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Everything posted by ling

  1. I know you did, I was just saying it wouldn't be unwelcome.
  2. It is very nice of her. I feel so heartbroken for these poor children who must be ill enough to warrant a visit though. Emma is very kind to visit them, but they're the real stars. <3
  3. There are plenty of female-driven stories with multiple female casts that aren't lesbian dramas. Although I wouldn't be opposed to that given the fact that there are so few lesbian dramas. I'm sure Emma could play a lesbian as well as she could play a straight person; it's not like lesbians aren't humans or love the people they love any differently than hetero or bisexual women. In any case, I don't think she's doing too much and that is distracting her from acting. I think she needs to try a lot of different things in order to EDUCATE her acting. She's grown up in a position of privilege,
  4. Well, if you think she's not getting offered roles by people whose job it is to see talent, then you must not think very highly of her talent. On the other hand, I think it's entirely possible that studios don't think she can carry a film on her own. She never has. She might not be confident enough in her ability to do so. Pushing her to do a big role in a big film before she is ready, only to have her fail, is a lot worse than taking smaller roles to experiment with acting. Most people don't get thrust into their career at age 9, they try different things and move up gradually. You have s
  5. Well, if you think she is untalented and nobody is offering her roles, then she'll NEVER be this big amazing actress you want her to be ANYWAY, so why fret about it?
  6. I think she could go do WHATEVER and still have amazing Hollywood connections. If she doesn't want to do serious films now, then she won't. If she does want to one day... then, yeah, I think there are a lot of people who would want to work with her. Maybe she doesn't WANT to be a dramatic leading lady. Maybe she enjoys the idea of being more of a character actress. I know I would.
  7. Must suck for your "last chance" to be at age 23. You're twice that age, right? And as far as I can tell, you've made much less of an impact on the world than Emma has. You must be in quite low spirits. I feel bad for you now that you are so far past your own expiry date. :<
  8. Yeah, the skull has a snake coming out of its mouth, so it's definitely a take on the Dark Mark.
  9. I'm perpetually reading Allegiant by Veronica Roth. I can't seem to get through it (even though I loved the other 2), but I am not ready to move on to something else.
  10. I read it a loooong time ago. It was okay. I liked it but I haven't re-read it (and I am a chronic re-reader of stuff I love), and it didn't really stick with me.
  11. I'm headed to Paris on the 27th until the 29th for a bit of a holiday getaway with my cousin who is visiting me in England.
  12. Sitting in the dark because I bought the wrong lightbulb.
  13. Trying to become motivated to run Sunday errands. (Haha I said that last time. This must be where I come to avoid errands. But I spent all day yesterday in London; getting lost in Camden, shopping on Oxford and Regent Street, seeing a show on the West End, and now I must get all my parcels ready to mail out and I want to be lazy.)
  14. My Austrian friends don't say that. But they are in their 20s.
  15. I've read all the books, have seen the Hunger Games film a few times, and I saw Catching Fire on Thursday. I liked Catching Fire even more than I liked the first one which was a pleasant surprise. I'd like to see it again very soon!
  16. Ahdsjkfkdsfkdsklfdsjfkldslfsdlfdsf. ... That is the only thought I've had so far. No, but seriously, I LOVED it. I probably spent the majority of the time either screaming at my screen or sobbing. All the Doctors and having Ten back for a bit... yeah. I really enjoyed it. I mean, the plot itself was a bit strange but it could have been a lot worse. Overall I found it to be thoroughly enjoyable.
  17. Trying to become motivated to run Sunday errands.
  18. My DSLR and point and shoot are both Canon. I'm not in love with them or opposed to any other brand, it's just kind of the way things worked out. As it stands my most often used camera is the one on my iPhone, in any case.
  19. I saw Catching Fire on Thursday and I really enjoyed it. I hadn't seen much leading up to it; i.e. I didn't watch trailers or scenes or anything. And sequels can obviously be very hit-and-miss, and so often they fall into the miss category. So, I didn't really go in with any preconceived expectations, but I found that I liked it a lot more than the first one in many ways. Jennifer Lawrence was phenomenal, and I've been a huge fan of Jena Malone for about 15 years now.
  20. Yeah, again, she probably was speaking comparatively. She also probably didn't expect people to hold her to owning exactly 8 pairs of shoes every day for the rest of her life, because she probably doesn't think people care about that kind of thing, since caring about that kind of thing is a total waste of time and energy and anybody who would care about that kind of thing is probably a rather uncompelling person who is not worth her time, because surely anyone fascinating enough to be worth knowing would have much better things on their mind than how many shoes somebody owns. People say a l
  21. "Exitment"... "destroyment"... neither of these are even words. It's hard enough to decipher the nonsense without you creating your own crazy language. It would not kill you to use a dictionary as you are already on the Internet. Good lord. Plus you seem to know an awful lot about stalkers. Although, no, I wouldn't base analysis of stalkers on the portrayal on television shows... those are for entertainment and are often exaggerated to create drama, or manipulated to hit plot points. And the whole conversation has nothing to do with anything because the information shared in the thread i
  22. On topic: I like those shoes. Sadly Emma's feet are half a size bigger than mine.
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