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Status Updates posted by Karen

  1. I'm giving my life to the only One who makes the moon reflect the sun, every starry night, that was His design. I'm giving my life to the only One who was and is and yet to come, so let the praises ring, for He is everything!

    1.  sarahelizabeth


      <3 starry night <3


    2. Karen


      such a great song! :)

    3.  sarahelizabeth


      Oh yeah it is :) I saw Chris August in concert he is great :)


  2. Karen

    i'm so glad arie! it is perrrrfect. I'm going to think about it for another year or so though, because i just want to make sure i'm positive before i do anything :)

  3. I've been goooooood! starting my new school this fall (eeeep!) and uhh...that's it lol. Nothing really too major going on in my life! Do YOU have any gossip?? Cuz I really dont. how was vacation, where'd you go? any fun pics?

  4. idk if it won! i wasnt there for the last day or whatever. and idk what the voting process even was o.O it was awesome though! I ate it and thought of you!

  5. If I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses. Sink me in the river at dawn, send me away with the words of a love song - The Band Perry

    1. Arie


      The band perry is amazing!!!!

    2. Karen


      kim, didnt I show you this song? :P and yes arie, they are! i dont usually like country but I like country a lot :)

    3. Kim.


      Yes you did! Derrrrr. Duhhh, Karen. DUHHHH -flicks you in the forehead-

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  6. Karen

    im having oodles of fun :D im hoping to get many discussions started; i'm so tempted to just post my ideas but I want to wait for other people too, lol. I didn't go to breakfast this morning but im eating some gingersnaps now. Yay!

  7. In america, or abroad? In america, I want to go on a national park tour. I'd especially like to see mesa verde, shenandoah, and the smokey mts nat'l parks. Oh and glacier. Abroad, I'd like to move to ireland someday, and see the UK, wales, greece, italy, NZ...the list goes on lol. SO many places I want to go. You?

  8. Karen


  9. IR test tomorrow...cumulative. Oh and KICKED BUTT in my bio exam today :D

  10. ireland is ZE BEST, i can't wait to go back! ^_^ is it weird to say i miss it?

  11. it is really odd! I actually love putting myself out there (in some things) so if I was, let's say, the only white person in a group of hispanics I'd be like OK let's do this! I would absolutely LOVE it hahahaha. I'd be like I'm latina! except I'm not...so it gets to be a problem because sometimes I actually think I am xD identity crisis!

  12. it is so good! I liked the 10 commandments though, thats one of my faves around easter time

  13. it was a rib fest put on by this show called the phantom gourmet, and it was like a competition to see who had the best ribs. mmmmm

  14. Karen

    it's ok! :) I love you anyways! <3333

  15. it's okay just lemme know! i'll bug you in another few months :P btw here's a cool song:

  16. Karen

    it's okay! I hope you had a good shabbat last night :)

  17. Karen

    its okay! yeah, I'm part of the irish mafia, didn't you know? O.o when you come to boston i'm going to kidnap and kill you :P

  18. ive never heard of that! why do you know all these things about america that I don't know?? hahaha. hey do you have msn? we should chat there! :)

  19. jaja esta bien! Estoy una tutora para esp. 101 y me gusta mucho, es en el centro para los logros academicas en mi uni. Finalmente tengo una compa~era de cuarto y ella es muyy dulce! Estoy pensando en estudiar afuera y mm si! eso es todo! oh y la proxima semana kim me visita desde NJ. :D

  20. jon you are so sweet! I hope you have a very blessed and happy Christmas and thank you for all your prayers, they are much appreciated :)

  21. Karen

    Joyeux Noel to you as well, Martin!! I hope you had an awesome day today :)

  22. Karen


    hi. :)

  23. Karen

    KIMMMMMM. COME ONLINEEEEEEEE. I'M BOREEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDD. And I'm waiting for my uncle to come so i can move out!! i wanna talk with youuuuuu <3

  24. Let Your words remind me who I am

  25. Karen

    lol I have no idea! I think people are still generally confused over the covering topic in Judaism because there are so many different spins on it. I am sure that at some point, when I wear a scarf, I will be mistaken for a Jewish woman because that's the style I'm wearing. If I were wearing a hijab, people might think I'm muslim.

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