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Emma Watson to star in 'A Voice In My Head'

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maybe, i'll be happy like hell but i hope She's aiming higher. Besides i don't want to wait whole year or longer for another movie. I`am naive but i still belive in YVIMH

Edited by Fenris
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I think school will be a priority right now so yeah no projects for awhile sadly but good on her for taking her last year of school :)

Maybe Voices someday will happen! In the meantime, just looking forward to the future and Emma roles :)

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Ouch. Looks like the whole project is dead.


Are you still going to direct Your Voice in My Head?


GREGORINI:  That movie is not actually happening.  It’s all new to me because I haven’t been in the director-for-hire position before.  It’s all a new experience.  But apparently, it happens all the time, so I best get used to it.




I asked Emma Forrest about what Gregorini said. "She means it's not happening with her." was her reply, so sounds like it's still on, just not with Gregorini, and unfortunately apparently not Emma. "Same producer, financier, different director and actress."

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What did I say in another thread some hours ago?


This project is dying a second time.


Stalking, obsession...

Not good stories for me, they give me nightmares, I don't know if I would watch the movie just for Emma's sake... =(

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 I asked Emma Forrest about what Gregorini said. "She means it's not happening with her." was her reply, so sounds like it's still on, just not with Gregorini, and unfortunately apparently not Emma. "Same producer, financier, different director and actress."

Apparently Emma left because the project was taking too long(which is true. She had already left the project once before and later returned. Not to mention Emma probably wants to finish up her schooling to get her degree and has Noah promotion coming up.


It's too bad though. Emma seemed to really want to be a part of this film and would have been amazing in it.


But who knows? Maybe it'll still be in pre-production for months and she'll come back to it again :P

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Apparently Emma left because the project was taking too long(which is true. She had already left the project once before and later returned. Not to mention Emma probably wants to finish up her schooling to get her degree and has Noah promotion coming up.



Yes, that's what Emma Forrest said about it.

@emmawatsonnet Yes, she would have been great and it was a shame she left but I understand it was just taking too long.

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A miracle has to happen in order for Emma to be on board again.

Nah, it just has to keep being delayed until Emma's schedule is freed up again, which at this rate is highly possible. :P

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