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Status Updates posted by sarahelizabeth

  1. You can close your eyes to things you don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart to things you don’t want to feel.

  2. You dersve The best JAde :)!!! you really do never think that you don't :)

  3. you didn't really hurt my feelings but the wa you acted was really uncalled for.. you sat there saying how i was worried about being top poster" that kind of pissed me off when i told you I Didnt care

  4. you got me into Papa Roach haha I mean i heard of them but I love there songs Scars and I was looking at your post seeing you were listning to them haha i love them <3

  5. you have a Happy New Year too :)

  6. YOU have A Nice day too hun <3 and I love how your the only person that remembers Me as SARRIE <3

  7. you know how long it took to have it? it took forever to learn to trust myself I learned I have to love myself before I love others and now I have a boyfriend it falls into place and I feel happy :)

  8. You Know it..I always watch it of the night it comes on!!! Fistpump Pushup Chapstick <3 what you doing loiu you getting all the girls "I dont you not to fistpump soo close to my eye" LOL

  9. YOU know you can talk to me anytime I love making new friends :D

  10. YOU mean a guy like you or you :P nlol

  11. You Mean Sandra?? LOL!!! :P

    and your amazing too :D

  12. You Must Think of ME everytime you see Penguins you know how to make my day I <3 you :)!!

  13. you thinking it is ansty it is all in ur mind bugs are a good sourcwe of protein lol

  14. Your my new bff :)!! just telling ya the truth <3

  15. Your one of the greatest guys ever just saying =] =]

  16. your penguin is soo exicted because she got a job :D!! yeahI just got Empolyeed at a gas station well iam working in the deil iam soo exicted :D

  17. Your Right I don't sleep that much.. lets just say when i sleep i try sleep as much as i can. and I Am sorry about that that doesnt sound to fun at all :/ and I can be a little depressed trying to get outta that you know?

  18. your right i meant to say teenager.. But I always Took care of Austim kids and other kids with problems I Don't Judge anyone.. it isn't not right at all to judge anyone at all

  19. Your very very welcomes =]

  20. your welcome but you already knew that =]

  21. your welcome I am just glad everything with good for you but hows your Fiance doing?? I remember you were talking about how he got ran over :/ that horrible..

  22. your Welcome I am just not feeling that good today.. I Am having a bad day..

  23. your welcome sweetie :)

  24. your welcome you will get better :)

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