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Everything posted by halleluJah

  1. Tai Chi is great! Remember to do it together with qikong, some teachers don't teach qikong with tai chi and those are the worst type of teachers. You have to have a strong body to feel the Chi (energy) in between the movements. Also, tai chi is a highly spiritual martial art, so your teacher must be able to explain to you the theory behind Tai Chi. Every movement means something. oh yeah, as for self-care, I'd say I'm in that mode all the time. Best thing for self-care (for me) is to sit back with a spliff and watch the ocean, or be in the ocean, that is all!
  2. omg i'm crazy about basil pesto. My friend and I are making some next week. Oh yeaahhh
  3. I'm 21 and doing my Masters in Philosophy. My parents have always made healthy meals, since I can remember. My mom never makes microwave meals or the easy packaged stuff, she always cooks everything from scratch and with organic ingredients. And we're vegetarian so she's super good at making the most amazing veggie meals. I never eat fast food either, it tastes disgusting if you're used to the real deal - organic food. It's great that there's this forum to discuss healthy living, because in this fast-paced world full of artificial foods it's really hard to be healthy! I don't live with my p
  4. I don't really like gum, but when I do chew some it will be stimrol cherry..or something like that. It's not the healthiest of things either, it's made of chemicals all the way. bleh
  5. Ok ok you guys are seriously missing out. THIS is the site if you want to travel authentically http://www.couchsurfing.org/ Read their 'about' section if you don't get it.
  6. I'm not majorly interested in different cultures to be honest, I'm more interested in the individual. But I think it is necessary to know about some of the cultures in your country if you want to communicate properly with the people you are sharing the space with. South Africa is a very culturally diverse place, so I know quite a bit about the different cultures here because it seriously helps to understand other people and communicate with them.
  7. I would really like to live on an island one day, a remote island that is, anywhere. Unless I'm moving to a remote, totally chilled island, I don't really want to live anywhere else. Especially in a city that is rushed and overcrowded, I;d be so damn depressed.
  8. My home is Cape Town, South Africa some personal photos
  9. Out of interest...what do people here think of when they say "God"?? Because I think a lot of people picture God as this being, this entity, who is all judgmental and whatnot. But God is beyond entities, or beings, or whatever else. How do you even explain a concept like God? How can we even begin to grasp something that is so infinite, this energy that just creates all the time. This energy/consciousness that we are expressions of. I think people make God sound like an entity, because infinity and that creative energy (the Creator) is too abstract for humans to ever understand. How can you po
  10. phew, that makes more sense. I think it's good other countries are intervening because Gaddaffi (spelling?) is pretty wack. But at the same time, I'm sure there's ulterior motives involved.
  11. wait, let me get this straight, are you saying Libya is in the Balkans?
  12. sorry for the double post...but here is another video on weather control by the history channel Weather control
  13. has anyone heard about HAARP? Read about it on wikipedia or their website if you don't know about it. Or just watch this video which gives an alternative view of what HAARP really is about. What do you guys think of the video (watch the whole thing, not only like 3 minutes of it)? The video is about Japan's earthquake and tsunami....but apparently it wasn't a "natural" disaster...so what are your opinions? My link
  14. I'm not so keen on the outfits to be honest
  15. Hold onto your techtonic plates everyone, this one is gonna be an aesthetic experience of note! The moon is going to be the closest to Earth it has been in 18 years, of course there are rumours that it is going to cause natural disasters of epic proportions, but have your camera out nonetheless. Myself and a few friends are going on a full moon hike, to the peak of one of the mountains, where you get a really epic 360 degree view of the ocean and other mountains, and the Moon will look like it's right next to us because it's so high up. Really excited about this! check this article out if y
  16. I believe in the Tao (God, the Way). I think that people don't really practice in daily life the Divine principles (I'm not referring to rituals) they read in their religious texts, the world would be a very different place right now if they did.
  17. ^^yep, exactly. also, if it is the "end" (in other words, the system collapsing,because the Earth ain't going nowhere) that's a really great thing,because there's way too many sick, disgusting, and perverted things happening to people and Nature all around the world (ahem, oil spill, which people seem to have forgotten about).
  18. Totally intense! Just another stark reminder that we are all guests on mother Earth. I'm not surprised at what's going on to be honest, maaaany more to come. I mean it's been pretty damn obvious for a while now that natural disasters are going to strike big time, unless you're an ignorant fool, then it's not so obvious. Nature is readjusting to all the damage we've been and are inflicting upon it.I'm just happy I have the best of both worlds, the ocean but at the same time a huge ass mountain in front of my house to protect me (the ocean is on the other side, around it, bleh I dunno how to
  19. Well here I would say that the majority of the people drive really chilled, and really slowly actually. But the big problem is with the crazy mini bus taxis, which are driven by African people from the townships, and these taxis are pretty much only used by black people from the townships. The drivers of these mini buses are totally crrrazy, they just stop all of a sudden in the middle of the street, or swerve into another lane without indicating, and hoot ALL THE BLOODY TIME, and to put the cherry on top the driver has a "runner" sitting next to him shouting out the window at people on the st
  20. I'm not sure yet, I'm going to travel for a while after I'm done with my thesis and finish writing all the childrens stories I start and can never finish because of philosophy, and also go to India to master my Sitar playing. And from thereon I'll see whether I want to do a Phd, but I definitely don't want to go into academia, it's soo pretentious (at least with philosophy).
  21. Awesome,congrats to him! I can't wait for that day ha ha And yeah I was actually considering that PGCE, but that's as far as it went. I would like to do it at some stage though, definitely.
  22. I'm busy with my Masters in Philosophy....and my job is giving weekly tutorials to second year philosophy students at my uni. I have lots of hobbies as well so there's many potential jobs, just going to see how things flow forth!
  23. 1. W.V.B 2. mrr_madeline 3. Lil Saint 4. LENA 5. vida 6. Will 7. Ckravitz 8. Ms.Ams 9. PeterPumpkinhead/Casualobserver 10. halleluJah
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