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Emma Watson as Hermione Granger.

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I remember I first started to read PS but then found it a tiny bit boring because I was 6 or 7 years old and didn't read many novels then :P I then watched PS and COS, and thought to give the book another try, by then I was older. So at that stage I was just a normal fan, then POA came out at the movies, I went to watch it and that's when I became a huge fan :mellow: I was reading the Harry Potter books all the time in my first year of high school lol, and people were actually getting annoyed at me reading the same thing over and over again. I even sketched some pictures and other students liked them >.< I wrote to her fan mail once, and received a (not personalized) letter and signed black and white photo of her.


The first ever HP related website I went on was this nice Cho Chang one. No idea why I chose Cho xD She was never one of my favourite characters. Then I found emma-watson.net :D and ditched the Cho Chang one :rolleyes: So I joined the forums too, and made some great friends. Most which aren't here anymore unfortunately but I'm still friends with some of my first ever internet friends :P Like everyone I think, I learnt just about every single word to the Philosopher's Stone movie, and a lot of COS. Lol at school too, we weren't really allowed on any non-school related sites, but I snuck onto e-w.net everyday and never got caught. People got banned from the internet if they were caught :P But noone suspected me *giggles* for my whole 5 years there.


Sooo yeah that's my boring story. But years on I'm just as obsessed as I was then, if not more :P I guess all these years Emma's been my favourite actress, she was always someone so... together and sensible! That's why I looked up to her, and she's even more so now. She's turned into a beautiful girl! And the perfect Hermione ^_^

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  • 4 weeks later...

It seems that the reshoots for the epilogue have ended, and thus Emma has officially finished playing Hermione. Probably a bit bittersweet heading into Christmas, but since she had been away from the set for a while before the reshoots and had believed she finished filming the series months ago, it might not have been as bad as when it "ended" the first time.

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Whats all your guys favurite Hermione look? I might start a thread on this. >.<


The pink hooded sweater from Prisoner of Azkaban all the way.



I think when the first time the POA trailer came out and they had bit where Hermione is walking down in that pink hoodie the steps and saying "You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" to Malfoy is when you noticed that she had "matured" I also love the bit where she and Harry first go back in time with the time. Harry touches the time-turner around her neck and she slaps his hand! That was hot.

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  • 3 months later...

Well, I had read the first books when I saw the first HP movie. At that time I didn't care about the child actors at all, I though they where cute and they lived up to my expectation as the HP trio-charachters, especially Rupert and Emma as Ron and Hermione which made me happy because I always liked them in the books more than Harry as well.


But I've never liked any of the movies as much as I loved reading the books. But this is all due to how the movies are made not because of any of the actors.

However the acting-trio has really become Harry, Ron and Hermione to me.


And from the 4th film I've been a fan of them all ( I must admit that I haven't followed Dan as much as I have been tracking pretty much every official move Emma and Rupert takes) having seen them in their other movies and because they've grown up so well and are both down to earth.


Its really gonna be intersting to keep following them and especially Emma and I do hope to see much more of her in the future!

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  • 2 months later...

And now we only have a month before Deathly Hallows 2 comes out. I remember getting the DH book like it was yesterday, and that was back in 2007.

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Ugh dont remind me...I ordered mine and the mailman didnt ring my bell and took it away!!! :( I had to go out and buy a copy and stayed up til 4AM reading all of its awesomeness. Hermione I was SO scared was not going to make it especially after Malfoy Manor :( BRING ON DH 2!!!!

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  • 1 month later...

I was reading this article, and I agree with it.



For me, Hermione changed a lot through the movies. But, what do you think?


Hmm, I see where the author from that article is coming from. But as a guy, I must say that dressing her up a bit better than her character was described in the books was nice for me :)


She was still pretty much the strongest witch, usually saving Ron and Harry from a lot of dangers, but she is sexy while she's doing it! It's just the nature of show business.


A lot of my friends would only watch Harry Potter to oogle Emma... and I don't blame them.

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It's still hard for me to believe that I just recently saw Emma play Hermione for the last time. I still remember seeing her for the first time in the Sorceror's Stone film, in which I remember thinking that she looked exactly how I pictured her and that she was the perfect choice for the role. I will say that it doesn't matter if they try to remake it in the future with different actors or not, because for me Emma Watson will always be the best Hermione Granger, and I will miss her portrayal as well as the series in general, as I have been a fan since the beginning. In the end, I thank JK Rowling and Harry Potter for many things, but most importantly for introducing me to Emma Watson. And I can't wait to see Emma's post-Potter career and what she has in store for us. :)

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See I haven't posted here yet.


I've been a fan of Emma for a very long time. I was 9 when the first movie came out. My father had read the first few two books to me, and though I am not sure, I believe I did like Hermione already from the beginning on. After I'd seen the first movie (I cannot remember under what circumstances that was), I believe I immediately loved Emma, who was then, of course, still quite small. I loved her portrayal: her looks, her bossy voice (and the lines she was saying with them), her brightness and her bravery. She became a role model for me quite soon, partly caused by the fact that I did look like her when I was about that age.


I've always been fond of writing, so when I was about ten I started this "Harry Potter Paper", in which I'd write news about the books or movies, as well as quizzes and diaries from characters from the books (something like "A day in the life of..."). I believe I kept writing them for more than two years. My family loved it, hihi :). Around the release of the second movie (I was ten), I asked my father to translate a letter to Emma in English for me, which he did of course.

I was such a huge fan of Hermione, and I was thrilled when new movies would be released. About two years ago, my interest in Harry Potter decreased. I was still very enthusiastic at the release of new books and movies, but wasn't continuously following Emma or Hermione anymore. Inbetween releases I haven't really been following her that much. With the release of the last movies, my interest grew again and I really do believe I never wasn't a fan of Emma anymore. Interests just change, but she's always been and will always be one of my favourite actresses. Her portrayal of Hermione was so strong, I'll always admire her for her talent and for bringing this amazing girl to life :).

Edited by Bright_Star
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hermione is a very good girl andcu te!

But now it has become a whole woman! Is also very beautiful! I love Harry Potter and when I saw the second place destroyed all I thought about the previous films that Hogwarts was happy. Now died Lupine, Tonks, George SNAPE was very good teacher and shows in the memories! :)

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  • 12 years later...

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