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Everything posted by Dax

  1. Hour 15 of Potter Watch: My good friend Shadowplay paid me a visit and spoke words of encouragement. Aw if only I could trust her, after not guilt tripping me last night and allowing me to leave right before Pottermore gave out their first clue I'm not sure what to believe. Do I forgive her? I guess, but is there a crater in my heart, definitely. Jeeves, my stereotypically named servant, has informed me now that our food supply is running low. This is equally troubling in regards to my caffeine shortage. Only time will tell if I can survive these trials. I look towards a brighter future. E
  2. Hour 14 of Pottermore Watch: I'm running low on tea which is quite disturbing. Without sweet lady caffeine I'm not sure I can last the entire night. I've sent runners to see what our tea supplies are like but the initial reports aren't good. Despite this hiccup in my journey, I'm still holding strong. Clearly there is a light at the end of this tunnel, albeit the tunnel is a rather long one. In the end doesn't a long journey make the reward that much sweeter? I'm so close Pottermore...yet so far away... End Dax's log, Entry 1158.
  3. Hour 13 of Pottermore Watch: Not much to report, little activity on the Pottermore front. The constant refreshing is starting to make my clicking finger hurt, not sure how much longer I can do this (god save me). I have the endurance and strength to press on, but one starts to think "my god, how long will I have to wait?" I shall continue in my endeavors in the hope that I too may soon be registered with Pottermore, I've given up so much already for it, like my wife, my family, my little dog Skipper. At the end of the day though, I know it's worth it. End Dax's log, Entry 1157.
  4. POKEMON?!?!?!?! (flips hat around) I'VE GOT TO CATCH THEM ALL!!!
  5. Dax


    You have to check everyday, they are randomly posted. Once you figure it out you have to use the web address that voldy gone moldy provided with the answer at the end Pottermore's Help.
  6. (randomly bombs people) WIND, CUZ WE PWN LIKE THAT!!!
  7. Dax


    YOUUUUU!!! YOU LIED TO ME AND SAID YOU WERE LEAVING , why didn't you guilt trip me ??!?!?!?! So anyone else going to stay up all night and knock this thing out? That's my goal tonight .
  8. Dax


    Ikr, I'm going to have to go super obsessive over this to get in O_O. Out of curiosity what was the first clue?
  9. Dax


    (puts on sunglasses) Oh, it's on...
  10. Yeah but honestly Dumbledore only had one major action scene throughout the entire set of movies which was in OOTP at the end. I think Harris would have been able to do what Gambon did. There are quick movements in some of the others movies but nothing really crazy that Harris couldn't do. He was pretty spry for a 72 year old up until the end.
  11. Gambon was a good Dumbledore, but Harris WAS Dumbledore. He had the right look, the right demeanor, the right everything. Gambon was good but there were times like in GOF when he rushes at Harry and screams "DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE HARRY?!?!!?!?" that seemed very undumbledorish, Dumbledore was too laid back and at peace to rush at Harry like that. It's small things like that that make me prefer Harris over Gambon. Having said that I enjoyed both performances and am happy with the results.
  12. Dax

    The Yule Ball

    Who would I ask lol? No no no, you seem to be mistaken, it's more of who would ask me .
  13. This isn't very surprising. Borders has been having financial trouble for the last five years or so and for like the last two years they've been trying to find someone to buy them out. It looks like they couldn't find a buyer and so they are being liquidated O.O. I've always been more inclined towards B&N but Borders was nice too. I generally hate when any book store closes.
  14. This is the opening weekend numbers. The Dark Knight was on top I believe but this overtook it in terms of opening weekend. Avatar opened with something like 77 million. In terms of total gross we don't know because DH part 2 hasn't been out long enough . Avatar is the highest grossing movie of all time.
  15. Well I won't argue you can report me, I'm not sure how much good it will do you as I haven't said anything worthy of a warning. And I don't really target you, not sure where you got that from. You said it Jade, not me, I quoted your words. You can be mad at me as much as you want, at the end of the day you said it, not me. May I ask that you provide two instances where I have targeted you? I think I spoke to you about 5 months ago in the RPG section, if that's considered "targeting" than I must have missed the memo. And I'm not looking down my nose at you, I'm stating clearly what you your
  16. Jade this is an exact quote that you yourself have typed absolutely unaltered. You just insinuated that everyone who didn't like the film was a liar. Let me break it down for you really fast, to help you out. "I'm not one of those fans to lie" indicating you don't lie, followed by "and say it was brilliant just because I'm a big fan" which implies that if you are a big fan and enjoyed it that you are in fact a liar, because they lied about it being good. It not being good is of course your opinion. Sure you didn't single out anyone, which was very kind of you, but singling out a group isn
  17. Some guys get all the luck T_T.
  18. Yeah don't let others try to influence your opinion. I can see to an extent where Hermione is coming from, although I tend to disagree with it. The movies aren't going to be exact copies of the books, that's impossible. They did change some things that didn't need to be changed, but they've been doing that since GOF so it's nothing new. As for your attack on the acting, I didn't really find it faltering, difference of opinion there I suppose. Also I found this comment a bit rude. Just because someone has a difference of opinion from you, good or bad, doesn't give you the right to call them
  19. I have to say it was a great film and it does the film series justice. I would definitely rate it one of the top films. I do have some qualms about things they've changed/added but I expected it as they've changed things in the other movies and it was nothing major. If it weren't for those things I'd say the movie was absolutely perfect. Definitely worth watching and rewatching ^.^, GO SEE IT!!!!!!
  20. I wouldn't say that, I would say more that the age of forums is dead. With things like Facebook which are more inclusive and offer more variety on what you can do, forums have started to die out. After the last two films I wasn't expecting a big boost this time around. There are thousands of fans for HP and there always will be, there are just different ways of expressing that now.
  21. ^ Kick back and take a breather, then get ready for the next adventure.
  22. Which AOE? The original, AOE 2, AOE 3, then there was the several age of mythology spin offs as well O.O.
  23. It is debatable to an extent. The historical circumstances when the constitution was created and ratified were far different today than it was back then. During the time the constitution was created they heavily relied on militia's to repel enemy invasions. Yes the US still had a standing army but to deploy it back then could take days or even weeks while a state's militia could respond way faster. It's critical that citizens weren't barred their right to arms for this purpose, I mean how can you fight if you don't have weapons. If you interpret it in regards that citizens were required to kee
  24. Not bad, this premiere was far more brief than the last though and in terms of an emotional impact I'd say the London Premiere was far more charged with emotion (and rightfully so). Emma looked lovely as always ^.^.
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