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She tweeted about a read-through so our little Emma will have met Anthony Hopkins and Russell Crowe by now. Seems she was so excited by that she couldn't even tweet anymore ;)

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She tweeted about a read-through so our little Emma will have met Anthony Hopkins and Russell Crowe by now. Seems she was so excited by that she couldn't even tweet anymore ;)


Do you really think she will share THIS experience with us unworthy ordinary mortals ??? :huh:

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ROFL!!! I am betting she was star struck...but she has worked with Britain's other greats too :)

But yeah Anthony Hopkins wooooooo wowzers!!!! :)


I don't think she was intimidated, just a little queasy like she said before the MTV Awards.


Do you really think she will share THIS experience with us unworthy ordinary mortals ??? :huh:


One can hope. I was asking her about her impression of the script, which might be asked a little too much, but anyway.

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Well, instead of twittering her impressions of the reading, we get old quotes from Audrey Hepburn. Sometimes everything is a little bit disappointing..... So I was right, what I said earlier..... :( :(


Hepburn says: "I believe in miracles...." - I, regarding to Emma, slowly not anymore..... :(

Edited by Jonny Carinthia
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Uhhh ok so guess Emma is not allowed to post her own thoughts-cool! So just dictate to Emma and her be like a robot and she writes what we tell her. Why do I feel like our education system-the teacher who tells the kids this is how you say something. I for one, think that quote, all of her quotes she picks are sweet and cool. Yes miracles do happen...

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Come on! I understand, if she is not allowed to reveal internal details of the production; but nobody can forbit her to twitter her emotions, working f. e. with a giant like Anthony Hopkins or Rusell Crowe. It is always said that she will not give statements about her private life (what I can understand and I agree to), but she give rarely statements to her professional life, too. She is in preperation of a big production, working with "giants", and she has nothing more to say about it then twittering old quotes of "giant" Audrey Hepburn???


And, if I would be in charge of the production, I would encourage my actors to twitter and fb as much as possible - Emma alone has more then 8 millions of followers (twitter & fb) and I would do everything to promote my production through these channels from the beginning.


Of course, Hepburns quotes are sweet and reading them you could think many of them are coming directly from Emma, (look here: http://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/692403.Audrey_Hepburn) but I want to hear about actual projects.


Finally: we, the fans, are asked to give suggestions and submit questions to her. Nothing else do I do. I suggest to her to twitter more about actual projects and my question is, why this do happen so rarely.......

Edited by Jonny Carinthia
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I can live with that, I think.....

It's just senseless to follow her on fb or twitter, because she says in fact NOTHING relevant to us.....


But I understand, it is strictly forbidden to criticise her in any way.......


Criticism is not forbidden, as long as it isn't meant be insulting.

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I can live with that, I think.....

It's just senseless to follow her on fb or twitter, because she says in fact NOTHING relevant to us.....


But I understand, it is strictly forbidden to criticise her in any way.......


My Twitter account has the following: 1) occasional updates to my site, 2) ocassional blurbs about what I am working on (but nothing specific because my contract(s) includes a non-disclosure agreement.. much like Emma's do, I'm sure), 3) things I find funny/inspirational. This is pretty par for the course. This is essentially the purpose of Twitter. You can get further into it and use it for hardcore marketing if you wish, but it's not a requirement.


If you think it has nothing relevant to you, then you don't have to follow. It's really that simple.


As for me, I follow/am followed by lots of people, I enjoy the community aspect and I like Emma's tweets because they're pretty normal... it's not always her promoting her work and it doesn't sound contrived. It sounds like the tweets of about 90% of the non-Justin-Bieber fan tweeters. :P


Anyway, this is way OT. I just saw this movie doesn't come out until 2014! That's crazy. If they're already doing read throughs, I wonder if that means post-production is just going to be crazy!

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@ ling: it's a funny discussion, because all I want are informations about her work, I, the fan, should buy with a cinema-ticket or a DVD.... If I would sitting besides Anthony Hopkins, I would have definitly to say something about it.... no contract can forbit me to let the world know my feelings about working with really great people..... But, ok, maybe I am expecting too much. If I would work with the president every day, it would be normal to me, too and I would not loose a word about it......


But, and this is my final statement to that, why asking the fans, what they want, when they will never get it?????


Criticism is not forbidden, as long as it isn't meant be insulting.


dook: that's clear; I only ment, there are people out there, getting cross, if you say a word again "goddess Emma"....

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But, and this is my final statement to that, why asking the fans, what they want, when they will never get it?????


She isn't asking fans what they want, I am.


I am asking because i like to go through ALL ideas that are suggested, but obviously not all of them will be accepted.


I really don't know what you want from Emma, contracts for movies are very complicated and i'm sure you are not allowed to descibe through social media what happens on the movie set day to day.

For example, what if Emma describes on Twitter a scene that she had filmed that day...and then it gets cut?


You will hear about her thoughts and feelings about working on the movie and the actors she is working with when the movie is released - that is why each film release is covered by a press run from the actors and actresses that star in it.


The other thing, why get angry that Emma doesn't personally reply or retweet fans etc? If she does it for one, then her 3.5 million followers will want the same. I'm sure she reads some of the comments that fans leave, but to expect a reply is silly. If you retweet one fan, then it gives the rest of the fans more expectation that they will get retweeted, and then because they haven't been retweeted - they get more angry (like Emma has something personal against them or something).


As Ling quite rightly says, nobody is forcing you to follow her - if you are not "getting anything out" of following her then either a) unfollow or B.) realise your expectations are too high.


Sorry this has gone way off topic, might be worth splitting the topic? can you still do that? :P

Edited by Jo.
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I accept that this discussion leads to nothing......

Old Hepburn quotes are more interesting then informations about actual projects..... :lostit:


Let's leave it there..... <_<


NB: And you cannot tell me, that a quote like: "First afternoon with Sir Anthony Hopkins. Impressed. Awesome!" would be forbidden by a movie contract.

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Do you know what a "non-disclosure agreement" IS? It means no disclosure. :P I have a contract that forbids me from telling anyone any companies/people I am designing for until the project is launched. You can't possibly know what's in Emma's contract, she could easily have an NDA that says she cannot discuss anything that happens on set until after the fact.

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I understand that she is maybe not alowed to tell us what's going on on set..... But, please, her FEELINGS about working with giants like A.H. are no relevant secret to the production. Everybody who follows her or Aronovsky knows about it. Russel Crowe twittered about it. So what??????? Otherwise, why did she tell us about the "read-through"? This appointment could also be a production secret and not intended to be known by the public.....

Edited by Jonny Carinthia
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But the only things she will say when working with giants that it's awesome and other superlatives, so what does that add to anything?


Haha exactly. The only thing that would really be something you couldn't predict is if she said something like "Anthony Hopkins is a twat." Which OBVIOUSLY she'd never say. I'm sure we'll hear plenty of gushing when the press rounds are being done in 2014.


I mean, come on people, we need to leave SOMETHING for the DVD extras! :rofl:

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Why not 'Anthony Hopkins dropped his pen. LOL idiot'.


But seriously, my warm thoughts go out to her while she is (supposedly) in Iceland now. Maybe she can tweet her impressions of THAT place without being sued. :P

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This movie rings true to me. The more I read about this film the more excited I get. It seems to have evolved from the Oral Hebrew Jewish version of what took place with Noah. Which there is a lot more too it than the King James Version. There's even going to be Demons, Giants and Genetic Mutants. I like this version because to me it rings more true than the barely there that was allowed to be in the King James version of the bible. A demon is a fallen angel. An angel that has been kicked out of heaven by god like "Satan" was. Giants are made when Angels/Demons have sex with mortal women this is left out of the King James version of the bible but it is in the Muslim "Koran" and the Jewish "Torah" both of these books written thousands of years before the King James version of the bible. Also it is written even in the King James version that men were very technologically advanced "Like we are now" so genetic mutations are and were a very high probability. Also a drought would make a lot of sense seeing that rain was to be laughed at. I love science but I love God More. :) Jesus was asked when he would return and he said when it's like it was during the days of Noe "Noah". So were not quite there yet, thank goodness. Speaking of science google "Emma Watson and quantum physics" If quantum physics were true. LOL nerdy boys are so funny. Yeah you wish...LOL

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This movie rings true to me. The more I read about this film the more excited I get. It seems to have evolved from the Oral Hebrew Jewish version of what took place with Noah. Which there is a lot more too it than the King James Version. There's even going to be Demons, Giants and Genetic Mutants. I like this version because to me it rings more true than the barely there that was allowed to be in the King James version of the bible. A demon is a fallen angel. An angel that has been kicked out of heaven by god like "Satan" was. Giants are made when Angels/Demons have sex with mortal women this is left out of the King James version of the bible but it is in the Muslim "Koran" and the Jewish "Torah" both of these books written thousands of years before the King James version of the bible. Also it is written even in the King James version that men were very technologically advanced "Like we are now" so genetic mutations are and were a very high probability. Also a drought would make a lot of sense seeing that rain was to be laughed at. I love science but I love God More. :) Jesus was asked when he would return and he said when it's like it was during the days of Noe "Noah". So were not quite there yet, thank goodness. Speaking of science google "Emma Watson and quantum physics" If quantum physics were true. LOL nerdy boys are so funny. Yeah you wish...LOL


I hate to break it to you but the Jewish version doesn't contain demons, giants, or genetic mutants. At least the Noah story doesn't. There are different commentaries but none of them really match up with your description. Regardless, it's not in the Jewish text. Oh, and I am Jewish btw so that's why I know.




I hope the reading has been going well for Emma!

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