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Midnight Toker

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Everything posted by Midnight Toker

  1. I was kinda hoping it would come out by the end of the year but I guess not. I'm excited for it though. There really hasn't been a good console game imo since Skyrim came out. I'm literally just re-playing that waiting for something else worth while to come out. D:
  2. Hello everyone! I'm back after being absent for so long. What's up everyone? And I only told one other person here but my name is Daniel from now on. A few of you have me on FB so I guess you guys know already. lol Getting my name changed legally Jul. 3rd! Then I'm gonna go see Spider-Man damn it!
  3. Oh! Okay, then you should be used to huge spiders! Bash them over the .. head! Yeah! Kill those nasty spiders. XD And yeah, okay, we do have each other added!
  4. Yeah, I also agree with you here. I know for a fact my uncle is one of these people. @_@;; He's admitted it but he keeps doing it. *shrug* I guess there are people like this in all sorts of religions. For some, they feel like they need to go to a Church, Temple, Coven or what have you. Some do it out of habit and for some, they are solitary practitioners of their faith. I do think that in the end, it's whatever works for you and your relationship with your deity (or lack there of lol).
  5. Um, Dan does have a mild case of ADHD and some times I wonder about Rupert. Dan does have dyspraxia (not sure if he is also dyslexic) but he's come out with it so people know that there's nothing to be ashamed of. I think Emma would have done the same thing in the same way that Dan has. For the record, I have ADHD and I'm dyslexic. I've done pretty well for myself so honestly, there's nothing wrong with it. Just gotta learn what helps you.
  6. Not Ron. D: He's the character I most relate to. It would have felt like I was dying because to be honest when she killed off Fred, I felt like my brother had died. I actually took the book and threw it across the room. My mother must have thought I was going insane over feeling so intense over a character in a book. I love all 3 of them and I'm glad she kept them alive. Heroes prosper in the end and all that heroic talk ya know?
  7. You would hate playing Dragon Age then. Especially part 2. Nothing but huge spiders in some parts of the game. What's your PSN? I'm gonna be getting the game this coming week.
  8. Dude, I wanna buy this so bad! Anyone playing it for the PS3??
  9. I wanted to quote this because it's true. I have ADHD and I was also top of my class and I did well in school. However, does Emma have it? She's never spoken about it. I don't think she has it but it's hard to diagnose someone from a far. For now, it's just a rumor. And Dax is right. Meds for ADHD is .. not the best thing. There are a lot of non-med things. And yes, I'm gonna say it, weed is one of those options. A few hits (not to make you stoned) calm me down and allow me to concentrate.
  10. I think it's interesting that even thought you don't believe in a deity, you believe in "angels". I don't think they are messengers either. They protect us from the demonic (and I use the term not really in the Catholic sense). When I say angelic and demonic, what I mean is positive energies and negative ones. People are good or bad in life and I don't see how that changes in death.
  11. You may say they aren't true, but to them, they are doing the work of God. Sadly, that is what we have in the word. It's not just them, there are Muslims who do the same thing. People will always find a shield from which to spew their hatred and judgement from. Trust me. And being gay is not a sin... it's natural. Watching porn is not something to be ashamed of. It's all something natural that we want. Sex is natural. Nudity is natural. We should embrace what the Earth Goddess gave us, not be ashamed of it. However, I'm going to just say.. agree to disagree because I am not going to change
  12. Church to some people is like a ritual to me. It's something you do to, I dunno, I guess cleanse yourself. It's healthy I think. It gets away all of those negative feelings and emotions you have stuck to you. And on a spiritual level keeps you protected. That is just my belief anyway. I hate when people get judged over going to church. You aren't hurting anyone. The only problem I have is when hatred and hurt feelings happen because then something positive becomes something negative. As long as that doesn't happen and you feel safe, then go for it. Let people talk their crap.
  13. I haven't seen these. My gf owns the same shorts. I swear these 2 would get along swimmingly and just go shopping together lol.
  14. I get you. It's the same thing when I see some Wicca (witch) stereotype on the television or in a movie. I just thought it was funny that you mentioned him. XD
  15. Saying you "disagree" with it is just as bad as saying you hate them. What would happen if your child was gay? And this is just out of curiosity. Yes, elephants have been known to be logical. You do know they plan attacks on humans who torture them? They plan out strategics and so forth. You should read up on elephants. Dolphins have language. Birds communicate. Birds even have a grammar system. They even have their own code of ethics. If that's not rationalization then I don't know what is. You think animals don't have souls? P_p Meh, as Lady Gaga said best: “Well, that's your o
  16. 1. PhotoPhantom 2. Andrew 3. DeltaFoxtrotLima 4. 130671 5. Provehito In Altum 6. Xx:David.xX 7. mischief.managed 8. sirbenedictvs 9. Flying Kiwi 10. Wunderbar
  17. Good! If I get mine done, I'll post up photos too. I think I can't sleep cause I'm excited.. haha! Thanks! :3 I usually get this and not "Why Sam, how devilishly handsome you are!" hahaha! But yeah, I can live with that. Ruin? Never! It's making you more.. I dunno, artsy? No, that's not it. It's just the thought of having art on you as a showcase. I love sleeves. Gonna get mine and be awesome. It's about having the art. But yeah, whatever you want to do. It is your body right? But you would look rad with sleeves... /peerpressure heh heh
  18. Ozzy Osbourne The Bouncing Souls Lagwagon Lacuna Coil Kittie Hatebreed Pantera Lady Gaga NoFx Rancid Linikin Park Staind Sevendust Death by Stereo Dreaming in Stereo Sated Jeez, I know there's more but right now my brain is exploding trying to remember. I'm such an old foggie.
  19. Listening to music.. Wondering if I should get on WoW to stalk my fiance..
  20. Yeah, I really hate the "all Wiccans are female" one. Male witches are called Warlocks. We wear different cloaks than the females. We do write books, people just tend to remember the books by females. There is one husband and wife team, Janet and Stewart Farrer and it's called A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook. There is another book called A Wiccan Bible: Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland which was written by a man. He also wrote Wicca For Men: A Handbook for Male Pagans Seeking a Spiritual Path. That's a book I need to get. I've been broke lately tho
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