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Midnight Toker

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Everything posted by Midnight Toker

  1. Yay ^o^ We are friends now. Sweet. No problem! I used to have a Spanish site that was some what like this but this site is a bit more organized. How is the Swedish site like? It scared me at first but once you start looking through other people's lists it was like "oh man! I read that! and I read that! Oooo! And this, and that!" At least that happened to me. ; Kill joy! Now I'm sad in my pants. T_T
  2. haha, I'm glad that made you smile *thumbs up* Thank you, thank you! It was ... interesting to say the least to finally get the cork off the bottle but ya know, the pressure is off. I'm really so much more happy now. It's going to be a long road and a high mountain but I know I can do it. I just need patience and a butt ton of money. Yay! But I see you re-married. Was I gone that long? Or is it the fact that now I have no legs from the war? *eyes you carefully* I'm very happy. I'm finally being myself.
  3. Why would anyone trip someone so adorable?
  4. Sweet deal! They are having a bit of a hard time thanks to the market and well, this is Miami.. not one of the best places to get into the film business. I guess we do have a lot of Latino film projects here. *shrugs* They tell me that freelance is important unless you move out to California, NYC, Toronto or Dallas (for animation). I've learned so much from them it's sick, heh. There we go. Do I look different or just more boyish? No problem Sammy.
  5. You're a girl. People look at you and think "omg, that's so cute!" They look at me and think "wow... what an elf.." XD!
  6. Because the Bible was written as a book of morals and stories. Do you really think it was Adam and Eve? If you say yes, then how did they populate the world? They only had Cain and Able. If this is true, then that means Cain or Able had to get Eve pregnant in order to make more children. So right there, there is incest which is against the Bible's moral code. That cannot be taken in a literal sense because it contradicts itself. If you were to take the Bible literally, then you should be taking it as it was written then. Meaning, you would have to do everything that it is telling you. Such
  7. Can I just say that the Bible and other religious texts should not be read literally for they were written to be taken in a metaphorical way. You are supposed to take what you want from the text, learn the moral from the story and walk away a better person for it. Not throw it at someone's face and make them believe as you do. That would be against being good, is it not? This is one of the main reasons why I am pagan wiccan. We have no texts. We have no one really telling us what to do. We follow Mother Nature and allow Her wisdom to guide us. Nature is both chaos and order. She is wild, fre
  8. I'm so lazy! My dad wants to go to the gym with me so we can bond. I'm here like "but can't we bond over dinner?" XD
  9. I am watching Looney Tunes! I should be sleeping though haha. XD!
  10. Sammy: lol@the get to bed at a decent hour one XD Epic wins.
  11. Depends on how long they have to be in there. haha, but if it's for a few seconds, I'll do it. *flex* Would you go against your sexuality and make out with someone you don't like to meet her? XD (If you are bisexual you can't cheat! lol)
  12. Thanks. It's the best thing ever. I'm looking more and more like I want to each day. I just need to exercise more but what can I say? I'm a bit lazy! XD I'm the same person I just have (or rather will have) a different body. My gender has always been there I just never verbalized it. I was so scared. I dunno. I get afraid of what people think. Honestly, this is a whole long story. I mean, if you want to be entertained for a bit, I can PM you details. *shrug*
  13. I like the back of your head What kind of hair cut do you have? I need a change but I dunno what to do with it.
  14. Dude, you gotta just answer the person above you.. not quote a bunch of people. You broke the chain. Now someone else has to answer mine and give a fresh reply.
  15. I've been a fan since 2007 so this hit me hard. She was one of the best blues artists of this century. Her voice just carried so much pain and sorrow. You could hear what she went through and all the soul she put into her work. It's a damn shame. She also died at the same age so many other talented musicians died such as Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison.
  16. Gf just bought herself a black dress. I get the "it's for going to nice places" hint. roflwaffle. XD So yeah, talking to her. Had to stop playing Dead Space 2.
  17. Dark picture is dark.. but I just got this bad boy today. A forest green PS3 controller.
  18. About to play Dead Space 2... then I can get the armor for Dragon Age 2.
  19. I used to be a hardcore atheist. If anyone can remember how I was. Before I was an atheist however, I was a wiccan. I feel like I'm the only Pagan here. I came back to my "religion" last year. Something very spiritual happened to me and I was drawn back in an instant. Since I'm a Pagan (Celtic) Wiccan, I'm a practicing witch. This doesn't mean I cast spells on people to hurt them. I follow the Wiccan rede which states, "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will". Which basically means, do what you think is best for you. Wiccans don't believe in a heaven or a hell. There is no real punishment system
  20. I loved it. I mean it had everyone I loved in it and the humor was prefect. I loved Colin Farrel's character. The cat.. omg, just everything was amazing.
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