Forgot your password? you DO come back sometimes....
Welcome back
lol now i'm curious
don't u remember? the alps! skiing and stuff...
lol...uhmmm....the easter bunny?
any news about our most wanted new smilies?
haha maybe, probably hard too see with all the beard in the way
LOL even Hagrid?
it's time that emma returns
very quiet this morning know, it's kind of empty here without you...
well its weekend already for me so i don't have to get up early tomorrow
that was a strange thing u said
so u screwed up with ur plaster thing?
then ur lucky ur not here lol we're bound to get some rain, a bit of snow and frosty temperatures again over easter!
yeah same here, just not having to go to work is a big plus though
lol the weekend
lol and what makes u think i'm the one to save u from boredom...especially since there's six others in chat
hey emma
good now that the WE is here...
hey compressor how r u doing?
I wish u would come back here and say something...I miss you...
Well, should be almost half-time now.....hope things are going well for you!