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Everything posted by Dax

  1. Dax


    -sigh-, I still love you Boston.
  2. Dax


    Good-bye Lakers, the way they are playing and history are against them.
  3. Ok guys seriously? Most of you are 20+ and you want to have a petty argument about something like this, come on now. Lets all stop playing off stereotypes shan't we? Sure America pushed back the native Americans, but you want to know what actually killed the majority of them? Disease, it's called a Virgin Soil Epidemic, and it wasn't caused by Americans it was caused by early European settlers. The rest was resettling and pushing back of the native Americans sure, but it wasn't a genocide. The closest thing to that is the Trail of Tears march, which was absolutely horrible and sad, but not
  4. NOOOOOO WAY!!! I've got to be on the left side of an escalator !!! Want to be escalator buddies =D?
  5. This is off topic as well but I'll add on. lol is there really any humane way of taking life? Taking life is taking life, whether a creature is good bad happy sad, doesn't really matter in the end. The only arguably real "humane" way of killing a person would be through lethal injection, and even research and studies these days suggests that people actually still feel pain before they die, even while knocked out. I suppose in the end let me leave you all with this question. If you are going to kill someone in the end does it really even matter how humane you are in killing them? They are
  6. Sir, I feel the need to state that you are indeed PURPLE!
  7. Not a bad start however I'm starting to see more and more the brilliance of Russell T. Davies writing over Steven Moffat's. I feel as if Davies first 4 seasons were a lot more well written and tied in way better overall, where as Moffat leaves a lot of things open ended and takes awhile to tie them in, which I don't really care for. As Hermione stated the first episode was a bit confusing (not beyond understanding) but I just feel like it could have been done better. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a Whovian and I think the 6th season is off to a generally good start, but it's leaving me with
  8. (gets blinded by the mashed up banana). It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt huh...Incidentally I am going to sue now, and that is why we don't have food fights anymore T_T. (virtually explodes a hot potato that hits everyone in the thread).
  9. (Dax's random post of the week): [looks up] o_O....
  10. Dax

    Favorite Books

    This is why I don't like people reading this book at a younger age. I totally agree when I first read this back in 8th grade I found it profoundly boring as well. However when you get older and as your tools of analyzation get sharpened you realize there's a lot more to this story then you originally thought. Not my favorite book but it isn't too shabby either. As for me, a favorite? Ha! Each piece of literature has something unique about it, a message, a form, even it's personality. I can no sooner claim a favorite book than I can a favorite body part, for they all work together and make me
  11. The old moderating team separated from that forum around October to make this forum. Many of the that forum's members came over here, however that was their choice. The other forum, emmawatson.net, was being maintained solely by the sites owner Susan. Why she closed it down is anyone's guess, however as a new moderating team was never appointed and as that forum seemed to be filled with spam over the last few months I can only venture a guess that she decided it finally wasn't worth while to keep around.
  12. The forums you are thinking of no longer exist. By the looks of it the separate forums that did exist on emmawatson.net have been deleted. Your previous username and password don't work because this is a different forum.
  13. Y'know, sometimes I can handle endings where there's no clear end and when things are just left up in the air (take Inception for instance) but sometimes there are stories where it just annoys the hell out of me when they do that @_@.
  14. (looks up, sees all the light pollution) Tough break man.
  15. You failed x∞ AND 1 :@ haha I always hate when people do that .
  17. (ignores you more) Hi everyone , except kim
  18. I've never met you in real life so anythings possible .
  19. Serious comment about your icon. If you say you aren't afraid doesn't that somewhat indicate you are afraid? I mean why would you say it unless you weren't totally certain? The fact you need to reinforce the notion that you aren't afraid makes me think you are afraid kim O.O. Watcha afraid of ?
  20. Naw it's advanced Coldplay, you should check it out.
  21. Gosh Erik what are you now, 100? 200? I've lost count after so long . Happy belated birthday ^.^.
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