If you start asking question like "How big of a bag do you think it would take to put Emma's body in?" I'm gonna hafta call Batman.
  5. How has this not been posted yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wArmHSPIvlQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_VRP5q1Zow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVu3gS7iJu4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6DJcgm3wNY This comes out in two months. If it's anywhere near as cool as the trailers make it look, it's gonna be awesom.
  6. Marilyn Eventhough I was borned way after her death. I used to watch Some Like It Hot, Seven Year Itch etc. ad naseum. It seemed to me she always lived her life like a candle in the wind. Never knowing who to cling to when the rain set in. I would've like to have known her but she was already dead. Her candle burned out long before her legend ever did. That's just what I thought. Meh, I dunno. It sounds kinda poetic. Maybe I should write a song about her. I also had a crush on Princess Di. As a boy, I never udnerstood why she would marry that dork when she could've had me. And I'm sur
  7. You're lucky Rules. 8-8 is a down season for you guys. I'm a Dallas fan and I have 8-8 (or worse) to look forward to until JJ decides to sell (won't happen) or dies. Not to be morose or anything. The problem is, JJ thinks he knows more than any coach and that's why he's surrounded by yes-men and why no good coaches will come to Dallas. Now there's rumors that they're gonn draft Landry Jones who has been called Romo 2.0 since his sophomore year in college. They kid has a million dollar arm but has a nickel head. Dallas is destined for 8-8 for the foreseeable future. **sigh**
  8. I'm curious as to why you think Drive was trash after the first 5 minutes. Was it because you were expecting an action movie? I liked the film but I think many were mislead by the marketing of the film. Perhaps some went into it expecting a Fast and Furious type movie and it wasn't that at all.
  9. I'd seen an ad on TV for it and it said something to the effect of it being this generations Breakfast Club. After seeing Perks, I think it measures up. Emma's American accent needs some work but you get used to it as the movie goes along. She still tends to enunciate words a little too perfect for it to sound American. Does anyone else find it interesting that Perks deals with sexual molestation of minors by adults and there are two characters who go to Penn State? Seems a bit prescient knowing what we know now, doesn't it? As far as letting a 13 year old see it, I agree with SoF. If my d
  10. She's a soccer player. And a bit of a train wreck.
  11. The kid looks thrilled. He'll be kicking himself in a few years when he realizes he met Emma Watson. He'll be thinking "if only I knew then what I know now." But for now, some lady accosted him on the street and interrupted him during prime candy gettin' time.
  12. I'm guessing it's cold or coolish there. They're wearing jackets etc. I can't imagine that since it's been around 113 freakin' degrees here. Yes, freakin'; that's what the F stands for. It's getting down to a cool 91 degrees at night though.
  13. That's what the article said. It said that there was a long standing rivalry between Great Britain and Australia. I'd never heard that and just wondered if there was any truth to it.
  14. I was reading an article about the Olympics being in London and the author of the article said that the English wanted to outdo the Australians from when they held the games in Sydney. It said that there was a rivalry between England or the UK and Australia. I've never heard this before. For those of you from the UK, can you answer this for me? Is this true?
  15. I can't ever seem to find the men's basketball. Every time I find basketball on one of NBC's many channels it's always something like Uruguay vs. Argentina or some such.
  16. So are you guys in England all totally amped for this? Are you running out to buy Blu-ray copies of Chariots of Fire in order to prep for it (even though the Olympics in that movie are the '24 Paris Olympics)?
  17. What d'ya mean not real? We all learn about this in school over here. It's pretty common knowledge in the US that our 16th president hunted and killed vampires. There's plenty of evidence that it is all real and true. Just look at the book. the above was tongue in cheek
  18. I've got it on reserve at the library. Just waiting for it to come in. I feel like I need to read the book before seeing the movie. I spoke with someone who's read it and they said it's kinda cool how they use historical photographs in the book and use it to explain the behind the scenes vampire history. It's told from a serious point of view. Which I guess is about the only way that something like that would work. Anyone read this?
  19. link One of the last gifs near the bottom of the page linked above is of Emma. It appears to be a Deathly Hallows interview. Is she really crying in that gif? Does anyone know what this is from? Where's the original interview? TIA
  20. This looks to be easily the best movie of the summer. I'm so excited. It looks like it ups the ante from TDK and that was a really good film. I wish we didn't have to wait until July.
  21. Dude, what're you talkin' about? That phone is beyond cool.
  22. It doesn't matter who you ask, they'll be going with someone else. Didn't GoF teach us anything? You never get to go with who you really want to be with. That's why there's so much crying. It was actually a misprint in the book - it's really the You'll Bawl.
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