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Yes, but sometimes this naivety and uncritical allegiance hurts so much....



Yes, and you let a "friend" wait for hours in front of your house, you are not getting off the car when you see him and drive away and let him later be picked up by an aid. Great friendship!

Edited by Jonny Carinthia
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"a official statement of 'her team'" that you read in a tabloid? I think you're the one who likes to believe "half true/half false stories".


Personally I don't trust anything unless I hear it from Emma's mouth (in a video) or her twitter or other reliable sources. I consider reliable sources to be like studio press releases, twitter posts from Aronofsky or other directors/producers, things like that where you know you're hearing it from a responsible party, and not someone making up something for internet clicks.

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LOL ok WHY when I come here after being gone for days I come back to the negativity of SHOCKER j person....UNREAL...anyway agree unless I hear from Emma's mouth herself on ANYTHING in a video or twitter then I consider it reliable too. Anyway SO cant wait to see Noah...bring on end of March!!! Not to mention end of March to end this crazy winter weather!

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2. She and Will broke up "in summer". Great to hear that in Great Britian the summer lasts until December, because in September she was seen with Will in London Underground (I was at the same station that afternoon and found it so funny, that she uses the tube with her pants-losing boyfriend) and in November she was with him at a concert of a favourite band of hers. I consider her so intelligent, that she knows when summer ends and winter begins. Or, another explanation, her team is a bunch of nitwits (like Mr. Bean would say).


Great to hear that winter begins in September and there isn't even such thing as fall/autumn in whatever world you live in. And the beginning of September IS, in fact, part of summer, as the first day of fall/autumn is later on that month. So the month is the tail end of summer/very beginning of fall, while winter doesn't even begin until November.


And for as much as trolls like to milk off that concert sighting in November, I've yet to see a single picture of Emma and Will together from that event to back it up. All I've seen are tabloid articles claiming this, and sane intelligent people know that they are not to be trusted. It could very well be false that she wasn't even there, or, as tabloids have done in the past with other people (such as claiming her brother Alex was Alex Pettyfer), could have mixed up Will for Matt Janney by hearing about Emma being with a boyfriend and assuming it was Will.


In contrast, during November and December, Emma was claimed by multiple people to be dating Matt, and was actually pictured attending his rugby games. And after Will's picture came out the same rumors were repeated before the press reported it and it was later confirmed.


So your theory that they were still dating until the picture came out is completely bogus. Not to mention that the same article claimed Will also stated he was no longer dating Emma, yet trolls tend to ignore that part as it goes against their claims.

Edited by KS987
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Lol trolls love it ;) I refuse yo read any tabloid crap especially about Emma, Rupert, or Dan...those so called writers and photographers are the kinds of people who are vampire bats-just are blood suckers. In my lil world restraining orders would be placed on the these kinds of people. Or at least a lil charge would shock them every time they write garbage or take pics.

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Lol trolls love it ;) I refuse yo read any tabloid crap especially about Emma, Rupert, or Dan...those so called writers and photographers are the kinds of people who are vampire bats-just are blood suckers. In my lil world restraining orders would be placed on the these kinds of people. Or at least a lil charge would shock them every time they write garbage or take pics.

amen sister

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Great to hear that winter begins in September and there isn't even such thing as fall/autumn in whatever world you live in. And the beginning of September IS, in fact, part of summer, as the first day of fall/autumn is later on that month. So the month is the tail end of summer/very beginning of fall, while winter doesn't even begin until November.


And for as much as trolls like to milk off that concert sighting in November, I've yet to see a single picture of Emma and Will together from that event to back it up. All I've seen are tabloid articles claiming this, and sane intelligent people know that they are not to be trusted. It could very well be false that she wasn't even there, or, as tabloids have done in the past with other people (such as claiming her brother Alex was Alex Pettyfer), could have mixed up Will for Matt Janney by hearing about Emma being with a boyfriend and assuming it was Will.


In contrast, during November and December, Emma was claimed by multiple people to be dating Matt, and was actually pictured attending his rugby games. And after Will's picture came out the same rumors were repeated before the press reported it and it was later confirmed.


So your theory that they were still dating until the picture came out is completely bogus. Not to mention that the same article claimed Will also stated he was no longer dating Emma, yet trolls tend to ignore that part as it goes against their claims.


So, let me follow your arguments. They were seen together on the 13th of September, so this was in summer. They did not split in summer, but in fall 2013. Which means, that Emma is jumping literally from bed to bed, dumping one boyfriend and having the other already in the pipeline. I tried to translate the german word for such a woman by google translator and I got the word "sl**." What a rolemodel for young femals! Throw one boy out of bed and take the next one in within 24 hours! Besides the fact, that she obviously does not know one of the values of a relationsship, means, helping the other partner if he/she is in trouble. She did nothing, she dumped him without self-reflection, why things happend. Well, she replaced him like you would replace a employee. But ok, Miss Watson is never wrong, so it is all Wills fault.......


Secondly I accept your argument, that all society-reporters in London are stupid. They do not recognise the people they are writing about. And Matt and Will are looking like twins, so of course you can mix them up.... 

Edited by Jonny Carinthia
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So, let me follow your arguments. They were seen together on the 13th of September, so this was in summer. They did not split in summer, but in fall 2013. Which means, that Emma is jumping literally from bed to bed, dumping one boyfriend and having the other already in the pipeline. I tried to translate the german word for such a woman by google translator and I got the word "sl**." What a rolemodel for young femals! Throw one boy out of bed and take the next one in within 24 hours! Besides the fact, that she obviously does not know one of the values of a relationsship, means, helping the other partner if he/she is in trouble. She did nothing, she dumped him without self-reflection, why things happend. Well, she replaced him like you would replace a employee. But ok, Miss Watson is never wrong, so it is all Wills fault.......


Secondly I accept your argument, that all society-reporters in London are stupid. They do not recognise the people they are writing about. And Matt and Will are looking like twins, so of course you can mix them up.... 

You mean to tell me that you are in her life so you are sure of this as real? you are in her life you know her to state all this?!

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You mean to tell me that you are in her life so you are sure of this as real? you are in her life you know her to state all this?!


No, other people here telling me that her life is so (and this is the only truth) and that she never makes a mistake and that she never is mean and that........ I am not in her life, but I see things and understand... (hmm, I know this quote from a book I read).... And I know when I hear a untrue story.....

She is twittering so much usless things. A simple: "Will and I - its over. Thanks for a nice time". Consequences: No tabloids. No rumours. No fan-speculations. No need to do a staged photoshooting in the Caribbean. And so on....


She is producing all the stuff people are condeming in this forum by her own behaviour and her own "PR".

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So once again you aid in spreading rumors about Emma just because she doesn't go public with every detail of her personal life because you are nothing but a egomaniacal control freak.


No tabloids? No rumors? You do know that tabloids and paparazzi always try to defend their horrible actions by saying "Once you invite us into your personal life, you can never make us leave". It's one of the reasons why Emma keeps her personal life private in the first place. Yet now they tried to defend their actions by saying "Well she should have publically announced it". So basically that sends the message that "regardless of what you do, we will try to control every aspect of your life and will do our best to ruin and destroy you for money, bitter petty reasons, or just for our enjoyment because we are sociopathic control freaks". It's not Emma's fault. The fault lies with the tabloids, paparazzi, trolls, etc. No one makes them harass others, spread rumors about people, treat human beings like garbage, spew hate, etc. They are the problems that need to be dealt with. Emma shouldn't have to do anything for them

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So once again you aid in spreading rumors about Emma just because she doesn't go public with every detail of her personal life because you are nothing but a egomaniacal control freak.


No tabloids? No rumors? You do know that tabloids and paparazzi always try to defend their horrible actions by saying "Once you invite us into your personal life, you can never make us leave". It's one of the reasons why Emma keeps her personal life private in the first place. Yet now they tried to defend their actions by saying "Well she should have publically announced it". So basically that sends the message that "regardless of what you do, we will try to control every aspect of your life and will do our best to ruin and destroy you for money, bitter petty reasons, or just for our enjoyment because we are sociopathic control freaks". It's not Emma's fault. The fault lies with the tabloids, paparazzi, trolls, etc. No one makes them harass others, spread rumors about people, treat human beings like garbage, spew hate, etc. They are the problems that need to be dealt with. Emma shouldn't have to do anything for them

WELL said

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Structural Anthropologist Claude Levi-Straus suggests that the sticking-the-tongue-out gesture acts as a juvenile rejection taunt is basically the same motion used by an infant rejecting food being forced in by its mother (in pre-tech societies, this wouldn't be Gerber Strained Whatever, but food chewed up by Mom and essentially spit into the baby's mouth. In other words, it's an infantile rejection sign, and the one used by older kids is the same rejection mechanism used in more general circumstances.

Edited by Jonny Carinthia
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Here the first review:

Winstone is little more than a gruff nemesis meant to turn Noah’s resentful son Ham (Logan Lerman) against him, and the usually nimble Emma Watson is mostly lifeless as a love interest for Noah’s other son Shem (Douglas Booth). (from Screen Daily)

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"The other two strongest performances come from Logan Lerman as Ham, the callow son caught between the bad warrior father figure of Tubal-Cain (Ray Winstone in a perfectly broad performance) and Noah, and from Emma Watson as Ila, wife of Noah’s son Shem. Much of the film’s moral weight is placed on these two - Ham’s eventual decisions about his paternal figures seem to speak  to Aronofsky’s personal feelings, and Ila is given the task of contextualizing it all in the end - and they’re mostly able to carry it."


"If Lerman’s performance is uniformly excellent Watson is slightly more problematic. When she’s good - scenes where she’s defiant and angry with Noah, or where she is wrestling with a personal despair that’s profound - she’s great. But there are other moments where she’s gratingly unnatural, especially lots of scenes where she has a fake pregnancy belly and keeps doing an oh-so actorly grasping of it. It’s frustrating because her good moments are so strong."



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I gotta watch the film rather than take someone else's opinion. I am a lil bit impatient....




i agree, have to see for myself. reviewers/critics are always bound by some agenda and 'critical expectation', as well as bias because they themselves are NEVER actors. i appreciate actors because i don't have stage/screen talent, and live vicariously through the movies and actors by extension, therefor i am a much better reviewer.

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i agree, have to see for myself. reviewers/critics are always bound by some agenda and 'critical expectation', as well as bias because they themselves are NEVER actors. i appreciate actors because i don't have stage/screen talent, and live vicariously through the movies and actors by extension, therefore i am a much better reviewer.

We respect the ectors for the job they have, and their job is a tough one, to become somebody else and be that for a long time. I truly agree. I have to see it - I know I will be blown away by the story and the effects and Oh boy I love effects and this has plenty.

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I never listen to critics EVER...they have their own opinion and we have ours. As for the pregnancy part, I am kind of glad she had a hard time doing this! She has never had to experience that! It should be hard to deal with and be uncomfortable when you have not had that experience. Anyway BRING THIS ON NOW!!!!!!!!!!! FYI: I am sure you have all posted already :) Emma will be on Ellen and Letterman this week!


As for the interview of Emma...she is so down to earth and humble...just a very sweet and gentle nature about her. Agree-those are elements I look for in movies (all the ones she describes)...that's what made HP so awesome.

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Lol!!!! :) Elena...I hear yas!


I was reading some reviews (my curiosity had peaked Lol) and have to say as, a Catholic it was sweet and refreshing to see strong reviews ugh meant to say from a Catholic reviewer for NCR. All in all Emma and the rest of cast has been getting good reviews. The only review thats been consistent is Emma underplaying child birth- again if ya never experienced it, it will be hard to portray.

Edited by cbmac12
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