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Status Updates posted by 130671

  1. Happy new year in case we don't see each other before its here... :)

  2. I hope Emmy is doing well with all the time-out she is taking...

    1. Tomâ„¢


      lol yeah no idea where she is

  3. I'm kind of selfish so I only see her. More or less.

  4. hey tom you heard anything from emmy?

    1. Tomâ„¢


      Nope, was thinking the same thing last night. I don't know where she is

  5. Aw i missed you by minutes... :(

    1. 130671


      :( Then I must change sth about that
    2. Emmy Wemmy

      Emmy Wemmy

      Well idk but 10 is late and sometimes I'm not ready to come here at 9 so it's complicated

    3. 130671


      I should just look more often. I don't want to leave you all alone. *hug*

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  6. Happy Birthday to you.

  7. Happy bday to you, Rashmee ! :) Time flies and it crawls at the same time....

  8. How is my favourite young french(excluding emmy) ex-model (not-so)single mum and her family ? :)

    1. Nina


      lol everyone is pretty good thank you :) what about you ?

    2. 130671
  9. Yo slacker whazzup? Found a job yet? :)

    1. Tomâ„¢


      lol, kinda, had an interview but gotta do something else on thursday so we shall see

  10. Chat seems to be down for me tonight o_O

    1. 130671


      *hug* I hope you are allright and thx for mailing nina :D

    2. Emmy Wemmy

      Emmy Wemmy

      No problem it's just too bad that chat doesn't work for once she was here it's bad luck pfff :( hugs good night :)

    3. 130671


      Yeah life is not fair

      *kiss* goodnight emma :P

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  11. Sorry if I did sth wrong?....

  12. Happy bday Karen ! :)

  13. You have been gone for a long time now....still I want to wish you a happy 21st birthday, no matter when you read this :) ! I hope you have been doing well in the meantime.....and I hope for some news sometime !

  14. LMAO I watched the parade today and they said aerial displays had been cut down by 12 %......I guess someone in the ministry of defense got it wrong, cuz when the planes came to paint the tricolore into the sky, there were only two ! :D The colour white wasn't used this year ! XD

  15. Wow hello Ingrid....how have you been?

  16. Will you be here more often in the coming weeks?

    1. Nina


      I will try so yes probably

  17. Congrats and I hope you calm down a little and treat girls a bit more...nicely....

    1. Marcuskac


      thankyou broazh

  18. Damn I should have come on earlier

  19. Eeemmmmyyyyy!

  20. Hey good to see you back again here! I hope you have been doing well. :)

  21. Hey Jia how are things going for you? :)

    1. ✿�ỉά✿


      Hey, its pretty good actually.. I got a job in a university! Its my 2nd day on job today :)

    2. 130671


      Ah well earning money is always a good thing. :P In this materialist universe....

  22. Well it starts tomorrow so good luck&hugs&kisses to you Emma...

    1. Emmy Wemmy

      Emmy Wemmy

      Thank you xxxx

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