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Bagel of Death

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Everything posted by Bagel of Death

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if these past few days have been in the 100s. Last Saturday was approximately 105 degrees, I thought I was going to die from the heat. What I really dread is when the real summer comes. Good God, have mercy on me.
  2. A few photos I took days ago with my web cam. I like to play with the coloring in these. =]
  3. Nice (fake) tramp stamp! She looks really hot, I agree. Love the hair length and color on her, but then again any hair cut just look suitable on her.
  4. She looks great, but I agree with some of the members here; she should lose the jacket. I'm very curious to know what lip stick shade she's wearing because it's perfect! =D
  5. Alaska. Haha, nah. I would love to visit Amsterdam, Hawaii, or Dubai. Those are my top 3 honeymoon destinations, but as most members said it would also depend what the spouse thinks.
  6. My sister-in-law denies her bipolar disorder, even though she's already seen like 2 psychologists and they both diagnosed her with the same disorder. She can't see the manic side as part of her illness. When she is on the high manic upswing, she thinks things are just great, she only recognizes the depression when she is on the down side of the swinging of the pendulum. Just recently my brother realized it's affecting the way they are raising their son (my nephew): there is no consistency, some days she is strict about bath and bed time, other days she doesn't pay any attention to his sched
  7. There is nothing sudden about his death, he has been ill for years and questions of his death have been going on for at least that long. The Jong family has ruled North Korea for decades, and will continue to do so. Sorta like the Castros in Cuba... That being said, I've read/heard that his son (Kim Jong-Un) and alleged heir apparent has little experience and may not have finished his training. Because of his inexperience, the ruling party may very well make many of the decisions or at least guide him to the decisions that they want him to make. Kim Jong-Un is relatively unknown outside o
  8. I'll just do what I normally do every Christmas; spending time with my friends and family. Haven't done any Christmas shopping (yet), but my friends and family always insist they don't need anything. I'll probably just give them all gift cards because I am baaaaad with gifts, haha. =/ As for New Years resolution, I'll probably just change my diet and start working out. I'll admit I've been eating very unhealthy, but that's because I'm a compulsive eater and the slightest stress will drive me off the edge. Maybe even try meeting new people in hopes of getting into a relationship. It's not
  9. I'm absolutely in love with the skirt she's wearing in the second picture. Thanks for posting the pictures, she looks fantastic. Love the dramatic makeup, too.
  10. Happy Thanksgiving to all our forum peeps! I dunno what else to say, but I'm just grateful to have very supportive and loving family and friends.
  11. Very nice outfit! It's definitely something you can wear for a night event or to work. Professional yet classy.
  12. She looks stunning and I love the dress she's wearing in the last photo! Emmas got that classic movie star look that makes her suitable for the film. Oh and the '50s where a great time for fashion.
  13. Very cute boots! So is she officially studying at Oxford? It's a shame she had to leave Brown, although Oxford is just as good. If not better, haha.
  14. Finished 3 online quizzes for one of my university courses. Trying to get ahead of the game, so I'm pretty proud of myself!
  15. Wow, these 2 are especially stunning. It's a shame Marie Claire didn't use these for their spread.
  16. I'm really looking forward for this film, especially to see how well Emma will do with the American accent. Question for fellow Brits: is imitating an 'American' accent difficult? I know there's several accents here (east coast, west coast, southern, etc), but actors (eg. Hugh Laurie from House) make it seem so easy to imitate.
  17. Wow, this is a much better cover! Haha, I thought Elle was going to use the one with the pink feathers overtaking the whole page. The photoshoot looks interesting, very playful, I look forward to seeing more picture.
  18. Hey I remember you! Welcome back to the forums, Bax. =]
  19. Okay, I say this forum deserves an award for having such good-looking members. =D I haven't posted here in a while, but here's one of the pictures my brother took of me. He's a photographer and he liked the braids my friend did for me. He also asked me to look 'sentimental' which I completely failed.
  20. Absolutely love the first one, very romantic!
  21. First one I've seen, but the rest are flawless. :]
  22. She looks gorgeous! And the guy looks familiar like an actor from a tv show. Can't put my finger on it, though.
  23. She really does look different, but in an older sort of way. I'm looking forward for this film--not to get off topic, but Michelle Williams looks almost identical to the real Monroe!
  24. Helloooo, handsome! =D I like the hoodie, and you look adorable as always. My penguin looking all adorable! Jade, you look great and love the nail polish color too. :] You still look good regardless of the hair, girl. ;}
  25. Listening to Butterfly Boucher's "I Can't Make Me" song while finishing my research paper.
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