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Everything posted by cbmac12

  1. LOL!!! Yeah I forgot I had the 2 of you in timeout!! LOL R/E love is comin in 6 days yall!!!!!!!!! Btw Katie at R/E forum posted this from Emma in her latest interview... "I like men with quick wit, good conversation and a great sense of humour. I love banter. I want a man to like me for me" EMMA, are we saying/hinting at something here girl?
  2. I will lose it when I see Malfoy Manor in its entirety- the scene w. Bellatrix and Hermione You can feel the panic and fear Hermione feels of dying at that moment RON SAVE YOUR GIRL!!!
  3. RUPERT "while Emma is at college, yeah I have been texting her a bit".......AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
  4. First off did Emma take like 23 weeks off from school? WOW... you go girl Rupert/Emma are SO starting to say ahem different things about the kiss now GOOD GOLLY AWESOME THINGS oops forgot about ya jon and vida!! time out is over!! NEED R/E LOVE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again on side note- how freakin funny is it that bookies are wagering on R/E getting married? That was the strangest bet!!! DO they KNOW something????? HMMM.... I GOTS THAT FEELIN THAT IS GROWIN STRONGER EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. AWWWWWWWWWWW RUPERT- moving this over to R/E land (My comments ).... I was crying during Malfoy Manor- I had to watch.... good thing too because I lost it. HERMIONE RON
  6. I have my ways!!!! Anytime ANYONE starts to doubt the ship, "consequences maybe severe" (insert Umbridge laugh here)
  7. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok Jon needs a time out Ok this is where Capt. Cbmac comes in to steer ship back on course ... said "I think we’re like brothers and sister".... two things THINK was the word and second she could be saying Dan/Rupert like brothers, and Dan and her like sister/brother see now dont yall feel happy to have Capt. Cbmac steering this boat? That ship is sailing and will be making port soon-like days soon hehe
  8. Katie you are MUCH stronger than me I am guessing LOL... Jon- who wants to bet Jon will cry yall? Come on Jon even you will lose it is my guess It's ok!! We're family LOL
  9. I know arent they? I cant wait to see them at their premieres!!!!!! Raise your hand if you're ready to fall out of your chairs waiting
  10. Thanks But yeah the trio are just cool- I am sorry but the other "trio" in TW doesnt even come close to our trio-had to be said LOL
  11. Emma just gets more and more stunning in each shoot she is doing- I loved this shoot-she is just having so much fun and just looks awesome-the clothes, the hair, the make up, everything! Go Emma
  12. Hey Sabine I know it was you- I dont know if yall like to be called by your non screen names OMG Rupert's performance (along w. Emma's) during the locket scene BROKE MY HEART- he is SO oh I cant explain it- lets just say our boy did us proud (and our girl too)...seriously I teared up during that clip- tears coming down LOL Like I said I will be a hot mess LOL
  13. Hey Katie! Welcome And to answer ya NOOOOOOOOOOOOO spoilers for THE KISS LOL... but I dont know I would maybe be weak and give in- that kiss will be locked up til July 15th I plan on bringing PLENTY of tissues- I started tearing up at the clip of Hermione tearing up when Ron leaves for goodness sake!! What will I look like at the end of Part 1!!!! LOL Btw yall do you see my siggy below of Ron and Hermione holding on tightly to each other? THAT IS MY NEW WALL ART POSTER ON MY COMPUTER ROOM WALL (where all my HP Posters are )...THEY ARE EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL TOGETHER "IN PERSON"
  14. Hmmm Rupert seems to like DH 7 Hermione eh? AWWWWWWW He even compliments her as her character bless him... Luciana I think they made a mistake- trust me I almost fell out of my chair when I read that... I still find it funny to this day that they know the amount of takes they took for the kiss- like they are so proud of themselves to get it right the first 5 times VIDA GOOD ONE!!!!!!!!!!! "I pounced on Rupert" Rupert, yea dreading it
  15. Which is AWESOME- the R/E love is showing again I feels As for the bettin folks- it is strange and very very random... btw again Emma in her interviews has been going on about who else? Hint RG hehe... that girl loves to mention her boy when given the chance and not just mention but go on and on. SO sweet
  16. When I read that about Ron and Hermione there for him, I started to picture it and cried- well also helps that we have seen that pic of Hermione consoling Ron-sigh.... yes bring tons of tissues-that locket scene will do me in, not to mention Malfoy Manor.. Vida, I am wondering how much they will spend on Tonks/Lupin-I was shocked when they said what happened to BOTH of them DH IS SOOOOO SOOOOOOON- then we will get our RON/HERMIONE MOMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I didnt come on to the HP scene until a few years after SS so didnt know much about it. I was still in college and didnt think much about HP at the time. With that said when I found HP, I was immediately taken by the cuteness and adorableness of lil Emma back then. The looks she would give, the way she said her lines was way too precious and sweet. Emma was and always will be our Hermione. Btw have yall seen Emma's clips/trailers in DH? WOW the girl will so own it!!! My heart was breaking in some scenes they showed (not gonna spoil it )...Emma has gone from that cute adorable lil girl to this
  18. She would have 6 weeks off for winter break (bless our US college system )... whatever projects Emma does in the future, I will def be there to go and watch! She is a very talented actress who has blown me away w. her DH scenes in trailers and clips. I adored her in HBP but DH I have a feeling will really blow many away w. her performance.
  19. AWWWWWWWWWWW That was too freakin cute awwwwww God love them!!! They really were meant to play the trio... what I love is I watched on A&E Harry Potter Biography and the thing Heyman said on the first day to the media was we have found our Harry Potter and also our Ron and Hermione who look like they have been bickering for years. I just thought Dan, Rupert, and Emma were perfect together as the golden trio. No one else would have done a better job. What amazes me and all my friends is how they kept the same cast year after year and not just the trio. We watched the trio grow up before our
  20. States-it is 17 days yall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would do the hours and seconds but it is only 9:30AM here and I just woke up LOL
  21. I am SO freakin excited for the soundtrack- when you see the Locket scene in the clips (BRING TISSUES)...and THAT song coupled with it... just
  22. Rupert has definitely blown me away from what I have seen in his clips...I am dying to see Wild Target and Cherry Bomb, hopefully CB will come out on DVD soon here in the states-I havent seen it yet. Galadriel! You is back
  23. Personally I think they are bored out of their minds KIDDING... it is VERY funny that they would select a couple that doesnt warrant much personal media attention though....awwww Hugo Grint... lets take RJ (Rupert Jr. )...ok next round of drinks are coming-Luciana I will make yours less stronger That is me nowadays-two drinks tops! LOL Why do I have the urge to sing Garth Brooks' Friends in Low Places? Emma: "lots of beautiful red-headed babies, that's a much better story" AWWW EMMA GIRL
  24. Hey there Dan YES R/E will SO OWN DH no question.... the looks/emotions/acting/everything between R/E in that scene is so freakin intense and sad-you feel for both characters at that point. 17 more days (USA) left!!!!!!!
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