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The Emma-Watson.net Forum


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Everything posted by dookdookdook

  1. Your second video has been blocked.
  2. Yes, the translation is not very good, but often good enough to understand most of the text.
  3. I used the automatic translation in Chromium browser.
  4. Welcome back! I hope your exams went well.
  5. Ah, I was wondering where you got Saturday Night Live. Yes, Late Night with David Letterman.
  6. I just tried that link and it says the user does not exist. The link did work yesterday. Can only Weibo members see it now?
  7. I was following it on twitter. That page on mugglenet didn't work well for me. I guess the big news is that she is going to Oxford for a year, and then will return to Brown for the final year of uni.
  8. According to twitter posts, Rupert and Matt saw his show last night.
  9. I remember some behind the scenes video or something, with Emma, Dan and Rupert playing a video game. Prince of Persia maybe.
  10. dookdookdook


    At the side is total posts. In the profile is active posts, which does not include posts made in topics that were deleted.
  11. Maybe the moment when the rest of the Order enters the room?
  12. Yeah, it's a little sad when you check and the only new posts are in the games room.
  13. What I read was St Pancras Renaissance Hotel.
  14. I think a lot of people have that opinion about spoilers. Yeah, maybe they already know what happens, but they don't know how it will be on the screen. It's like watching a trailer for some movie and you think that really looks good, and then you go to the movie and you've already seen all the best bits in the trailer.
  15. Emma was on the Daybreak and Newsround shows this morning in the UK. I've posted clips on the main site.
  16. I answered you in the comments, but I'll repeat it here for others. You can often find it in larger bookstores and newsstands in the US, either mixed in with US magazines, or an International section. It may take several weeks before it shows up though. You’ll probably find the July issue still on sale for a while. If you find a store that has it, keep checking back for the new issue.
  17. It would have been nice to announce this a bit sooner. I am sure many people who bought tickets, made reservations, took vacation, etc. just to attend are going to be quite upset.
  18. Hi Brittany, welcome to the forums!
  19. That's from a photoshoot for Entertainment Weekly in 2009. You can see more at http://gallery.ewva.net/thumbnails.php?album=412
  20. Rumours about Emma being a diva are nothing new. But there is never anything to back them up. I tend to believe the many fans and cast members and producers/directors/photographers/etc who have said what a delight she is.
  21. We're using the official chat addon for the forum, and it's the latest version. That would of course require an IRC server, and someone that knows how to run it. How often are these errors occurring? If you try a little later does it work? Is it certain times of day, or any time? More details might help Invision troubleshoot any problems.
  22. It's a shame when anyone dies, but I feel more sorry for the passenger he killed.
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