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Everything posted by Dax

  1. Dax


    You need to set aside time, no matter how stressful the day is. 30 minutes is usually good enough, but even if you are writing for 10 minutes on those really tough days, it's better than nothing. It may not be the greatest work ever, in fact first drafts are probably going to suck, that's true of 99% of writers. At least your ideas are down and you have something to work with. You need to get those ideas down first. And I've written countless poems as many know. I also write short stories, soon a play, more poetry, and hopefully a novel later on in life.
  2. The entire Hunger Games trilogy, Dubliners, Moll Flanders, The Picture of Dorian Grey, Over 50 poems by Walt Whitman, Poems by Thomas Hardy, Poems by Emily Dickinson, 10 submitted short stories for publication (I'm part of a publishing group), 5 modern short stories (not counting ones submitted for critique in my writing group), and finally Emerson's "circles" and "self-reliance." This was all in the last week and half. If we go back further than that, this list quadruples within a month's time.
  3. Or AT-AT walkers, and lets be honest...Does anyone really want to fight without an AT-AT walker?
  4. lolol fail...but we still <3 yah.
  5. Facebook is scary. Some guy gunned down two parents because they "unfriended him." It's sad when we live in a world where people take things like this too seriously.
  6. I'm sure it is the angle the picture was taken at, but that guys head in the first picture is massive. Emma is looking wonderful as always ^.^.
  7. Everyone gather up into a circle please. I want everyone to take the pledge, the pledge not to eat your daughter's fries. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZHnWvMaoKM We can avoid this tragedy guys, please...Take the pledge and post "I will never eat my daughter's fries" if you stand in solidarity with the movement.
  8. Yeah, honestly none of them were really Oscar worthy. The only arguments you can make are in the categories of makeup/costume design and visual effects, which I think DH2 has a decent chance of winning. I've seen some of the movies nominated and I think most are deserving. We all love HP, we are hardcore fans, we hang out on an Emma Watson fan forum. The series however, was never really oriented for innovative and critical acclaim, it was to create a tangible Harry Potter universe in film, which I think they did a marvelous job of. As for the American actors claim, I think that's way over the
  9. Don't be jelly, just do some stalking too and it will be alright ^.^.
  10. Something very beautiful and magnificent -_o.
  11. Nah it's cool. I find it flattering that someone would actually take the time and effort to spy on me .
  12. It really depends on what you are studying. Simply put, some institutions have better graduate programs than others. If you got an English bachelors degree from Harvard, you'd want to get your masters there too because it's the topped ranked school in the US for English. It actually doesn't sound like a bad way of doing it, especially with what you'll pay in tuition as a graduate student. Might as well limit your damage if they have a decent graduate program for the degree you are pursuing. Just a friendly reminder though, graduate classes are a lot harder and require more time than undergrad,
  13. Oho, I wouldn't sit on my bed and wait a day, I'd just die. Kind of like cutting to the chase. If I've lived my life the way I've wanted to live it, which thus far I have, I don't feel obligated to do anything special before my demise. Are there things I'd like to do? I suppose, but realistically I'd still have the constraints on that day as I did the rest of my life. What I can do I've done and knowing I'm going to die isn't going to change anything, well except my eventual death of course. What I'd like to do wouldn't matter because I'm constrained by my previous limitations. Now lets say th
  14. Ah but that is my answer. I'd just die! There's no stopping the inevitable =D.
  15. Death is just another adventure after life. At that point I would have figured I lived my life and I would happily step through the door onto something new.
  16. Dax


    Happy New Year ^.^.
  17. I suspect 4 out of 5 dentists just recently bought stock in sugarless gum companies. These dental conspiracies must be addressed!
  18. No idea, but that is an amazing avatar/siggy combo.
  19. Yeah, it was a nice little Christmas special. I wouldn't say it's the one I like the most, but it got the job done in true Doctor Who fashion.
  20. Food, water, and air. Those really are the biggies. Everything else is just pudding =D.
  21. Dunno, but the old girl has lasted me 4-5 years and is still running strong.
  22. Dax


    Very tired, was a shooort day.
  23. Sitting in bed not watching the news.
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