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flying kiwi

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Everything posted by flying kiwi

  1. ^^I agree I love ballerina's, they're so cute. Although I have some really comfortable heels as well.
  2. I met two gladiators when I was younger and Ashley from Coronation Street. That's about it. My boyfriend has a better list, Debbie from Emmerdale waved at him, he's met a few people I end up forgetting about and he wee'd next to Calvin Harris (at the urinals, it wasn't anything weird and he never spoke to him because he said that would have been weird) Can't believe I forgot this one, but I met Jimmy Carr when I was pregnant. I also briefly spoke to Rich Hall and got him to sign my Otis Crenshaw CD
  3. Bought a skirt today, plus a jumper to go with it, a T-Shirt for summer, some bra's and a shirt
  4. I love bright colours, red, green ect.
  5. I bought a lovely summer dress the other day. It's white with cherry's on.
  6. buy some and practice in the house. I used to struggle with high heels but you soon get used to them. I love shoes, they are amazing. I'm so sad, looking forward to planning my wedding so I can buy some amazing shoes
  7. I like a bit of both, but also depends on what your doing as well....on a night out I might go a bit more for looks then comfort, but to be honest I'm quite good with shoes. I have wide feet so have to get the wide-feet ones, but I can pretty much wear any size heels
  8. Yeah I don't think many people would look happy while being attacked my the paparazzi.
  9. You have to be 16 in the UK to work with money. My first job was a weekend job at a bookstore when I was doing my A-Levels. I really enjoyed it and met some good people
  10. I suppose the schools too big and out of the way that parents wouldn't really go in unless they knew there was a problem or something which they wanted to discuss. In which case they would organise going in themselves... but that's just a guess,
  11. Signature(s): 01. mrr_madeline 02. ckravitz 03. BoMa 04. padfoot 05. Imagine 06. Sammy 07. Lil Saint 08. Flying Kiwi 09 10
  12. Best I can come up with off the top of my head would be ''Car crashing'' I'll have a think and may return with a better suggestion
  13. flying kiwi


    Finally found a pub that has decent rock bands on where I live when out for my boyfriends birthday. They had an ACC/DC cover band on, they were great and in a few weeks they have a rock cover band with warhammer artwork!!!
  14. oooo-I want to go, I'll have to see if we can pop down to London near easter. My boyfriend hates London though....maybe dr who will entice him and the tardis bedroom door sounds amazing
  15. ^^Yeah, I haven't seen so much in the news here lately myself. But obviously know it does go on and its disgusting, there's no excuse for rape and no blame other then on the rapist. Noone asks or deserves it, I can understand how you got angry.
  16. I agree with the Dude, I don't think thats what he meant, he just meant that if you want to have sex why not go to a prostitute and pay them rather then raping someone who does not want to have sex with you. Yes it was 'ignorant' to think that people rape people because they can't get sex with someone willingly, but I'd say innocent more then ignorant. I agree that it's wrong to blame the victim and your right in a lot of cases the victims are still blamed to some extent. Such as their clothing being brought into question. However, I think that is getting better rather then worse, people a
  17. I love them, Love in this club is possibly my favorite song of theirs, but I think they're all great. Have never heard them being played in a club here, a friend told me about them because she knows me and my mum like 50's rock n roll/rockabilly music. Then I saw an advert on the TV. She got me their album for my Birthday in May.
  18. Apparently he wasn't bothered as it meant he could have cake today rather then waiting for tomorrow Happy Birthday for tomorrow blueangel. Hope you have a great day Hehe-that was totally what I was aiming for when I made the cake. I was really upset when it first happened, it just slowly sunk down lol, but Ash can see I put the effort in and rather then letting it get to me I've decided I will make another one and get this one right. I didn't have all the right things in so will make it properly, I wont let the tardis beat me. (I'll post a photo of the shocking attempt at it) Bac
  19. Sorry for the double post, but a quick question to the dr who fans, if someone made you a tardis cake, which collapsed into itself...is it too much of a stretch to say it's the start of a total event collapse? or should we just give in and say the cakes a disaster?
  20. Rape is more about power then the sex. If a man goes to a prostitute and pays her she has the power. Obviously in some cases men get the 'power' back from prostitutes by abusing and even killing them, but thats a whole different topic. But people who rape other people have problems, you'll never be able to understand what goes on in their head. It doesn't sound stupid btw, not understanding that just shows that your not messed up in the head.
  21. I still need to catch up on it, I'm watching series 3 on the TV and loving it, but haven't seen the first two yet...
  22. I think its good that they're splitting it, partly because you get it over the year but also because I think spring is a bad time to show it anyway. Autumn would make much more sense as its a family show and people are more likely to be in watching TV in Autumn at the time its shown.
  23. Yeah as it's a Monday I'll spend the day with my son while my boyfriends at work and the evening, watching Ashes to Ashes....unless we've finished the box set then we have Dexter to catch up on....or true blood. Oh and Glee at 9.
  24. this is the same reason that would put me off, although saying that-I'm not sure how many babies are being called Emma at the moment, people seem to be opting for different names at the moment. But I would still be put off as I see it as a common name myself.
  25. It'd be less annoying after they'd killed me, but if they killed someone else in front of me and then started telling them I'd be annoyed, it'd be like ''they're dead stop telling them'' (although that'd possibly in my head as I was either running or hiding )
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