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Everything posted by mischief.managed

  1. ^ Thank you <3 If anyone has suggestions, please post them!
  2. ^ Thank you she's a Victoria's Secret Angel
  3. ty, Jadey-cakes! Yeah, I think I'm just used to the hot weather. Call me crazy, but I can wear hoodies in that kind of heat and barely sweat. Umm...you do look bad in any kind of hair color?! It looks pretty awesome
  4. Gahh, I am so bad >.< I made some more graphics today (finally). Adriana Lima is so hot I wasn't sure what style to stick to, so the sigs look very similar.
  5. ^ Yay! Of course, not yay because your skin is sensitive, yay because there's someone on here who has the same condition as me My hair gives me hives as well. When I wear a tank top, I have to keep it off of my shoulders or else I'll start to swell up. I've heard that keeping your skin moisturized and drinking plenty of water will make hives less severe (for obvious reasons haha). I'm really, really bad at that though...
  6. "So tell me, apart from your main interest or hobby, what things do you do to get that sense of gratification?" It could be anything. For Joe and yourself, it's baking I usually spend most of my time alone, but sometimes being with people you really love and appreciate is very blissful. My school hosts a "Worship Night" every few months and I went to my first one last night. There weren't that many people there, but it was a great time of singing and fellowship.
  7. I wish it was mine ): <333 Thank you Well, I do live very near the equator xD and it was a cool hat
  8. Nickelodeon Pancakes or Waffles?
  9. ^ Now you're just starting to sound like a broken telephone "PSHHHHHHH" haha xD I don't like the way I look here, but this picture is so ridiculous, I had to post it
  10. Does he fit the age requirement?
  11. @ Jade: Pshh...you are, shush @ Sarah: It's understandable haha.
  12. Aww, shucks. Thank you so much xD ty (: You are flippin' adorable! And I know I've said this before but you have really pretty eyes, I'm really jealous of people with blue or green eyes. Lookin' gooood
  13. ^ I have quite a few cats and when I play with them, I do end up looking like Frankenstein! xD I don't let them near my face though (or at least try not to). We also got a puppy a few weeks ago and she's teething, so when I play with her, she bites a little and I get marks from those.
  14. In all seriousness, I think I'm addicted to music. It distracts me from pretty much everything. When I don't have school, I'm just in my room all day with my headphones glued to me. My mom has to come in to remind me to do everything (This includes eating. Yes, my mom has to remind me to EAT because I forget to). I go to bed at 3 AM not because I'm up doing homework or anything important...just sitting and listening to music and singing. It's a struggle for me to do what I need to because I can't function without my iTouch >.< It sounds so silly and typical for people of my age, but it's
  15. xD Oh, thanks lol Thank you so much...and I've always been really self-conscious about my skin color haha. Dude, stop being so gorgeous <3
  16. I honestly can't say. I'm adopted, so I wouldn't know if I got it from my parents or somewhere else down the line since I'm not their biological child. I do, however, have an under active thyroid (baha, I love how I'm just dishing out my medical disorders here xD) and apparently dermatographia can be linked to that. Well, I actually think tattoos are quite...ugly xD I've never wanted one and probably never will. If I did get one then I think my skin would do the same thing, just react more severely. I'm not sure...I have a feeling that it probably wouldn't matter where I went, since it
  17. Happy Birthday, Emma! Hope you get to spend time with people you love and overall just have an amazing day
  18. ^ 30 minutes to maybe 2 hours. Depends on how much pressure there was.
  19. It started at school probably around late May last year. I was just sitting in class and at the back of my neck I started getting this really burning itchy sensation (it was probably the tag in my shirt). For some stupid reason I just kept itching which made it worse and the welts took at least an hour to go away. After a few months of research I self-diagnosed myself with Dermatographia, which was a huge relief because I finally found out what was wrong with me xD The swelling can be really embarrassing when it happens on my face >.< lol it doesn't feel as cool as it looks, but a
  20. It does itch and burn. It was really annoying the first couple of months but you learn to get used to the feeling whenever sometime hits/scratches/brushes against you. It isn't life-threatening. Sometimes I don't even need physical contact for anything to appear; when I get stressed or aggravated, I get them on my face which is pretty embarrassing. @ Karen: umm...well I guess it's become a habit xD If you could write on yourself, and no one else you knew could, wouldn't you? Bottom line is I discovered something unique in myself. Yeah, so I took a picture of it
  21. There's a short article about it right here. I've had this for almost a year now. At first it was pretty scary because I had no idea what was wrong with me. Even a strand of hair that falls on my face can cause a reaction. But I've learned to accept it and even embrace that fact that my skin is super sensitive. It's also become so much of a distraction at school because I just write on myself all the time (which freaks some people out...)xD So, has anyone heard of it or know anyone with it?
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