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Everything posted by ~Imagination~

  1. Trying to find out why suddenly someone deleted or blocked me on fb when the last words were "ok, deal, never again, friends". Ppl are weird. Can't stop wondering.
  2. I principally can't appear on a web-cam without make up (at least mascara), clean hair and nice clothes.
  3. Ever felt homeless and lonely? I went home happy that I'll finally rest. Yea right, my parents went to the village and my keys stayed at home and I couldn;t get in, phone - discharged, neighbor let me call and mom said they're out of the city. And i was like ??? I have no keys and she said cant help it, will be back in 5 hours.. I planned to go shopping, so I went shopping... and I had no idea about time and I felt all lonely and sad and homeless, ...so after shopping I was sitting near my house..all alone.. parents came back at 9. The worst is that I have tons of hw. ...will be doing it all
  4. One bad thing (not always) about my personality is stubborness. Oh, I'm so stubborn, if I'm told to do sth and I don't want to do it, I won't do it no matter what. If I don't like sth somebody says or it somehow hurts my feelings or touches my principles, I'll so put them in the place, I'll do everything to own them. -.- That makes me argue a lot. But I will never stand the judgement towards my feelings/principles/sensitive/weak spots.
  5. well yeah good quality beer is quite expensive. Well it's so hot these days and I saw cold beer in the fridge and I couldn't resist but drink it quickly and I felt drunk quickly and started saying random weird things and laughing. Eh. xD Just worked outtttt, whyyyyy squats are soooo harddddd >.<
  6. I just realised that I'm doing german and drinking german beer at the same time. Oh. epic mix. Makes me feel a little bit high. Thereee we go, Deutsch.
  7. Having self-beauty time. Wearing face mask for clean skin, hair mask for shiny gold hair, lip mask for soft kissable lips and oil on lashes for growth, woot! ^^
  8. I've just found out that we had an Earthquake which was felt all over Russia, in my city as well however I didn't feel anything at all. Whoa why I always find out about news so late, 1-st, meteorite falling in the neighbor city, now an earthquake which is unusual for the place where I am, we don't even have a seismological station, tho I remember we had an earthquake many years ago, I was looking at the book shelf and it was shaking and I was scared As a result in my city, 1 historical building nearly collapsed.
  9. Well that's very hard for me to do as I have 20,416 letters in my email-box, which is crazy and once I tried to clean it at least a bit, it's unreal. So I tried to find when I joined the forums for 1-st time. So I went to 2008, the year when I joined ew.net. So yeah, I joined the forums in march 2008. And the 1-st ppl I talked to as far as I can remember: Josh (The.Great/the Chosen.one) and all the rest who I firstly talked to in the ew chat but can't remember exactly who. Now I feel nostalgic and keep reading my sweet old e-mails <3
  10. Lucky. It seems like june is gonna be tough for me. 1 month of studying more, 4 classes of english per day and exams in the last week of june and I'm already tired to study, to even sit in the class. I've just worked out, as I was depressed and I needed some endorphins and it helped and I felt good but now I lost appetite and depressed again -.- thinking about going to bed, but gotta prepare for tomorrow's work.
  11. That's why the political neighbor way of voting just won't stop. Why can't countries vote for the countries they liked, not b/c of political, geographical matter. Or looks. I didn't even see Denmark until they predicted them the 1-st place, I didn't see them on the 1-st. Anyhow, Sweden had a lot of nice remembarable shows and interesting perfomances last night. And I was sure Dina would get the 5-th, not enough feeling in the voice, altho she tried hard and she has a magical voice and the atmosphere in the place was amazing, especially those lights on ppl's hands in the end <3
  12. And once again it proves that ppl vote for the looks. Ukrainian song was about nothing, but she was called the hottest girl on the contest this year. And eh Finland??? what was that kiss in the end? bet they shocked the entire filming crew haha, when she was asked what was that, she said that it was a protest against her bf who didn't want to marry her so that's what happens when guys don't propose. Haha xD Finland was always known for making an unusual show. I was simply astonished with the powerful special effects and the camera position in this norwegian perfomance
  13. It was packed so no, normally I always look at the date, cause ugh being poisoned is terrible. Gladly I didn't feel sick. Maaaaan, I HATE the neighbor way of voting SO MUCH! It's so unfair, like how can not Cyprus vote for Greece and Denmark for Sweden or Ukraine for Russia, that's so impossible not to -.- That's the worst thing about Eurovision and the ESC official fb gone crazy, 1000+ comments in sec's wow! Anyway, next time in Denmark..it's almost 3am
  14. Ah yeah the thing that ESC is all about politics now rly sucks. I drank a milkshake with a bad milk, well I didn't realise it was bad, it just tasted kinda weird, so I realised it was bad when my mom wondered why I drank overdue milk. Oh no -.-
  15. ohh yeah, I feel constant lack of sleep eh. Oh man! why ppl are so.. rude. A lot of russian ppl don't like our song for the eurovision, saying what a fat ugly cow. Yes. ofc, everyone has own opinion but excuse me? You care about someone's apperance rather than voice and a song? Or "she could be a little more undressed and dance" WHAT? It's not a dancing show. If you still expect that then I think you're watching the wrong thing. I personally fell in love with the song, the powerful lyrics which have a meaning unlike lots of other songs on the Eurovision, beautiful voice, not caring at all
  16. I'm shocked to hear about Angelina Jolie having a surgery removing her breasts to prevent cancer... best of health and wishes to her and her children!
  17. ^ My cat doesn't know what a mouse is. lol. What a busy day, I just need my beauty sleep right now, altho have to read some american literature but totally exhausted, all I want right now is a cool shower, cool glass of milk and long deep sleep...
  18. I can't believe that I'm so bored and lazy on this sunday morning that I decided to read all 165 pages of RTD, could read 20+, understood that it's impossible, aww but it holds memories on its pages, previous forums too =(
  19. Hmm. Can't think of much atm, but NOW: - Do well at college. - Complete 3 years successfully. - Get more diplomas in different places. - Try to get in uni. 5 Years: - Study in uni, knowing 2/3 languages to become a translator/interpreter. - Enjoy life in all meanings of this word. - Travel a lot. 15 Years: - Work as a successful translator somewhere abroad (not necessary) - Get married. - Get 1 kid. - Live either in the US/England/Europe or stay here. Most of those goals are so hard to achieve =( Can't think of anything lol.
  20. The End Of The World Is Coming! haha ppl here act like "will you celebrate 2012?" "No" "Why?" "Why? We're gonna die anyway" orrr "why do we study and care about exams in 2012 and 2015 if the end of the world comes soon" "I won't be happy if the end doesn't come, otherwise I'd regret things I'd do like telling the teacher to go somewhere far away" they're jk ofc
  21. Lol all of them but mostly on the both sides and curled up. It's warm <3 Sometimes on stomach with my leg bent in a knee and awkward positions too. Once I woke up and my left leg was on the wall, another one bent in a knee in a weird triangle, arms were also bent in a weird angle.
  22. Oh lol I just remembered about it. Thank youuuuu everyone <3 and yep I've had a wonderful day, I expected sth worse. Haha thank pe... Aww so sweet of you anddd 4 years! yep so long =O let's celebrate an anniversary, you know when? Ooh..myy..GOD. Is THAT Rickie? IS it rly RICKIE? =O dude, how did zizi and you find such hot pics of my Rickiiie? And about other pics, anytime in msn Awww can I save it for the summer? those nice shoes? for wearing? And those were hot gifts, ty
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