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The Midnight Q

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Status Updates posted by The Midnight Q

  1. Go in... NAO!!!,,,b ut ithink it's justme

  2. Ha yeah dude I'm here in the far east...sorta. been here for a week so far, and I'm loving it. Brings back lots of memories... not to mention drinking with my cousins ha. sup with you

  3. haha not a chance dude, as is always in epee I'm always going against some dude who is a good foot taller than I am. There's only so much I can do. But at least I know my stuff and able to teach it to the younger groups. But yeah my knee prob wasn't from fencing either; it actually kept me from going into the military too.

  4. Haha okay so last night, I logged onto chat here and just passed out. Next thing I knew, I woke on the couch at 5am.

  5. Haha Thenk ye! Oh I definitely will since I'm not fasting anymore :D

    In case I forget have fun in Israel!

  6. HAHA! You're really serious? And is it because he looks a lot like President Halonen? When he was going through all this the past few years I thought he was just BSing. Then he went on that trip to Helsinki... ha!

  7. He may very well do so, starting with your comments page.

  8. Heeey, been here for a week so far and I'm loving it. Been busy but quite enjoyed my time here. How are yous, Kimmeh?

  9. Hey quick question for you, seeing that you're from Finland. Is Conan O'Brien really that popular there?

  10. Hey thank you very much, Carlyn!

  11. Hey thanks for your concern. Yeah it got pretty bad at one point but we're all doing alright now. Where have you been girl!

  12. Hey! I didn't say you can't.... you can... sometimes :P

  13. Hey! You stole my display picture!

  14. Hmm beats me heh

    I thought it was time for a change... at least for a bit.

    My photo with that naked cartoon guy is a bit in Family Guy where Quagmire had a TV show on PTV called "The Midnight Q"

  15. hmm... honestly I totally forgot.

  16. How are you able to change your display name at will?

  17. How dare you! That movie was accurate!!

  18. How've you been girl? It's been forever!

  19. I sure hope it won't feel so long... (*giggle*)

    Gone just about halfway through HBP so far and liking it. And yes and no...

  20. I'll hold you up to it.

  21. I'm doing well sort-of, just been crazy busy lately. How 'bout yourself darlin'?

  22. I'm increasing your friends list by 1. =D

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