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Lady Deadpool

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Everything posted by Lady Deadpool

  1. We've always known that Eurovision is about politics and not about talent, but at least Greece has only Cyprus as a support, not like 20 countries, like the Soviet clique or the Northern countries have. That's why they always win, not because they're talented. As for Denmark it was not worhty of 1st place. It was a nice song, but definitely not #1 place material, IMO.
  2. Loving the outfit! Classy jacket and pretty skirt. Now that her hair's longer it's up again Oh Emma, Emma, Emma. Suits her though, can't complain.
  3. Yes I thought you were referring to GoT as a whole, including the books as well, since you mentioned the plot issue. But yeah the TV show of course would have some problems. It would be difficult as well as boring and confusing to maintain a straight narrative; especially for the ones who are not already familiar with the books and the characters and the different sceneries. So yeah the TV show could not be considered a masterpiece but then again one will call something 'something' in comparison with other 'somethings' of their kind. I don't know what would be considered as a masterpiece tbh,
  4. Awhh wolfy is one of us adults now :') Happy late birthday sweets! I hope you had a blast I wish you the best!
  5. Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous human being! I love how her hair is always so shiny and super healthy!
  6. Drinking coffee, browsing around the forums and having something to eat before I go to work.
  7. Mm I don't think I can agree to that. First time I read the 1st book I admit I didn't like it, mostly because I don't like Martin's writing style. Too many details, too large sentences, which make the writing confusing and tiring. The narrative is messy in a way, but only because there isn't one protagonist, one key House that everything revolves around it. There are many, way too many, key characters, too many background stories etc which makes it super awesome! And that's why the plot is everything but weak! Now as far as the series are concerned they can't put everything into it, it's impos
  8. Lady Deadpool


    Did anybody watch the movie? Did you like it?
  9. Oh God I can't even choose, there's no "favourite" when it comes to music, especially OSTs. I'd have to say that Ben Hur's ost is beyond divine and will always hold a special place in my heart. And of course the Star Wars ost. Alexander the Great as well, and pretty much anything by Hans Zimmer. Also the Disney Classics especially Lion King and Pocahontas. Amazing scores.
  10. So am I the only one who's a tad disappointed with this game? I only started playing it today, but it has nothing to do with the old fashioned TR style. I know I'm being sentimental but I am a huge TR lover and it's just Idk how to phrase it, it seems like an amazing game, but not a TR game. Some would say that the gaming style has changed in general and that the old TR formula just wouldn't work but it seems to me that they could totally incorporate old-style TR puzzles with the new combat engine, they just chose not to, which I personally don't like. Not really keen to keep on playing.
  11. Yaaay! Who's a good boooooy, Widu's a good boooooy.
  12. haha same here! Idk why, maybe because your voice sounds different in your ears when you talk, rather than what others hear/when you hear it recorded if that makes any sense? Waiting for my parents to come back so I can help them unload some stuff and watching YT videos.
  13. I don't have to get used to anything, I'm 23. And I know I don't look like in my 30s irl, so I just wanted to know if I come off like this in pictures or it was just these specific ones. But I get the bitterness of your comment, you just want to feel younger again. It's okay. Perfection!
  14. haha glad to hear Thank youuu! haha yay! Thanks love! Ikr? It protects me from the demons at night
  15. Just finished watching Superman II and now the guys are gone I made some chamomile and just watching youtube vids.
  16. Somewhat dark, I knowww, but I grew my brows and I feel accomplished Do I actually look like I'm in my 30s? A person on fb just said this and it strikes me as odd because in real life people always tell me I look younger than my age, so maybe it's the camera? I don't know.
  17. 'There is no present or future. Just the past. Happening over and over again.' 'I really love language. I love it for what it does for us, how it allows us to explain the pain and the glory, the nuances and the delicacies of our existence. And then it allows us to laugh, allows us to show wit. Real wit is shown in language. We need language.'
  18. ^Yay, I didn't know we had a tumblr! Followed! I've actually changed my url for over a year now, haven't updated here : http://30secondstothehorizon.tumblr.com/
  19. Hey Anastasia, I'm Dina! Welcome to the forums and have fun around!
  20. Indeed, but Theon's suffering are not over yet. And yeah Jamie, best swordsman in Westeros and now? That thing is gonna change him a LOT! haha yes I love Tyrion, he's so witty!
  21. Ugh sooo many ships, but hmm the canon ones I can think of right now are: Lizzie/Darcy (P&P) Monica/Chandler all the way (Friends) Aragorn/Arwen (lotr) Hermione/Ron (HP) Leia/Solo (SW) Helena/Damon --It's considered canon for me sorry Stelena fans (TVD) Huge shipper of Tess/Nick (McLeod's daughters) Lorelei/Luke (Gilmore Girls) Carol/Daryl (TWD) Garcia/Derek (Criminal minds) Spencer/Tobby (PLL) Lucy/Kevin (7th Heaven) I won't even start on the anime shipping.
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