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Lady Deadpool

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Status Updates posted by Lady Deadpool

  1. ahaha yaaaaaay sounds like an awesome plan then! :D

  2. ahaha yeah my Jawed :3 and the most amazing sig ever made by you <3

  3. ahaha you're right! But hey we already know that our profiles love each other and they're are committed to each other so no worries ;O But oh poor poodle needs some of our love too :c

  4. ahahaha Durex are good..i think :P But but i like mocking other people and make them feel uncomfortable..Damn it's no fun being a grown up :c

  5. ahahaha poor you, drink some black coffee *pat pat* Awhh no worries :D I'm good good, been a nice day so far, still trying to figure out my plans for the night ^^

  6. ahahaha totally i'm on my way! :o

  7. ahahaha you smooth talker, you ;p Oh that's true we already have Widu the poodle. I'm trying to think if that 'ps. wink' has to do something with the dogs names lol but uhm it's really late and hot here and y'know i can't concentrate much atm for various reasons :P buttt we can always name the dogs after peoples' names on here :o

  8. ahahaha. That last one she wouldn't agree with. Like ever :P So permission denied!! Wiwiii i'm going to sleep now, don't stay up too late kay? :P

  9. ahahahaha i'm not very fond of birds as pets.. o.o BUT can we have like every dog of every race?! can we? can we? can we?

  10. Ahh yeah i get it. When i have other problems, or stuff going on in my life i can't concentrate or enjoy what i do lol

  11. ahsbdbdhdbdfbfj ohhh the things i'd do to you. But heyy, i also liked the previous form. :sob: How have you been Demo? :D

  12. am..amazing? You bring tears in mah eyes *tackleglomps* Ouch sounds horrible. 12 hours loading and unloading? I hope you're having some rest. Whatever has to do with back problems can be pretty dangerous :[

  13. And i didn't even comment on the word 'doggies'. Well now i did *.*

  14. And i forgot to ask how are you? xD


  16. And you do that now that i'm leaving! Damn you. I can blow your mind or anything else you want away too ;O And now i should stay away from the keyboard. Byyyyees

  17. Andrewwzz. I'm fine, studying and being cold xD How about you?

  18. Arghh i could totally have a cocktail right now! But weeeeelll how about you drink both? The poking war will be so much easier after that :P I just noticed the two synthetics of the word cocktails and i just can't help but to wonder who named it that way o.o

  19. Arghhh that's horrible! You have to always be careful and don;t overtire yourself! FORGET ABOUT THE EXTRA MONEY YOUUU WOMAN! I'll come to NT in two years and give you money kay! *sob* I'm good, studying a bit, going out being annoyed by everything and everyone. You know, everyday stuff :x

  20. aw haha thank you lovelyyyy <3 How's my niece today? (:

  21. Awe you people stop missing me already! :P But hey you're a little drunk, so you partially speak the truth.Interesting..tell me moarrrrr

  22. Aweeehh ily <3 CHARLTON HESTON FTW <333 It's such an incredible movie!

  23. awh haha awesome ^^ was looking at some pictures online, looks like major fun.

    @Lena: i'm gonna come and spam your profile as well ;O muwahaha

  24. Awh i forgot; poke poke poke poke pokeeeeeee

  25. Awhh :c hope at least it's an interesting book! I'm studying to be a teacher. I study Lit/Poetry, Ancient Greek/Latin, History and Linguistics. I major in Ancient Greek tho :D

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