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Everything posted by Karen

  1. That's actually really creepy, and I think a lot of people forget that evil exists EVERYWHERE, whether it be in the form of a demon, or spirit, or just an evil person. It's really interesting to see how the thought of exorcism isn't always about the devil or satan's demons, so to speak, it can occur in all cultures and religions. Hmm well, from what I've read, demons choose people who are weaker inside, like addicts or something like that, and maybe people who have weaker faith, too. I'm not really sure how that works in all honesty, but I would like to find out. Looking it up gives me t
  2. Hhahaha chris, thank you for your legitimate answer In all honesty, I don't think the whole head thing happens. xD
  3. So I decided to start this topic because it has always been of interest to me and it has always received a lot of controversy. The Catholic Church, from what I have read, is usually the Church that does exorcisms, and they specially train priests to do them. Exorcisms exist in many other cultures, especially in religions in Africa, Asia, etc, and there are many different methods to perform an exorcism. I have read some really creepy stories about them The definition of an exorcism is: Exorcism (from Late Latin exorcismus, from Greek á¼Î¾Î¿Ïκισμός, exorkismos - binding by oath) is the r
  4. I think that's really interesting actually! In 5th grade we learned about periods and stuff like that, mostly the human body. Sex ed didn't come until later but I think it's important to know how the body works first!
  5. Yeah, in my school we started learning about puberty in grade 5 (10/11 years old) and then once we got to middle school, grades 6-8 we learned the basics of human anatomy in bio, science, stuff like that. I can't remember if we had "health" class. We probably did but it was so long ago, I forget. Then once we went to high school, we started health classes and stuff. In my junior/senior year we got a new health teacher and technically our program was supposed to be abstinence only but she broke the rules and we did stuff like 'the condom game', where we had to put the steps of putting a condom
  6. I meant to reply to this ages ago, but I've been so busy so I only had the chance now! I LOVE what you posted about visualization. It is so true! If we can think it, then we can it it. A lot of people use this in terms of motivational tactics and reaching goals, and it is also prevent in terms of meditation: many people use visualization to calm down and release stress. It is such a helpful technique, but it takes a little bit of concentration to master. In the end, though, it is worth it. In terms of prayer, I'm not quite sure what to think. If someone is praying for another person, I don't
  7. This is a really interesting point, and the debate is definitely strong over Catholicism moving towards the 21st century. Personally, I feel this is something that people either love or hate about Catholicism, and most religions for that matter - they either like the antiquity of it, or feel that the religion should move towards modern times. It is true that a lot of people listen to the religious leaders in terms of contraception and so I believe that religious leaders can use this to their advantage and help influence people about AIDS and the importance of using protection. Unfortunately, I
  8. This is such a great thought, and sad to say, I didn't even think about this point of view! You are right that the point was probably to have many kids because the mortality rate was so high. Also, I think maybe it is something to do with "we are all made in God's image", or something along that mentality, but honestly, I'm not sure. I also think ancient contraception/abortion methods (like herbs and stuff) are really interesting. The women back then had resource, more than we even think. With my own personal experience, I saw the hardcore Catholic thing within my own family. Well, heard ab
  9. I completely agree that ask and you shall receive. Too bad it takes FOREVER for some things I also agree that God is probably the name for a being that doesn't have one. That is a huge part of my belief - that God is many things, and we shouldn't fight over Him because He is the same thing - we just call him different names - God, Allah, Yahweh, G-D, etc. I'm glad that you had a wake up call and are now finding new beauty in things; new perspective. That is so important, and it's also important to take good things out of bad situations.
  10. This could all blow up, haha. Many people have VERY strong opinions about contraception and birth control, especially in a religious context. I know that Catholicism is a very strong proponent of anti-birth control. Personally, I think that being on birth control depends on the person. Obviously not all girls are going to be on a contraceptive whether they are having sex or not. However, it is also very naive of the Catholic Church to assume that abstinence education works, because it has actually been proven that is hasn't. Being educated about sexual health and the effects of having sex (n
  11. Hahahahaha. Will, you aren't truly Domincan I really really want to try Pasteles. I don't know if they have the same name in Spanish, but my friend from brasil calls them that. Another thought: Consider the health factor of Spanish/Caribbean food. We're learning all about this stuff in my medical spanish class, such as the risk of diabetes, heart attacks, etc, because of the food. Thoughts?
  12. I'm sure God is glad to hear from you, Kim Personally, I don't believe prayer needs to be something formal - it could just be talking to a friend. I will pray that you make good decisions regarding your future and that you find which path is good for you and follow it without fear! I used to be doubtful if I was praying the *right* way. I started praying constantly when I was 12 years old, and my friend showed me how. Now, I pray every night before I go to bed. My prayer style has changed recently, where I was much more awkward before and I was just requesting stuff, and now I'm thanking
  13. I am gratefullll that I'm learning how to take care of my body, slowly!
  14. Yeah, there's really nothing you can do except wait for them to pass. That's the sucky thing about them. I have a friend who had them for like six weeks or something crazy like that and she couldnt do anything for them except ice them.
  15. Tangled. And now, One Night with the King.
  16. I am grateful that I have the chance to get an education!
  17. That's an interesting thought. I really don't what I think will happen in 2012. If something DOES happen, I don't think it will be noticeable, end of the world effect or anything. Honestly, I think the world will just keep plugging on.
  18. you both are welcome! I hope everyone takes something away from this
  19. So, a huuuuuuge pet peeve of mine is when people are ungrateful and bitter in their lives because they don't appreciate what they have. It is SO important to take a step back and look at things and be grateful and to count your blessings! I would like for all of us to post things that we are grateful for, and/or things we are blessed for. They could be the same thing, it just depends on the term you want to use. I would like to use this format: I am blessed (or, "I am grateful.") I am blessed/grateful because.... and if someone above can't think of something and you might know something,
  20. I also talk to myself a LOT. and I also sniff books before I read them I just love the smell. I always put my right sock on first, then the left. same goes for shoes. xD I can't think of much more, I'm pretty bad at this stuff. I'll add to it when I catch myself doing it lol
  21. My newsfeed on facebook has EXPLODED, haha. But honestly, I expected that he was dead a long time ago, this didn't come as much of a surprise to me. Yes, it's a great moment in our history, but I can't help but be skeptical that this will really boost obama's ratings right in time for the 2012 election. That being said, I like obama and I'm glad that this happened under his term. But it just seems a *little* too convenient for me. I just expected it a while ago *shrug*
  22. frozen chickens, will? REALLY? THAT HURT. AND WHERE ARE YOUR MANGOES??????? I have never been in a food fight before kinda want to, kinda dont... *THROWS TOMATOES* *ducks under desk*
  23. It's true sarah. Struggles won't just go away even if we want them to. The important thing to realise is that God will always be with you. Remember: Don't tell your God how big your problem is, tell your problem how big your GOD is
  24. lol jeremy, that's exactly what I think, too. I think we are getting too freaked out. Sammy, I agree with you - we need to start treating the earth better because the end of the world WILL come sooner - we'll run out of the natural resources we need. That, to me, is so much more important and scary than the apocalypse. Especially because we can see the destruction happening. With the apocalypse, it'll at least be somewhat of a surprise. It just frustrates me with the lack of respect the earth is getting, because this IS the only home we have. :/
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