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Emma to be in a Beauty and the Best adaptation?

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I know!! I was sad to hear it wont be for awhile but hey at least it will be in the next few years! In the meantime, I hope we get to see Emma in something else prior to BB (besides Perks and Marilyn).

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Hopefully they don't wait too long to make it, because it increases the chances of the project not happening(as seen with Napoleon and Betsy, another film that Emma was attached to for a long time but it didn't work out in the end).

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The way I've understood it this hasn't been confirmed. It says so on the website (emma-watson.net) But I hope she will do it and I hope it happens. Emma would be fantastic for the role and it would be an awesome collaboration!


If I were Emma I would be truly honoured and thrilled that someone like del Toro would wanna work with "me". LOl xD

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An update: Emma and Guillermo del Toro have met to talk about it




How’s the tone of the Beauty and the Beast project coming?

Well, I met with Emma Watson about it because I’m very interested in doing the movie with her. She’s just perfect for the film, and we talked about the classic iteration of the tale. I love the sort of darker, beautiful, hopelessly romantic but Gothic take on the tale. We discussed this.

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  • 9 months later...

Todays question has to do with Beauty and the Beast, but still no real information!!


Hi everyone,


Thanks for all of the questions you have submitted for Emma so far! Today we begin with question 1:


What’s happening with Beauty and the Beast?

Emma: Guillermo del Toro, the director, has just finished editing his last film and is working on the script and pre-production for Beauty and the Beast.


Another question coming up later!


But, is she involved or not??????????????? That is hardly an answer!! Anyone else frustrated by this????

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Keep calm my friend :) I think if she was not attached to it she would have said so. Or maybe she is not allowed to say for sure or maybe doesnt know her own schedule yet and doesnt want to make that commitment to sayin so? We will find out more soon I am sure! :)

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  • 7 months later...

Well, I agree. She is still a "beauty", but when she was 17, she was a real, natural beauty. And I agree when it comes to movie-roles. I really hope to see her in a grown-up part soon, the "girli-age" is over and she should change her image.




OMG, you are right. They are already on the stairs......



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Yes, I think ~15 - 17 were the ages where she looked the most beautiful (again, in the conventional sense). As she gets older she may retain her youthful looks and that might make her look very appealing when she's 30, 40, 50 but it's not such an easily accessible kind of beauty.

Of course, if she gets/ takes this role I'd still watch it (none of her movies except HP made it to the cinemas here) or buy the DVD. But that's a fan thing.

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Yes, I think ~15 - 17 were the ages where she looked the most beautiful (again, in the conventional sense). As she gets older she may retain her youthful looks and that might make her look very appealing when she's 30, 40, 50 but it's not such an easily accessible kind of beauty.

Of course, if she gets/ takes this role I'd still watch it (none of her movies except HP made it to the cinemas here) or buy the DVD. But that's a fan thing.


I was just looking out of my door..... ouch!


Edited by Jonny Claus jr.
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  • 1 month later...

Disney is moving forward on a Beauty and the Beast reboot as well.




Since Del Toro has an FX pilot on his schedule next, and Crimson Peak goes into pre-production at the end of the year, I think he's either going to push back production to next year, or completely cancel the project.


I don't think he'll want to compete with Disney on this one.

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The writer they're in talks with doesn't write kids movies.


His first feature is coming out this year:




It may not be the same style, but Disney is definitely going to market this like Oz and Alice in Wonderland.


If he tries to release the same retelling in the same year, he will have to fight the marketing might of a Disney blockbuster.

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I'm not yet seeing Disney put out a fairytale adaptation that is big on nightmarish elements, moral ambiguity and up-in-the-air metaphors. But we'll see, or rather read (because I don't think I'd watch it unless the described miracle happens).

Would be kind of cool to have two movies people would get pestered to take their children to but none of which is kids friendly in the classical sense :smug:

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