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Status Updates posted by sarahelizabeth

  1. yaya now i got another AUNT :D

  2. yaya you added me :) now we are friends :)

  3. yea and he cheated on me with this really gross girl..

  4. yea and I relized my body really hurts b.c when you sleep so much it is so hard to get up from it..

  5. Yea basicly and I got a boyfriend <3

  6. yea but i would get soo sick with cake all day and cookies etc... I like that stuff but it is good for so long yyou know?

  7. yea but prom is still speacail b.c it is basically once in a life time thing..

  8. yea everyones body works different.. but the most common thing are headaches

  9. yea everything is near eacth other ande theres so much Shoppin so much places to eat at.. TRust me you will never run out of anything to do.. I promise.. there is so much to do.. and you wish you could it all lol

  10. yea he did..when i was over I Spent the Night at My moms n stuff then Yesterday he came over and we Went on a date saw a movie.. and things go pretty good for us.. everyone says we are cute together =]

  11. yea his names Scott <3 I knew him the same time as i started dating Aaron and he was always there for me when Aaron wasn't when i went though pain Aaron pretty much avoided me but Scott never left me side and Scott never liked Aaron at all b.c the way Aaron treated me

  12. yea i been helping my mom aLL DAY!! i am soo tired :/ oh god

  13. yea I can;t belive it either.. scott and I broke up already b.c he wanted to be single b.c Idk he didn't say much so i am pretty heartbroken and bummed

  14. Yea I guess your right but stil i am just trying to bea good friend

  15. Yea I hate being lazy and btw It is Awesome we both won Most Active Poster =]

  16. Yea I know But like when we frist started dating everything was soo good now it sucks :( but We arent dating I ended it Sunday

  17. yea I know It hurts a little bit right now..

  18. Yea I mean the first Epd I watched was pretty gross like the first one of the season but I Watched the Second one and 3rd wasn't so bad.. but just kind of weird but then again it is about how teenagers really are like

  19. yea it is sometimes it is good to be single

  20. yea it kind of is I love the medical filed.. i love nursing and being in hospitals something about it interesting to me

  21. yea it was like 5 years ago but it still hurts

  22. Yea it was the best Of my life <3 for real <3

  23. yea just some people I know that rarely drink them get that way is what i mean to say and it is okay.. :)I <3 you and you know i am always here for u and you know that

  24. yea same here in america I think everywhere else in the world it is pretty popluar.. but yea My sisters and I love it. We wacth alot of ABC Family

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