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Everything posted by GingerCat

  1. You can't choose your family. I am sure Emma is really close to her brother but that doesn't mean she doesn't want him to quit smoking.
  2. Speaking of "baseless guesswork" this also qualifies because for all you know Emma and her brother may have had many a arguement about him smoking. Just because she doesn't do it in public doesn't mean it doesn't (or didn't) happen.
  3. Generally speaking i would agree and i am sure it will be true for most of Emma's future roles but something tells me kissing Rupert and Dan was not as simple as you are suggesting as even if it wasn't romantic she does have a emotional connection with both of them. It would actually be much easier to kiss someone whom you just met than to kiss someone who you have known and considered a friend for 8 years. Well i don't think Dan is a good kisser either so that means since we both agree it must be a fact In a article i read about Dan and his smoking it said that both Emma and R
  4. I'm not saying it is bad more just really unexpected. Of course i don't live in London so other than that article i know nothing about this club/bar. It could be very different and only have the live sex show (or whatever it is) on some occasions.
  5. Does anyone know how reliable this particular website is (warning there is a nude image on this page) http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23924618-first-glimpse-inside-the-exclusive-sex-show-club-where-prince-harry-partied.do because in this article it claims that Emma Watson has been seen at a sex/night club. I know we don't know a lot about Emma's personal life but her going to a sex club seems a bit out of character (at least from what we know of her). Does anyone else know if this is true or is the author talking complete BS?
  6. That basically sums it up but i don't recall anyone saying that Rupert is a amazing kisser. I personally have no idea as i haven't seen him in anything but the Harry Potter movies so i want to wait and see the Ron/Hermione kiss before i judge how good a kisser Rupert is.
  7. Thanks for the link as i don't recall hearing that. Though i do have to agree with you in that at least on screen Dan doesn't look like a good kisser as his kisses with the actresses of Cho and Ginny were extremely wooden and his kiss with Emma only looked good because Emma was doing 99% of the work in the kiss. Dan didn't really participate in the kiss (if that makes sense). Of course i could be wrong there as obviously i have never kissed Dan but that is the impression i get just from watching his on screen kisses.
  8. Could you provide a link to that interview please as i have never read it?
  9. You're right that Emma would never say anything negative about her co-stars but sometimes you can tell what she is thinking based on what she hasn't said. I remember when they talked about the kiss she had to do with Dan Dan couldn't say enough positive things about they way Emma kissed but i don't recall Emma ever complimenting Dan on they way he kissed. She never said anything bad about the way he kissed but she never said it was good either.
  10. That photo was probably taken after Rupert had already stepped on the dress
  11. I just found a couple of quotes from Emma about Dan 'We are like siblings. If I'm feeling a bit anxious or I need to talk something over with someone, Dan's the one I'll go to. We had this great weekend once. We were stuck in the middle of nowhere in Scotland in this castle. 'We were both meant to be in bed and I sneaked into Dan's room and stayed up watching movies all night, drinking Coke and eating M&Ms from the minibar. about Rupert 'Rupert's the guy I go to when I want to be relaxed and have a good laugh. His dressing room is like a child's wonderland with every kind of game, ev
  12. Emma would never date a smoker. She is to smart for that.
  13. About a dozen nipple slip photo's taken by the paparazzi.
  14. I thought Emma looked a little sad and upset at the begining of the Bafta's as well but i just chalked it down to the events of the previous day and Emma being a bit upset at what happened.
  15. According to another website this appeared on twitter For anyone who doesn't know Ryan Turner is this kid and he plays Hugo Weasley in the epilogue of Deathly Hallows Part 2.
  16. According to a tweet from someone who was at the Bafta's Emma spent most of the late night in the VIP room with Rupert Grint and Colin Firth.
  17. Unfortunately it has happened again and Emma seems to have had another nipple slip. I won't put the picture up but here is a link to anyone who wants it http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/02/13/article-1356478-0D2854DA000005DC-871_468x656.jpg and here is the article http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1356478/Emma-Watson-suffers-wardrobe-malfunction-night-out.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
  18. I love the dress as it is very sexy but i am not really a fan of the lipstick.
  19. Potter won't be gone. It just won't be in the movies anymore. Emma, Rupert and Dan are all going to continue acting out scenes in Harry Potter in their basements every weekend (they even plan on writing their own scenes and acting them out as well).
  20. I still want to hear her American accent before i get to excited as even though i know she is a great actress i also know that a bad accent can really hurt a actresses performance. In saying that though if Emma can nail the accent i expect she will be very good in this movie. Also it looks like Emma will be doing a nude scene because from my understanding Sam (Emma's character) does appear topless near the end of the book.
  21. According to this article Emma has signed for the roll of Sam in "Perks". http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118031935?refCatId=13
  22. For some reason the first thought i had when i saw that photo was that Emma was cutting her toenails
  23. I am willing to bet that Yates filmed a couple of versions of the polyjuice scene where Ron makes it back to the Burrow because the way Dan is holding Emma looks to be very similar to the way Rupert was holding Emma in that exact scene. I am willing to bet they filmed the same scene first with Rupert and then with Dan and then decided later on which version they would use in the movie.
  24. Thanks. I am terrible at judging ages but i thought that was quite a old photo of Emma as her face has subtly changed a bit over the past 5 or 6 years.
  25. Do you know how old Emma was in that photo as she looks very young (at least to me)?
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