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Joanne P.

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Everything posted by Joanne P.

  1. I told my boyfriend two years ago, it wasn't easy but it helped, a little. The thing is, he is very sweet and helpful but he just doesn't see the point of doing all this. He eats when he is hungry and that's it. SO he can't really understand... But now I feel more like speaking about it to friends, only when I do, I say that it is over, which is not really true... I'm getting better, kind of growing up actually, but it's not over. My best hope is that I have been able to start exercising again a few weeks ago, and even if I can't do everything I practiced before, I feel better in my body. T
  2. her legs on the last picture... incredibly long but still healthy, not like some (too many) others !
  3. Hi Joanne ! I'm sorry, I've been off for a while, I had personnal issues these last weeks but it's getting better. Are you ok with meat now ? Because if it's still difficult to eat some, you should try veggie recipes so you don't get too many deficiences...
  4. Well, I think they were asked to look closer than they were really ro promote the movies. I do believe that Emma And Dan are very good friends, though, but Rupert has always seemed to be the "different" guy. He hasn't the same hobbies and all, I think, even if I don't know much about him. He doesn't look for fame that much as well, he seems to be hesitating much more than the two others. But actually, there's nothing wrong with them not being that close. You can share a lot with someone during a while and then don't keep in touch. It happens all the time
  5. Thanks Arie ! I feel good these days, it's an "up" week Can't wait to be tomorrow ! also I cut my hair today and I asked the hairdresser about short haircuts and she told me it could be nice on me I've been dreaming of short hair for a long time, I think I will do this when it's not so cold anymore ! I don't know how to thank you because you just told me the one thing I needed, you kind of "unlocked" my mind !
  6. Same, I never tried because I am afraid I wouldn't be able to stop, which is kind of stupid because I just hate the smell and all, but after all, I don't see why I should try to overcome this fear. I know it's bad for one's health and I don't like seeing my people smoking, but other things are bad such as alcohol, etc. And if I don't smoke, I can't pretend I have never drunk. But I think it would be hard to share my life with a smoker, even if he was careful. To answer you junkie, I often ask people (at least my friends and relatives) not to smoke too close to me. If you ask it kindly then
  7. First thanks to you because I implemented your advice today wearing a hat I bought last week and everybody told me it was great And you were right, I felt good all day because I felt like people were seing me as I really am ! And I bought my shoes this morning, they are simple (I saw a couple of pairs I liked too but these ones were cheaper and I couldn't really afford the others) but I like them, I'm not very into sophisticated clothes or accessories. and my dress looks like this one, but in red :
  8. Oh, and my first name means "God is gracious" or something like that... But I was named after Joan Baez, with a more British/Breton spelling, so in my parents' mind it had nothing to do with religion. I am now a christian, though.
  9. Thanks Arie ! You are definitively someone I would ask an advice ! Because you speak my language I love the way you explain how to change slowly, it felt so easy when I read it These days are hard for me because all the girls are talking about their dresses and everything and I really feel like I won't be able to make it... But I don't want to be the prettiest, just to have fun without comparing me with every girl I will see. Again, thanks ! Tomorrow I'll go looking for these shoes, I'll show you a picture if I find them
  10. Mine, in my county, can mean "pigeon" or "chick". Well, when I was in middle school they often used me as a carrier pigeon to bring people back together... but I don't think it has anything to do with my name
  11. 5, I always feel like she wore a headband because it was fashion at this time... and i don't really fancy this one.
  12. Lord of the rings III, more precisely Viggo Mortensen
  13. Yesterday Scoop by Woody Allen and Lord of the rings II
  14. thanks to all, apparently you all agree about the ballet flats ! I think if I can find some black ones it will be perfect because I don't wear this kind of shoes very often, but in black I could wear them with a lot of other dresses. I sometimes feel comfortable in my clothes but the point is, even if I make efforts people keep on thinking that I'm a tom boy which was OK when I was 12 but now I'm tired of hearing that. And I will certainly not change my whole style for these people, but I'd like some advice about how I could "let them know" that hey, I'm a girl and let me breathe ! Because
  15. Apparently it exists here in France too, but that kind of sites is illegal here I believe, because yes, on a side you have freedom of speech. But on the other side, this site is simply defamatory (and in a very rude way). I reckon this is a major difference between the USA and France : you let things go because to you, freedom of speech has almost no limits (I by things I mean it can be racist, or homophobic words). We TRY to apply "your freedom stops when your neighbour's begins". It's hard, though, to define this limit (well, sometimes it's not, it's obvious that you can't call someone na
  16. Hi everybody ! Everything in the title, to me fashion is unattainable, and I'd like it to change, because I'm kind of interested in it now. I want to be me, to feel comfortable in my clothes, not to be ashamed of my appearance. So, as I know you are all very into fashion, I want to ask you a few questions. First, I have a gala on Friday and I will wear a red dress, quite short. I can't wear heels, what's your advice ? Thanks a lot ! I'll
  17. Les poupées russes by Klapisch with Romain Duris
  18. Les feuilles mortes (Dead leaves) by Yves Montand
  19. Yes ! Parallel universe by the Red Hot ?
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